Drop Iowa State for good

I root for iowa State in every game where they don't play Iowa. Every single game. I will never, ever understand the childish behavior of Iowa State and their hatred for the Hawkeyes. I simply don't get it. I have hoped for years that Iowa would drop Iowa State from their schedule. With Iowa going to 9 conference games, it simply doesn't help Iowa with schedule strength to play Iowa State every year. Iowa State is a bottom feeder in football and has been one for a very long time. Iowa gains nothing from this game, frankly.

I agree. Time to move on to bigger and better things. I'm sure Jamie would run his mouth if the Hawks pulled out of the series, but that doesn't bother me. He'd just look like the loudmouth baboon that everyone already knows he is.
The BigTen has taken a step in the right direction by getting rid of FCS games and going to 9 conference games. Ever since the schedules expanded to 12 games, the schedules had become awful with too many cupcakes. It was time to fix that and they did.

In that spirit, I would be disappointed if BigTen schools don't try to replace the FCS schools with somebody decent on the schedule. the move to 9 conference games should not have been interpreted as an excuse to limit scheduling P5 schools ooc.

In that spirit, Iowa should not interpret the move to 9 conference games as an excuse to never schedule 2 p5 teams ooc in the same season.

Iowa will use the excuse that it needs 7 home games every year, but that is debatable. 7 home games is a recent change. in fact as recent as 2004, Iowa had only 6 home games. if 7 home games means playing 2 schools like North Tex snd Ball st every year. Who wants to see that? At least the Iowa-ISU game is a good entertainment every year.

Iowa only needs to play 1 cupcake a year and then get to the power teams. fans have been cheated enough for the last 10 years playing these crappy FCS teams nobody wants to see. At least Iowa St is a P5 intra-state rival. It makes sense to play them every year. if Iowa fans don't like losing to ISU, then stop losing to them. Its a game that is good fir both programs and good for the state. Of all the games to dump, this should be one of the last ones that Iowa dumps.
Going to 9 games is only going to hurt the B1G, as it has hurt the Pac12, and B1G12. Notre Dame and the SEC are laughing their azzes off. Now they have ESPN in their back pockets and charmin soft schedules to make for sure they look like the stronger conference.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of playing 9 conference games, but I think that the SEC should be forced to as well.
I think you have to keep iowa state on the schedule.....we can try a stanford or florida...okie st....auburn....tennessee...kansas state and one n. Illinois type...2 power 5 games and one patsie....isu doesn't help our strength of schedule but it only seems to matter once a decade and it doesn't even really matter this year either. I think its about even in W/L the past few years....that is the definition of an even matchup and a rivalry. If it wasn't a rivalry we wouldn't be talking about them. College football should be all about rivalry.
I would support keeping the clowns on our schedule if the games were only played at Kinnick as to preserve our 7 home games. I get that they enjoy their chance to show big brother how far they've come along but this game has no more meaning for IA than the N. Texas or Ill. St. game. All are terrible teams and are warm ups for the Hawks. If it's only home games, sure keep those scrubs on the schedule.
On the subject of Iowa State, can anyone truly explain to me why people decide to attend college there?

Iowa City is an objectively better city than Ames x1000

The engineering programs are comparable

Iowa's business program obliterates Iowa State's

Iowa is generally better for science/math

Iowa has graduate programs whose degrees are actually worth more than the paper they're printed on

Iowa sports are better than Iowa State x1000

I can only see it for people who want to do veterinary science or event planning as Iowa does not offer those majors. Beyond that I'm truly at a loss.

On the subject of Iowa State, can anyone truly explain to me why people decide to attend college there?

Iowa City is an objectively better city than Ames x1000

The engineering programs are comparable

Iowa's business program obliterates Iowa State's

Iowa is generally better for science/math

Iowa has graduate programs whose degrees are actually worth more than the paper they're printed on

Iowa sports are better than Iowa State x1000

I can only see it for people who want to do veterinary science or event planning as Iowa does not offer those majors. Beyond that I'm truly at a loss.


Why does anyone attend any school? Everyone has his/her own reason. Proximity to home, cost, did their parents/siblings attend and have a good experience?
On the subject of Iowa State, can anyone truly explain to me why people decide to attend college there?

