Dump the Des Moines Register!!!

He would definitely need to make the case that he was not fired for the tweets, but wrongfully terminated to save the editor’s ass (which is honestly probably the truth, but he’d need some decent lawyers).
I’d imagine this guy probably grossed $40K a year at the DMR and now he’s going to be asking people if they want fries with their orders. A public defender is about his only option when it comes to lawyers.
This is getting too good, now the Washington Post is in on the action.

The reporter deleted his own insensitive tweets on Tuesday, The Register hires extra security after threats, Des Moines Police up their monitoring around the paper, on and on.

I wouldn't be surprised but what donations didn't get up to $3M by kickoff.

I wonder what the head of the Children's Hospital is thinking?

I wonder what the head of the Children's Hospital is thinking?

All I know is, I'm guessing Pollard and Barta sent gift baskets to the DMR this week, with cards saying:

"Thanks for shifting all the attention to the REAL jerks!"

Was just thinking this has pretty much shoved that fiasco aside.

Meanwhile, a member of the Iowa Marching Band is still nursing broken ribs, others are finally seeing pain from their bruises subside, a young woman is still dealing with the trauma of being sexually harassed (assaulted?), Barta (still) looks like an incompetent idiot and Pollard is still a dick.
Now would be a great time for Kirk to make another huge donation. 1 mil could be 3. Come on Kirk, do it!
I don’t like this topic, too political. This is one of the few boards I go to where I don’t have to put up with politics.
Explains why my retirement stock accounts and money market accounts have been rocking it the past few years. Met with my financial adviser yesterday and he commented how my TIAA Cref account has been kicking ass the past few years.

I'll be voting for that psycho Trump again. Making trading fair for America again.
I'd rather keep politics off here too, but I'll take the bait. You vote for who you want of course, but there's so much wrong with the connection you're trying to draw here.

This has to be the dumbest thread ever on Hawkeyenation. The kid did something right -- the Register reported it. The kid did something wrong when he was younger -- the Register reported it, albeit reluctantly at the end of the positive story. The kid did the right thing by immediately apologizing for his previous inappropriate actions. Anheiser-Busch did the right thing by sticking by their donation....and certainly did nothing wrong by saying that will be the end of their relationship with the kid. The kid holds no animosity toward the Register -- he's apparently intelligent enough to take responsibility for doing something stupid, and understands the challenges of modern journalism, as outlined quite accurately by the Register editor. I've seen some stupid things in my 60 years of living in this state, but this over-the-top 'outrage' toward the Register when the kid himself has no problem with how things shook out takes the cake.
I thought Busch Light committed to match the donations yet I read they are donating more than 350K? Isn't the Venmo acct.in excess of 1.7 million?

The way I read it is that Venmo and Busch Light would each match whatever King's Venmo account accumulated. With the donation being $1.7 mil, that puts Venmo and Busch Light on for nearly $600K each.
This has to be the dumbest thread ever on Hawkeyenation. The kid did something right -- the Register reported it. The kid did something wrong when he was younger -- the Register reported it, albeit reluctantly at the end of the positive story. The kid did the right thing by immediately apologizing for his previous inappropriate actions. Anheiser-Busch did the right thing by sticking by their donation....and certainly did nothing wrong by saying that will be the end of their relationship with the kid. The kid holds no animosity toward the Register -- he's apparently intelligent enough to take responsibility for doing something stupid, and understands the challenges of modern journalism, as outlined quite accurately by the Register editor. I've seen some stupid things in my 60 years of living in this state, but this over-the-top 'outrage' toward the Register when the kid himself has no problem with how things shook out takes the cake.
You're either more enlightened than the average person or you've lived a very sheltered life. :)
This has to be the dumbest thread ever on Hawkeyenation. The kid did something right -- the Register reported it. The kid did something wrong when he was younger -- the Register reported it, albeit reluctantly at the end of the positive story. The kid did the right thing by immediately apologizing for his previous inappropriate actions. Anheiser-Busch did the right thing by sticking by their donation....and certainly did nothing wrong by saying that will be the end of their relationship with the kid. The kid holds no animosity toward the Register -- he's apparently intelligent enough to take responsibility for doing something stupid, and understands the challenges of modern journalism, as outlined quite accurately by the Register editor. I've seen some stupid things in my 60 years of living in this state, but this over-the-top 'outrage' toward the Register when the kid himself has no problem with how things shook out takes the cake.

Grady, you have some great points. I read into this that we as a board may be part of the overall problem, as some of us, including myself, get too involved with the emotion. I was very upset that a journalist dug up some stupid tweets. The decision to post them was uncalled for. The editor made the call, but they should have never been used. I think back and have read what's been said here and elsewhere and now this journalist is unemployed. Maybe we should all take a break and think like Carson . If he doesn't have a problem, then we shouldn't either. Again, thanks for reeling in some of us on here.
over-the-top 'outrage' toward the Register when the kid himself has no problem with how things shook out takes the cake.
You mean Carson has no public problem w/ how things shook out.

Seems likely his "lesson learned" from this was to stay on the high road publicly.

But, anybody would privately have issues w/ what the Register did.

You're giving them way too much credit if you think there was a legitimate "journalistic" reason for them doing anything w/ what they found.
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