End of Season Conclusions

I'll find the game threads tonight and post the threads where I called for Fran to be fired. You know they exist, as you have already seen them and refuse to post them. I'll do it for you later.
I couldn’t find them, but quite frankly I don’t care if they exist.

What’s your argument here? That we should trust what you might have said in a game thread over what you said in a long thought out post that I referenced above? People say stupid things in game threads all the time. Is your argument that you are the worlds greatest flip flopper who wanted to fire a coach one week but then didn’t two weeks later?
I couldn’t find them, but quite frankly I don’t care if they exist.

What’s your argument here? That we should trust what you might have said in a game thread over what you said in a long thought out post that I referenced above? People say stupid things in game threads all the time. Is your argument that you are the worlds greatest flip flopper who wanted to fire a coach one week but then didn’t two weeks later?
My argument is that I can and do change my mind, depending on the situation/information at hand.
You call it what you want. I don't take it personal. No matter how it was meant. Inflexible people are intellectually challenged.
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My argument is that I can and do change my mind, depending on the situation/information at hand.
You call it what you want. I don't take it personal. No matter how it was meant. Inflexible people are intellectually challenged.
I have no issue with people changing their mind. But for someone to say they wanted to fire the coach after a season and then you see a thread titled “end of seasons conclusions” where he is not calling to fire the coach. Then your argument is that you may have said Fire Fran in a game thread. That’s not being intellectual or flexible, that’s just being plain stubborn, likely after being caught in a lie.
I have no issue with people changing their mind. But for someone to say they wanted to fire the coach after a season and then you see a thread titled “end of seasons conclusions” where he is not calling to fire the coach. Then your argument is that you may have said Fire Fran in a game thread. That’s not being intellectual or flexible, that’s just being plain stubborn, likely after being caught in a lie.
I'll find out what I said when I look at the archives. If I did not call for his head, I will retract my statement.
I have no issue with people changing their mind. But for someone to say they wanted to fire the coach after a season and then you see a thread titled “end of seasons conclusions” where he is not calling to fire the coach. Then your argument is that you may have said Fire Fran in a game thread. That’s not being intellectual or flexible, that’s just being plain stubborn, likely after being caught in a lie.
I looked through the Indiana, Illinois and the Villanova game threads from 2016 and not only can I not find a post where I wanted Fran gone...I can't find a single post of mine at all. Which is a little strange. So, I have to take back my comment, as I cannot back up my claim.
I looked through the Indiana, Illinois and the Villanova game threads from 2016 and not only can I not find a post where I wanted Fran gone...I can't find a single post of mine at all. Which is a little strange. So, I have to take back my comment, as I cannot back up my claim.
No worries, at least you can admit it and move on.

I do like that you said we should look for new assistants in the post above. You were ahead of the curve on that. Individually I like each of our assistants but sometimes a little new blood can help. Obviously this year is a make or break year for a lot of things.
Last year's team, in addition to not being very good, looked stale and uninspired, a rudderless ship adrift in a sea of confusion and no one amongst four full-time coaches with a clue as to how to steer it back on course.

It was/is a situation that screamed at the very least for changes on the staff.

Perhaps a young up and comer and dynamic recruiter with a pitbull recruiting mentality could be what the doctor ordered.

But Fran has gone on record as saying he has what he wants-players and staff.

And Gary has definitely made it clear he has what he wants in the head chair.

Of course there is also the issue of the NCAA not creating a level playing field for those who recruit and that's a different kettle of fish all together.
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It’s a pipe dream to think things are ever going change at Iowa. An new up and comer? Steve Afford? Todd Lickliter? Twenty years ago Kirk Ferentz? Kirk by far was the most successful of the three. Nope they need a proven winner. The money is there to do it anytime they want to peel the cash out.

In my opinion it’s an and/or situation. The nerds that run the university don’t give a rats ass about athletics other than the check the BTN gives them each year AND/OR they never want a coach who is bigger than they are. Someone whose influence because of great success could dictate who stays and who goes among the administrative staff.
My argument is that I can and do change my mind, depending on the situation/information at hand.
You call it what you want. I don't take it personal. No matter how it was meant. Inflexible people are intellectually challenged.
So basically your opinions are bipolar and we shouldn't listen to anything you say as it could be different the next minute. We all know that you don't change your mind based off of relevant proof/information/facts so it must be based off of arguments with yourself that occur in your head.
You are probably the most inflexible person on this forum, just priceless LOL

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