Iowa City is an objectively better city than Ames x1000

The engineering programs are comparable

Iowa's business program obliterates Iowa State's

Iowa is generally better for science/math

Iowa has graduate programs whose degrees are actually worth more than the paper they're printed on

Iowa sports are better than Iowa State x1000

I can only see it for people who want to do veterinary science or event planning as Iowa does not offer those majors. Beyond that I'm truly at a loss.


To their credit, their women's and men's bball is better but...football
Well we should drop them but most of these reasons aren’twhy. That’s just sticking it to their fans. Which is fine too don’t get mewrong. They need to play us (have Iowa come to Ames every other year) foreconomic reasons as much as anything. Iowa don’t need them at all period. Ifanything they hold us back. Win we gain little to nothing and lose well…. I’d rather schedule two teams of Pitts status orbetter then play them. That and not playing FCS teams is part of the nationalmedias argument against not only Iowa but others that schedule like it. So Iagree drop ISU and lets put together a tougher more national worthy schedule.As magical this year has been going forward I’d rather be 8-4 with a toughschedule then 10-2 with cupcakes all over year in and year out.

Most of the fans on that site would rather see Iowa lose than see ISU win. That's just the way their priorities are.

ISU fans = goons. They've never won a football championship - not one. And they have never played in a New Year's Day bowl game. Not one. It's true - the only reason to be an Iowa State football fan is so you can hope Iowa loses. Man, that's pathetic...

I have wanted to drop these jokers from our schedule (football) for a long time. They need us - Iowa does not need them and never has..
Priorities?? What the hell do you all care what ISU is saying?? You are 10-0 and a national ranking but a thread and numerous posts about what another schools fans are saying... I thought Iowa fans did not care or worry about Cyclone fans????
I noticed we're doing this on our board. You on the other hand choose to come to our board. Little brother is always watching waiting for a handout.
Trust me.. you all care... and the only reason why you proclaim yourselves "Big Brother" is that you are worried about everyone else and what they think, so you think you need keep an eye on what they are doing.... Enjoy your season! Don't worry about everyone else. If you worry too much about things that don't matter and you miss the special things like your football season this year...
Trust you? Never trust a cyfan. All they're capable of is lying and making excuses.
What's funny is that every post in this thread criticizes and makes fun of ISU, yet if cyclone fans makes fun of Iowa, then the Cyclones are deemed jealous and envious of the hawks. Interesting....

I wish the Hawks good luck in the rest of the season and hope things work out in your favor for the final 4 playoffs. It would be great to be able to root for a team from the state of Iowa in the National Championship!
I wish ISU well with trying to keep within 20 points of the rest of their opponents this season. See, not all posts are negative towards ISU.
There's a difference even if you're too dumb to see it. This thread is making fun of Cyclone stupidity and jealousy. The threads on CyFan... They just scream inferiority complex, jealousy, and obsession. This thread is making fun of that. I realize you're confused but it isn't that difficult.
He can't understand, he went to Iowa State.
With the 9 game schedule it's going to be brutal being locked into this game every year. It would be nice if we could play it every 3 or 4 years if we have to continue it. I really want to see some other power 5 teams!
Can't take the game away. It would take the last chance of a successful season away from cyfans.
On the subject of Iowa State, can anyone truly explain to me why people decide to attend college there?

Iowa City is an objectively better city than Ames x1000

The engineering programs are comparable

Iowa's business program obliterates Iowa State's

Iowa is generally better for science/math

Iowa has graduate programs whose degrees are actually worth more than the paper they're printed on

Iowa sports are better than Iowa State x1000

I can only see it for people who want to do veterinary science or event planning as Iowa does not offer those majors. Beyond that I'm truly at a loss.

Those who have a fetish for lovemaking with animals and learning to grow a garden go to ISU.
Why does anyone attend any school? Everyone has his/her own reason. Proximity to home, cost, did their parents/siblings attend and have a good experience?

Iowa State and Iowa are like 2 hours apart lol. I understand if you live in Des Moines and are deciding between Iowa State and Washington, go to Iowa State. But if you choose Iowa over Iowa State you can basically get home in a night. Unless you need to be home like every day for extenuating circumstances, I can't think of any reason to attend Iowa State for proximity reasons.

Cost would be relatively the same at both schools. Both schools' tuitions are about the same and both offer about the same merit and need based aid.

Parents/siblings attending there should have absolutely zero impact on this decision. I feel terrible for kids whose parents went to Iowa State and are forced into being Clown fans for their entire life.

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