Dumbest thing anyone has said about Iowa

Iowa is like that wart you might see on your Uncle Ned, if he moves to the right it kind of looks like Charlize Theron, and if he moves to the left it's more like Buddy Hackett, my point is you can't your eyes off of it, and neither can these talking heads. We are not to be ignored, and it's literally driving them crazy

Very funny. And probably true.
When talking about the Iowa/Michigan State game this morning, Jason Sehorn picked MSU because Iowa "barely beat Nebraska". I thought that was impressively stupid logic.

The ESPN FPI is truly the dumbest thing ever invented. Northwestern is 53rd while Georgia Tech (3-9) is 34th! USC, Tennessee, Arkansas, W. Virginia are all in the top 20 well ahead of Iowa. Notre Dame is ahead of Stanford. At this point there has to be someone in the front office that sees this needs scrapped and redone.

I could give my 5-year-old daughter a list of all the P5 teams and sprinkle in some of the better non-P5 teams, tell her to just put them in any order she wants and it would come out with more logic than ESPN's FPI.

If Northwestern *****-slaps Stanford on national TV and everyone ignores it, maybe it didn't actually happen. The FPI actually has Nebraska ahead of Northwestern. This is what the FPI has caused: me actually defending Northwestern. I wonder if ESPN's on air personalities are embarrassed to have to refer to it when giving their opinions.

Why not just say I like MSU because they barely lost to Nebraska? Makes about as much sense, right?
Nobody is more despised by his peers than Lupica and his self importance....ever see how he makes a joke and than sits back and waits for what he thinks is coming by way of fall out laughter....it is hilarious how much this a hole thinks of himself.
"They're not very good"

Even after we beat them.

And the next team.

And the next.

And next.
Jason Whitlock just said he has Iowa at 8th right now and wouldn't put them in the playoff if they beat MSU.

I would say something negative about him, but dude looks sick, I think he needs the visit the doctor and get some bloodwork done, so I'll save my outrage on that one.
On ESPN's Sports Reporters this morning Mike Lupica said something like, "Don't you think the committee is praying for Michigan St. to win so they won't have to deal with Iowa?"


It is an appropriate question IMO.

Iowa is not a blue blood. I think people want to see 4 blue bloods play. I usually do.

Last year I had no appetite for O'l Miss or Mississippi State - just not read for them. It took me a long time to accept Oregon. Going back further there were others that I did not want to accept had arrived (don't want to show my age here).

I think there is a difference. It was clear to me watching OU last night. The blue bloods of CFB have speed everywhere. Iowa does not. You can see it.

It will take some time and some big bowl wins for a few years before people start to respect Iowa. It took MSU and Wisconsin time to get people to respect them outside of the Big Ten. NO reason to believe that Iowa is any different.

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