Email from ticket office

I hadn't heard anything as of today so I just called to see what was going on. I was told that I haven't yet been denied but I still might not get them. They won't know until they finish the seat allocations in the next couple weeks. So basically no new info.
Has anyone heard anything from the ticket office yet? The wait is killing me. I am a hopefull new season ticket holder and have had the second installment taken out already. When do we have to pay our seat donation by?
I actually called yesterday because I hadn't heard anything. They said I have gotten the two tickets I requested. The could not tell me where they were in the stadium and said they are working on seating and won't have it done for a couple weeks. He told me that I will receive my tickets in August.
I am a new applicant with 17 priority points.
our office heard on the 15th. we requested 2 additional tickets to the 4 we already had and got what we wanted, where we wanted. we have over 300 points.
I haven't heard anything yet. I'm a new applicant as well. We requested two and have 13 priority points. The second payment hasn't been taken out yet either. So, I guess I don't know where I stand.
I haven't heard anything yet. I'm a new applicant as well. We requested two and have 13 priority points. The second payment hasn't been taken out yet either. So, I guess I don't know where I stand.

I would recommend you just call the ticket office tomorrow. They should be able to tell you where you stand.
I received an update today on the status of my ticket request that I thought may be helpful in showing where they are at in terms of assigning seats. I have five seats already and requested an additional seat next to our existing seats. I have 212 priority points. Here was the response that the ticket office sent me:

Your additional ticket has not yet been allocated though it should be done soon as we are nearing allocation around your priority. Check back later this week or next for more information. Thank you.

It seems as though there is still a lot to be decided on who will get tickets and who won't. So I guess we'll be holding our breath a little bit longer. Go Hawks!
I received an update today on the status of my ticket request that I thought may be helpful in showing where they are at in terms of assigning seats. I have five seats already and requested an additional seat next to our existing seats. I have 212 priority points. Here was the response that the ticket office sent me:

Your additional ticket has not yet been allocated though it should be done soon as we are nearing allocation around your priority. Check back later this week or next for more information. Thank you.

It seems as though there is still a lot to be decided on who will get tickets and who won't. So I guess we'll be holding our breath a little bit longer. Go Hawks!

I believe when they say allocating seats they are deciding where to put the seats. It means that you have been granted the seat, but they have not put it in a location yet. I'm assuming it will be with your other ones, but you never know.
I called last week and they said I got the two tickets I requested, but they could not tell me where the seats were as they were working on that. I assume that's what they mean when they tell you they are allocating your extra seat. Pretty sure if you haven't heard anything yet it means you got tickets, but they have not specifically seated you yet.
I would recommend you just call the ticket office tomorrow. They should be able to tell you where you stand.

I did just that! They lady I talked to said she couldn't guarantee me anything yet, but that it looked like I was going to get them. She said this because they were pretty much done refunding payments. I haven't been refunded so I take that as a good sign. She said I should hear in the next week and a half.
I did just that! They lady I talked to said she couldn't guarantee me anything yet, but that it looked like I was going to get them. She said this because they were pretty much done refunding payments. I haven't been refunded so I take that as a good sign. She said I should hear in the next week and a half.

They should of taken out your 2nd payment if your getting them.Don't want to break your bubble but the payments come out automatically and the last one comes out June 29th.
They should of taken out your 2nd payment if your getting them.Don't want to break your bubble but the payments come out automatically and the last one comes out June 29th.

You're not busting anyone's bubble. Just passing along what she told me. If I get them, I get them. If I don't, I don't. She also said, they are done refunding money. I haven't received any refunds from the first payment. So there goes that argument. I'll let ya know how it turns out. The process isn't cut and dry.
no 2nd payment taken for me either, yet when I asked, they said I had still not had my order reduced
So I called again yesterday to see what was up. The guy I spoke with said he didn't know why my second payment didn't come out. He asked me if I wanted to authorize payment, otherwise the remaining $429 would come out on Tuesday. So I asked him if there was any point if they were just going to turn around and refund me. He didn't guarantee me, but he said I'm pretty sure you got them. I guess I'll find out for sure on Tuesday if the final payment comes out.
So I called again yesterday to see what was up. The guy I spoke with said he didn't know why my second payment didn't come out. He asked me if I wanted to authorize payment, otherwise the remaining $429 would come out on Tuesday. So I asked him if there was any point if they were just going to turn around and refund me. He didn't guarantee me, but he said I'm pretty sure you got them. I guess I'll find out for sure on Tuesday if the final payment comes out.

Good Luck Hope you get them
I just got off the phone with them and was told that I should know something in a couple of weeks. They said they might be done allocating in another week.
I called the ticket office today and they looked me up and said i that i received the 2 tickets i requested but the seat allocation wont be done until the middle of July.
I called the ticket office today and they looked me up and said i that i received the 2 tickets i requested but the seat allocation wont be done until the middle of July.

That's exactly what they told me when I called a week or two ago. So the good news is we got tickets!!! The only worry now is where we will sit, and to be honest with you I don't even care!! It's in the stadium and that's all the matters.

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