Dump the Des Moines Register!!!

It was once said long ago that the only way the USA could be beaten or taken over is from within. The ship has taken off and it's hull is strong and the ship is unsinkable!
The politically correctness ,free this and free that, no moral values and the thought of socialism becoming popular in culture. Media baiting everyone into thinking we are further apart on race than highlighting the advancements that have happened. Man comes at cop with weapon, man shot and killed, cop is now the perp and dead man the victim. The media twists you into believing their scenario is the truth and so on. What you say when young now your complete resume for when older and matured. It's a frickin joke! You know once in my life I wore a uniform for this country and served it proudly and faught in combat for it. Today I doubt I would do it again. I mean why should a middle class white male that pays my taxes and works everyday to support my family and strives to do the correct thing in life but is used as the pawn and told I'm supposed to feel bad because I was born white to a working class family that both parents worked to provide the basic needs of life. Is this a perfect country? No. Do we have many dark skeletons in our closet? Yes. But erasing history by trying to make it right will only help in repeating it and if we're going to be crucified for every little damn thing we have done or said it's truly a damn shame that these are the days we're living. Hate in this country is alive and well tearing this country apart and it's the politically correct type of hate that is doing it!
Ben, I appreciate your service to our country. I also concur that hate and the lack of authority, and the "what's in it for me " mentality is tearing our communities, cities and towns, and country apart. I too came from a hard working family, and I learned the value of family, respect of your elders, people in authority, and hard work. My kids do also, and I have 3 millenials. All 3 are educated, smart, responsible, and determined. Some today, I really have my doubts.
It was once said long ago that the only way the USA could be beaten or taken over is from within. The ship has taken off and it's hull is strong and the ship is unsinkable!
The politically correctness ,free this and free that, no moral values and the thought of socialism becoming popular in culture. Media baiting everyone into thinking we are further apart on race than highlighting the advancements that have happened. Man comes at cop with weapon, man shot and killed, cop is now the perp and dead man the victim. The media twists you into believing their scenario is the truth and so on. What you say when young now your complete resume for when older and matured. It's a frickin joke! You know once in my life I wore a uniform for this country and served it proudly and faught in combat for it. Today I doubt I would do it again. I mean why should a middle class white male that pays my taxes and works everyday to support my family and strives to do the correct thing in life but is used as the pawn and told I'm supposed to feel bad because I was born white to a working class family that both parents worked to provide the basic needs of life. Is this a perfect country? No. Do we have many dark skeletons in our closet? Yes. But erasing history by trying to make it right will only help in repeating it and if we're going to be crucified for every little damn thing we have done or said it's truly a damn shame that these are the days we're living. Hate in this country is alive and well tearing this country apart and it's the politically correct type of hate that is doing it!

Ben Rumson. Thank you for your service. you sacrificed so that i could enjoy the (relatively) easy life i have been fortunate enough to live. i owe the freedom that i hold so dear to you and all of those serving today, with you and who served with you and before you.

I would say that i hope you would serve again, if you had to do it all over, because the everyday joe's and jane's that serve in our military do it for the right reasons, to defend our Constitution and our God-given inalienable rights and freedoms. it has been the permanent political class in Washington that have forced our country into battles that We The People may or did not want. But you served and defended me for all the right reasons known to man. Again, thank you.

America will never be a socialist country. The Second Amendment will survive and thrive because, in the end, truth and justice always defeats lies. Socialism, true socialism, is the exact opposite of true freedom. No, America will never be a socialist country. Our forefathers, the founders of our Nation foresaw this possibility and gave the We The People the absolute right to defend ourselves against tyranny.

Fight on, Ben Rumson.
Reap what you sow
Take the plank out of your eye before you judge the stick in someone else's eye

Take your pick.....

Fire this twatwaffle tomorrow immediately. What's the phrase...oh yeah "You fucked up". Concequences exist in life for a reason.
I didn't read through all of this.....so I apologize if it has been said or suggested...but if Carson King wasn't really seeking fame...and I believe he was not...shouldn't the Des Moines Register issue a public apology to Carson AND give him what amounts to the free year of Busch Light as compensation? Doesnt completely make it right but it would be a start.
I didn't read through all of this.....so I apologize if it has been said or suggested...but if Carson King wasn't really seeking fame...and I believe he was not...shouldn't the Des Moines Register issue a public apology to Carson AND give him what amounts to the free year of Busch Light as compensation? Doesnt completely make it right but it would be a start.
For starters the paper needs to print a front page column from the executive editor in which she says their editing AND their hiring process failed, that they were wrong on the initial story to include the old tweets and that their attempts to justify it was wrong. Also, that they did not properly vet a journalist who came from the alternative media world and whose values differed significantly from the Register’s and most Iowans.

Her final paragraph should say that she is resigning/retiring.
The whole thing is kind of dubious from a number of angles.

Having a child who has been there several times and will again I was wondering if Carson will get a plaque like KF has (been in that room)

Part of the reason my daughter was in there from several angles was due to her birth parents love of alcohol.

