Doug Green Safety Director U of I is the problem

FWIW, my work @ the UI has been supported by a donor to the University of Iowa, who considers themselves, small donors to the UI athletic program. But they still donate millions of dollars to the athletic program annually.

With all due respect, these are the donors that can afford the UI to have practice facilities built, stadiums renovated, and coaches salaries inflated...& the amount of alcohol they drink has zero to do with the millions of dollars they donate a year.

The revenue generated by the UI directly from footballs games is minor in comparison to these donations. & whether you realize it or not, the UI is a business, and when demand FAR exceeds supply, a business man would be stupid to not fleece the consumer for every penny the product is worth, especially when the quality of the product is outstanding (i.e. Apple).

Until demand decreases SIGNIFICANTLY (which unless the team takes a nose-dive, it won't), the UI will continue to do whatever they want because the big donors don't care one bit about all the squabbling about how many points one season ticket holder has compared to another OR when & where they can drink alcohol, etc. etc. etc.

You are acting as though the fans or students have no impact on the football program. It is like owning a restaurant, with some awesome tables and chairs and other cool stuff that you can do/sit on while you are there.. then one day telling everyone that you can use all that stuff, but if you are eating.. then you can't.

I understand that the fans might not make or break a team. Take all the fans out of the stands this year and yes the Hawks still win most of their games. Take them out of the stands when the Hawks are on a down year.. They lose.

You can sit here and tell me that they are making all their money because of how well the football program is doing and no one cares about how many people are getting s**t on.

But, Who is buying those tickets/hot dogs/$6 drinks?

Priorities or not, Its going to make people not come to games. (back to the restaurant) I don't care if it is the best food in the area.. People like convenience and like a good time. People WILL stop coming.

Business is "Business" but you don't s**t on your clients.

(BTW, I'm not saying drinking in the middle of the street is still fine.. but cracking down on the people that are fighting/puking/stumbling/screaming profanities/slurring (knuckleheads) is entirely fine. Ticketing people standing on the side of the road watching traffic, talking to passer-byers, watching for friends.. come on)
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You are acting as though the fans or students have no impact on the football program. It is like owning a restaurant, with some awesome tables and chairs and other cool stuff that you can do/sit on while you are there.. then one day telling everyone that you can use all that stuff, but if you are eating.. then you can't.

I understand that the fans might not make or break a team. Take all the fans out of the stands this year and yes the Hawks still win most of their games. Take them out of the stands when the Hawks are on a down year.. They lose.

You can sit here and tell me that they are making all their money because of how well the football program is doing and no one cares about how many people are getting s**t on.

But, Who is buying those tickets/hot dogs/$6 drinks?

Priorities or not, Its going to make people not come to games. (back to the restaurant) I don't care if it is the best food in the area.. People like convenience and like a good time. People WILL stop coming.

Business is "Business" but you don't s**t on your clients.

(BTW, I'm not saying drinking in the middle of the street is still fine.. but cracking down on the people that are fighting/puking/stumbling/screaming profanities/slurring (knuckleheads) is entirely fine. Ticketing people standing on the side of the road watching traffic, talking to passer-byers, watching for friends.. come on)

I don't disagree with what you are saying, and I am not saying what the UI is doing is necessarily right. But where I think your restaurant analogy falls apart is because there are no other restaurants to go to, i.e. other than ISU, what's the next closest DI college football town? We don't have pro teams. In the fall, it's football season around here. It's like a monopoly & as long as we keep going to big BCS games, they will keep selling tickets.

I personally don't think what they are doing is sh$tting on the customer, if they banned alcohol on University property all together, then you would be right. But like someone said before, walk 200 yds dead west of kinnick, and University Heights has already said they will NOT be enforcing the Universities new there is an easy & convenient way around the rules...and like I have said before, I know have friends that live on golfview that still have tons of room in their yards.
I don't disagree with what you are saying, and I am not saying what the UI is doing is necessarily right. But where I think your restaurant analogy falls apart is because there are no other restaurants to go to, i.e. other than ISU, what's the next closest DI college football town? We don't have pro teams. In the fall, it's football season around here. It's like a monopoly & as long as we keep going to big BCS games, they will keep selling tickets.

I personally don't think what they are doing is sh$tting on the customer, if they banned alcohol on University property all together, then you would be right. But like someone said before, walk 200 yds dead west of kinnick, and University Heights has already said they will NOT be enforcing the Universities new there is an easy & convenient way around the rules...and like I have said before, I know have friends that live on golfview that still have tons of room in their yards.

Well, They can watch the game from the comfort of their own homes. Actually, a majority of people watch from their homes. So, sure their aren't any sit down restaurants close by, but there is one heck of a cheese-steak stand right next to your own house.

I actually haven't been to a game this year yet. Only speaking out of what I have read and heard from people. I have only heard that people where getting ticketed just standing by the side of the road (I really don't know if that is true or not). If it really is true that people are getting ticketed/arrested on University property then I agree with you, go somewhere else. The University (just like every property owner) has the right to do what ever they want on their property. Did they take it a bit to far probably, yes.
(not trying to be an a$$hole) Mediacom is a good example of a business that is a monopoly in most parts of Iowa that continually sh$ts on it's clients.

Dish Network, DirectTV would be good change ups. I really don't know if they have service in every nook of Iowa, but I see no reason they couldn't.

(Sorry if you saw this before i added the last part.. heh, got a head of myself.)
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Well, They can watch the game from the comfort of their own homes. Actually, a majority of people watch from their homes. So, sure their aren't any sit down restaurants close by, but there is one heck of a cheese-steak stand right next to your own house.

I actually haven't been to a game this year yet. Only speaking out of what I have read and heard from people. I have only heard that people where getting ticketed just standing by the side of the road (I really don't know if that is true or not). If it really is true that people are getting ticketed/arrested on University property then I agree with you, go somewhere else. The University (just like every property owner) has the right to do what ever they want on their property. Did they take it a bit to far probably, yes.

The cops were writing tickets predominantly as you left University Heights on the RR bridge towards Kinnick.
Dish Network, DirectTV would be good change ups. I really don't know if they have service in every nook of Iowa, but I see no reason they couldn't.

(Sorry if you saw this before i added the last part.. heh, got a head of myself.)
I agree, and that's what I did but I am surprised at how many people, especially in wooded neighborhoods, can't get a sightline with the satellite, so dish is not an option for them.
Significantly fewer than 0.15% of people within the vicinity of Kinnick Stadium were directly influenced by enforcing pre-existing laws within the Iowa Code. So I would say that the vast majority of people that visit Kinnick Stadium on Saturdays drink responsibly. It's the knuckleheads that just can't figure it out.

Wrong. The tailgating was here WAY before the open container law.
But target the knuckleheads. Ok, don't target, but if someone is out of hand then give them what they deserve. Whatever that may be...
Until demand decreases SIGNIFICANTLY (which unless the team takes a nose-dive, it won't), the UI will continue to do whatever they want because the big donors don't care one bit about all the squabbling about how many points one season ticket holder has compared to another OR when & where they can drink alcohol, etc. etc. etc.

Even in Iowa's down years, Iowa fans still showed up. The only way you will see significant decline is if they get rid of football at Iowa.
Even in Iowa's down years, Iowa fans still showed up. The only way you will see significant decline is if they get rid of football at Iowa.

If you consider 50k showing up then yes. Students would just tailgate and not even go to the game. If they were ever as poor as they were Ferentzs first 2 years this would not happen.

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