ESPN announces Texas declines Pac-10 Invitation

Yeah, Texas says they will stay in the Big 12 as confirmed by Texas. I still am not convinced that the Big 12 can get the money that Dan Beebe is stating.
Now that there is going to be no Texas and company to the Pac 10, I think the Big 10 stays pat at 12. I think the Pac 10 adds one more team ( possibly Utah )to round out at 12 and give them a championship game and the SEC stays pat as well. I felt this was going to happen and I think we have seen all the conference jumping we will see this year. In fact I don't see the Big 10 adding anymore teams as long as there are no other "super conferences" of 16. And I don't think there will be anytime soon.
Now that there is going to be no Texas and company to the Pac 10, I think the Big 10 stays pat at 12. I think the Pac 10 adds one more team ( possibly Utah )to round out at 12 and give them a championship game and the SEC stays pat as well. I felt this was going to happen and I think we have seen all the conference jumping we will see this year. In fact I don't see the Big 10 adding anymore teams as long as there are no other "super conferences" of 16. And I don't think there will be anytime soon.

The only way the Big 10 ever expands again, is if Notre Dame is invovled. Period.
Yeah, Texas says they will stay in the Big 12 as confirmed by Texas. I still am not convinced that the Big 12 can get the money that Dan Beebe is stating.

I don't think the Big 12 will get the money they think either, but I doubt Texas really cares because the majority of the money in the conference generates will be funneled to UT. The real losers are the other universities in the Big 12 whose only option is to watch the rich get richer.
It's a win win situation. The Big 12 appears to be saved, at least for now (assuming A & M stays in the conference). The remaining schools in the conference will benefit by keeping the Big 12 viable with 10 teams.

But the big winner is obviously Texas, the rich getting richer (both in money and power).
I think ESPN has to be the money behind this deal. Fox creating a "Big 12" Network wouldn't hesitate to announce that they are in business here but Beebe's hidden partner still being a secret makes me think it has to be ESPN.
I really hope the next time this all starts swirling around (probably next summer), everyone stops, takes a deep breath, and realizes that their "sources" aren't going to reveal anything of substance off the record, and are instead probably trying to advance their own agenda (i.e. trying to scare the crap out of Notre Dame). The amount of speculation and hype about one freaking school moving to the Big Ten has been ridiculous.

I mean, seriously, Maryland? In the Big Ten? Of all of the stupid ideas that have been reported as "news," that might have been the stupidest. I took a break from this board for awhile after that particular item was floated, and I'm really glad I've done. It's all been sound and fury, signifying nothing. And the next time someone tells me that four 16-team megaconferences are "inevitable" I'm going to punch them in the face.
If texas gets their tv network going soon I really don't think fox will fork out the big money that Beebe is saying. To me this only puts off for a couple years the inevitable.
texas sounds like a professional athlete holding out for the most money regardless if they can win or lose
Texas doesn't care about the money. They don't need it, and they know it. The Big Ten offered more money than the Big 12 or the Pac-10. Texas is more concerned with having control. It's why they're getting their own network, it's why the Big 12 offices moved to Dallas. They're about being above everyone else. Making more money is great, but if they aren't making more than everyone else, they aren't satisfied. They'd go somewhere for 10$ if everyone else could only make 5$. They just want to be superior. Which is EXACTLY why they were never coming to the Big 10.
I really hope the next time this all starts swirling around (probably next summer), everyone stops, takes a deep breath, and realizes that their "sources" aren't going to reveal anything of substance off the record, and are instead probably trying to advance their own agenda (i.e. trying to scare the crap out of Notre Dame). The amount of speculation and hype about one freaking school moving to the Big Ten has been ridiculous.

I mean, seriously, Maryland? In the Big Ten? Of all of the stupid ideas that have been reported as "news," that might have been the stupidest. I took a break from this board for awhile after that particular item was floated, and I'm really glad I've done. It's all been sound and fury, signifying nothing. And the next time someone tells me that four 16-team megaconferences are "inevitable" I'm going to punch them in the face.

