EARLY 2015 Predictions for Hawkeyes

I think this team can win 7 games. 8 wins would be a great season. THERE IS NOT EARTHLY REASON WHY WE CAN'T BEAT IOWA STATE. THEY ARE NOT GOOD.
I'm not sure how we can even remotely try to predict anything. If we base it off of the Spring game, our defense was able to stifle our enemic offense - wow big deal. The defense got steam rolled against Tennesee with a month to prepare. I like Cj and hope he has someone to throw to that 1. can get open 2. can catch the ball. The first time I see the screen sideline pass, I am going to throw up. Hopefully CJ will take the plays coming in to him and just audible to whoever the he!! decides to get open. I like Canzeri and Daniels as RBs , but do they have enough speed and patience to get through a hole?? OL - who knows. Defense - hopefully they were enbarrased enough to pull someones head out their collective a$$es to do something differently. I would love to see the glory days of 10 win seasons - but I'm not sure anymore....
Bruce Jenner used to chuck a pretty good spear, now all he can do is spear a pretty good Chuck

I'm not sure the extent of his surgeries but from my understanding, all he can do now is get speared by a pretty good Chuck.
I'm not going to pick wins and losses just yet, but I have a really bad feeling CJ is going bolster this team and we end up with a winning record which forces Iowa to keep Ferentz for yet another season.

Don't get me wrong I want to win every game, I am just ready for a coaching change.
OP, change your screen name. Cmon man, really?

I thought the screen name used was racist but the last time I heard it used was in the 70s. Maybe he gets a pass from being banned because it's considered in the same category as "negro" but I don't think so.

Anyway, I'm saying 6-6 this year.
Bruce Jenner used to chuck a pretty good spear, now all he can do is spear a pretty good Chuck

I was going to post my predictions but then saw the screen name. He is likely a troll but if he isnt that's even worse

This. Anytime someone creates an account and immediately starts a thread to bash the Hawks, they don't get the benefit of the doubt from me. I'm not even getting into the choice of screen name...
5-6 to 6-6 if Goldi gets injured (for a couple) and statue-Wiegers is the backup
6-6 to 7-5 if Goldi gets injured and Boyle is backup
9-3 to 10-2 if Goldi stays unscathed

Random tidbit-- IF Iowa is good enough to start 5-0 (which they won't) and Goldi stays uninjured, 11-1 to 12-0
Come on man, layoff Bruce, er Caitlin. She's a courageous hero... ESPN says so.

I'd much rather lay off her/him than lay on her/him. It is courageous though. You know how often i think about changing my hair cut and don't have the balls to go through with it? Sorry about the pun.
A lot of variables.. But I'm predicting a 9-10 win season for one reason...

I want kirk gone so bad and this will ensure he's here for another 6 years.
Kirk is under the gun. Does he get a bit more aggressive. Doubtful. I'm guessing another 6-8 win season with a couple dud losses that shouldn't happen and one big win against a good team as a dog. Mid tier bowl where we most likely get thumped by a faster and more athletic team. Sound familiar....
Kirk is under the gun. Does he get a bit more aggressive. Doubtful. I'm guessing another 6-8 win season with a couple dud losses that shouldn't happen and one big win against a good team as a dog. Mid tier bowl where we most likely get thumped by a faster and more athletic team. Sound familiar....

I can't imagine that there is a faster, more athletic team than Io...I mean, Ohio State. Yeah, Ohio State.
Kirk is under the gun. Does he get a bit more aggressive. Doubtful. I'm guessing another 6-8 win season with a couple dud losses that shouldn't happen and one big win against a good team as a dog. Mid tier bowl where we most likely get thumped by a faster and more athletic team. Sound familiar....
He went for it on a lot of 4th downs last year.

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