Dumbest thing anyone has said about Iowa


Well-Known Member
On ESPN's Sports Reporters this morning Mike Lupica said something like, "Don't you think the committee is praying for Michigan St. to win so they won't have to deal with Iowa?"

Iowa makes ESPN's FPI look like the made up metric it is.
It is embarrassing ESPN to have their 28th FPI ranked team in the CFP discussion, let alone in the top 4.
ESPN has forgotten that the games themselves show the merit of a team.

If the FPI did not exist, ESPN would be talking up the Cinderella story that is Iowa. Funny thing is, I am sure that the team would be just as upset being called a Cinderella team as they are with how the national media portrays them currently.
I don't know a couple weeks back one of there guys said there is no way in this world Iowa should be ranked ahead of memphis, as Memphis went on to lose there next 3
On ESPN's Sports Reporters this morning Mike Lupica said something like, "Don't you think the committee is praying for Michigan St. to win so they won't have to deal with Iowa?"


I haven't watched Sports Reporters since Dick Schaap died. "Deal with Iowa?" There's nothing to "deal" with. If Iowa beats MSU they will deserve to be in and everyone knows it.
Remember when ESPN used to report on and show sports?

Now they only try to manipulate it to pad their pockets...and lay people off when it cuts into their profit margin...

I'm thinking of putting together a small, but elite task force to go in, grab Zubin Mehenthi and Chris Hassel and get them the hell out of Dodge...maybe drop them off at Fox...
Remember when ESPN used to report on and show sports?

Now they only try to manipulate it to pad their pockets...and lay people off when it cuts into their profit margin...

I'm thinking of putting together a small, but elite task force to go in, grab Zubin Mehenthi and Chris Hassel and get them the hell out of Dodge...maybe drop them off at Fox...

That's the Spirit, my Brother
<<Dumbest thing anyone has said about Iowa>>

You realize how long that list would be? That would necessitate a 500-page thread and more bandwidth than JDM can absorb.
On ESPN's Sports Reporters this morning Mike Lupica said something like, "Don't you think the committee is praying for Michigan St. to win so they won't have to deal with Iowa?"


Didn't even know that show still existed...

Mike Lupica was a half-rodent in his finest days.

Irrelevant doesn't even approach it.
Truly, honestly, I haven't watched an ESPN broadcast in 2+ years. (I guess Mike and Mike might count).

I get all the sports news I really care about from BTN.
When talking about the Iowa/Michigan State game this morning, Jason Sehorn picked MSU because Iowa "barely beat Nebraska". I thought that was impressively stupid logic.

The ESPN FPI is truly the dumbest thing ever invented. Northwestern is 53rd while Georgia Tech (3-9) is 34th! USC, Tennessee, Arkansas, W. Virginia are all in the top 20 well ahead of Iowa. Notre Dame is ahead of Stanford. At this point there has to be someone in the front office that sees this needs scrapped and redone.

I could give my 5-year-old daughter a list of all the P5 teams and sprinkle in some of the better non-P5 teams, tell her to just put them in any order she wants and it would come out with more logic than ESPN's FPI.

If Northwestern *****-slaps Stanford on national TV and everyone ignores it, maybe it didn't actually happen. The FPI actually has Nebraska ahead of Northwestern. This is what the FPI has caused: me actually defending Northwestern. I wonder if ESPN's on air personalities are embarrassed to have to refer to it when giving their opinions.
Remember when ESPN used to report on and show sports?

Now they only try to manipulate it to pad their pockets...and lay people off when it cuts into their profit margin...

I'm thinking of putting together a small, but elite task force to go in, grab Zubin Mehenthi and Chris Hassel and get them the hell out of Dodge...maybe drop them off at Fox...

I've been playing a lot of FPS on the PS4 this weekend I'm ready to serve.
Iowa is like that wart you might see on your Uncle Ned, if he moves to the right it kind of looks like Charlize Theron, and if he moves to the left it's more like Buddy Hackett, my point is you can't your eyes off of it, and neither can these talking heads. We are not to be ignored, and it's literally driving them crazy

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