Don't forget that some of the reports have been correct. The Colorado rumor started ages ago, and that ended up happening. And Nebraska was also mentioned in the early stages, with that we saw a nice build-up of reports that culminated in an official announcement. Laugh about but give those whose reports were true some credit.
Be prepared fellas...there is bound to be a big rush of Cyclone fans here to brag about how they survived. You would think they would have learned from all of this but with the acceptance of the deal the conference is proves some people never learn. I guess ISU didn't have a choice but Oklahoma did. They look like complete b*****s if they don't go to the pac-10 now. Wow Texas is the true pimp of the South.
Be prepared fellas...there is bound to be a big rush of Cyclone fans here to brag about how they survived. You would think they would have learned from all of this but with the acceptance of the deal the conference is proves some people never learn. I guess ISU didn't have a choice but Oklahoma did. They look like complete b*****s if they don't go to the pac-10 now. Wow Texas is the true pimp of the South.

I wouldn't brag if I were a Cylone fan. Iowa State had little or nothing to do with keeping the conference alive. The ISU was more of a spectator and less of a player in this one.

Seems to me Iowa State's athletic dept, as we know it, survived by the slimmest of margins. If anything, the Cyclone fans should be very thankful it came out this way.
Was the declination for political cover? So the Big X?? is ALIVE. I can't believe Mizzou is happy, but they did get more money, maybe. Are they a candidate to bolt at the first good offer? Then you got those aTm Aggies that want to go to the SEC. Will they take that offer if it is extended? There isn't global happiness down there in the Lone Star State.

I know it is heresy to say it, since ISU has the promise of more money, but I start to cement my relations with the Big East and Conference USA by scheduling some series with teams in those conferences in order to get to know them. I do it as soon as I can even if it means getting out of the scheduled games with Iowa. If it would help them into the Big 10 then it is worth keeping, but the reality is very unlikely.

There are a number of AAU schools in the Big East, Pitt, Rutgers and Syracuse are three I recall. While all have been rumored as Big 10 candidates, realistically not all of them are being invited. Iowa has played Syracuse and Pitt recently so it isn't like they don't know where the state of Iowa is at.

Just my worthless advice, but if ISU didn't learn from this experience they have no one to blame if and when this blows up two or three year from now.
Just like I've said before.....

It's like having your hot wife cheat on you several times only to have her say to you " I'm sorry please take me back and I won't do it again." The Big 12, including ISU is being incredibly naive to think that they will benefit under any circumstances.
Don't forget that some of the reports have been correct. The Colorado rumor started ages ago, and that ended up happening. And Nebraska was also mentioned in the early stages, with that we saw a nice build-up of reports that culminated in an official announcement. Laugh about but give those whose reports were true some credit.

That's a good point, but I think it's fair to distinguish reasonable speculation that makes some degree of sense from complete wishful thinking and totally illogical moves. Everyone could see that the Big XII North teams were pretty unhappy, and it wasn't unreasonable to assume that the Big Ten would be interested in Nebraska and the Pac-10 in Colorado. But what doesn't make sense is the idea that the Big 10 would blow up a 100+ year tradition to absorb schools like Maryland, or that it would want to share its revenue 16 ways, or that Texas would jump for joy to travel to Corvallis and play night games that started at 9:00 in Austin.

I keep hearing, even now, that 16-team megaconferences are inevitable, that it's "just a matter of time," and I keep wondering why. Just saying it's inevitable doesn't make it inevitable. If conferences are going to blow up the money machine that is college football, they have to have a good reason to do so. If they don't, they won't. I think we are seeing that today and we'll continue to see it over the next decade. And if Texas ever willingly decides to join the Big Ten to compete with Ohio State for conference titles and fly their women's volleyball team to State College on a Tuesday night, I'll eat my computer.

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