The whole thing gives me a feeling of less filling and bad taste....
"I recognize that I'm not the first person to be doxxed like this — this whole campaign was taken up by right-wing ideologues and largely driven by that force," Calvin said to BuzzFeed. "It was just a taste of what I assume that women and journalists of color suffer all the time, but the kind of locality and regional virality of the story made it so intense."
For starters the paper needs to print a front page column from the executive editor in which she says their editing AND their hiring process failed, that they were wrong on the initial story to include the old tweets and that their attempts to justify it was wrong. Also, that they did not properly vet a journalist who came from the alternative media world and whose values differed significantly from the Register’s and most Iowans.

Her final paragraph should say that she is resigning/retiring.
Agree with everything but values differing from the Register's.
The DMR has sucked for a long time.
It was once said long ago that the only way the USA could be beaten or taken over is from within. The ship has taken off and it's hull is strong and the ship is unsinkable!
The politically correctness ,free this and free that, no moral values and the thought of socialism becoming popular in culture. Media baiting everyone into thinking we are further apart on race than highlighting the advancements that have happened. Man comes at cop with weapon, man shot and killed, cop is now the perp and dead man the victim. The media twists you into believing their scenario is the truth and so on. What you say when young now your complete resume for when older and matured. It's a frickin joke! You know once in my life I wore a uniform for this country and served it proudly and faught in combat for it. Today I doubt I would do it again. I mean why should a middle class white male that pays my taxes and works everyday to support my family and strives to do the correct thing in life but is used as the pawn and told I'm supposed to feel bad because I was born white to a working class family that both parents worked to provide the basic needs of life. Is this a perfect country? No. Do we have many dark skeletons in our closet? Yes. But erasing history by trying to make it right will only help in repeating it and if we're going to be crucified for every little damn thing we have done or said it's truly a damn shame that these are the days we're living. Hate in this country is alive and well tearing this country apart and it's the politically correct type of hate that is doing it!
You are right about so many things here. I can't disagree with anything.
Have you noticed the lack of white actors in tv commercials? if you haven't, you will now!! I read an on-line article on this. Companies that like to advertise are so terrified as being labeled racist, they are only hiring people of dark skin to be in commercials. You can thank you local and national Liberals for this!
Have you noticed the lack of white actors in tv commercials? if you haven't, you will now!! I read an on-line article on this. Companies that like to advertise are so terrified as being labeled racist, they are only hiring people of dark skin to be in commercials. You can thank you local and national Liberals for this!

You've obviously never seen this Dollar Shave Club ad:

America will never be a socialist country. The Second Amendment will survive and thrive because, in the end, truth and justice always defeats lies. Socialism, true socialism, is the exact opposite of true freedom. No, America will never be a socialist country. Our forefathers, the founders of our Nation foresaw this possibility and gave the We The People the absolute right to defend ourselves against tyranny.
With all due respect, I think you need to open your eyes to what is going on in this country. You say this will never be a socialist country, but we are importing/letting in millions of socialists every year. Our hijacked education system is creating millions more. Your view of military service is highly idealistic as well. Many serve because it is their best or only option for employment, schooling, and job training.
What I took from this article was that the idea to run the old Tweets on CK was the idea of the reporter not his editors. That's a question I had. The editors green lighted it, but he instigated it and pushed it. And I'm not buying that no one from the DMR called Busch for a comment.
I absolutely believe that someone from the DMR contacted Busch. That would be a good story to dig into.
With all due respect, I think you need to open your eyes to what is going on in this country. You say this will never be a socialist country, but we are importing/letting in millions of socialists every year. Our hijacked education system is creating millions more. Your view of military service is highly idealistic as well. Many serve because it is their best or only option for employment, schooling, and job training.

mose, everything you stated is correct. BUT...there is one very important development. the entire country is awakening. We now see all you describe and we now have a vehicle for change in the WH. The American people is never vote in Socialism.

The wall is being built, unilateral agreements with el salvador, mexico, guatamala and others are being made to allow the U.S. to relocate illegal immigrants to those countries to away asylum hearings, instead of being released into our country to never be seen again. 150 (and counting) conservative federal district, circuit appellate judges have been approved by the senate. the liberal 9th circuit court of appeals (29 total) now has 13 "conservative" judges and is only two away from flipping that circuit to a Constitution driven majority. regarding education, when our judicial systems have been made whole again with law abiding judges and not activists, you will see organizations start to sue states and school districts to fix our broken school systems.

regarding my idealistic military perspective, first, i did not serve. but i have had plenty of family who have. you're right that not everyone joins the military because they want to safeguard our citizens and defend the constitution as their primary reasoning. the military is, for some, a means to an end. but, once they join, they have to choice but to put their lives on the line when called to and they do. the mere possibility that each person serving in the military might have to give their life or well-being in the line of duty is worthy of admiration. do you not agree?

America has been led astray, in some way shape or form, by every administration since reagan. now, that is being changed. it will be a very long, difficult and intense struggle. but, i will say again, America will never be a socialist country. we will never vote it into existence and now we are all awake to the devious nature of the permanent political class in D.C. and throughout the world.

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