Nobody's bragging...celebrating, perhaps...but certainly not bragging. Actually quite reserved as compared with the morons that were running around proclaiming ISU was going to the MAC.
Anyway you slice it, ISU walks away with a massive increase in TV revenue (10 million a year or so increase), and a chunk of dough from NU and CU that will add another 2 million to the coffers. And we stay in a BCS conference with all the perks that go with that.
So, no, you won't see much bragging or gloating, but you will see a very happy fan base that knows their school was in a very bad spot...and came out of that situation smelling like roses. We may have had little input into how things went down, but if we had planned couldn't have turned out any better. And the truth is that gloating and rudeness was coming in waves from the Iowa fansites...pretty ironic that you're on here proclaiming that the same might be coming from the ISU sites afterwards. Quite rich indeed.
This result is good for the state of Iowa. Period. More revenue and we continue to have two co-equal BCS programs.