Don't understand the love affair with Forbes


Well-Known Member
Let me ask you this: Let's imagine Forbes had no ties to the state of Iowa. You found out he was not even the top assistant head coach at, let's say, Georgia. Would you still be clammering for him? I don't get it. Based on his coaching alone, what convinces you he can come into Iowa City and lead a Big 10 school to prominence in the conference?

Being an "associate" or an "assistant" is much, much, much different than running the show yourself. You can be an assistant and have a lot of responsibility, but when you are officially the person in the captain's seat, that takes on a whole new level of expectations, etc.

What has Forbes done, from a coaching standpoint, to deserve this job? Is it because he has ties with Bruce Pearl? Is it strictly because he is from the state of Iowa? What if he comes in here as a major college head coach for the first time and completely flops? Any coach can flop, but I for one would at least feel better with someone running the show who has already done it on a big-time (or somewhat big-time) stage.
Oh. That's nice. How does Todd Lickliter sound? Went to the Sweet 16 twice w/ Butler & had a winning record almost every year there. His qualifications dominate Forbes, so he is clearly a better coach and better fit at Iowa.
Let me ask you this: Let's imagine Forbes had no ties to the state of Iowa. You found out he was not even the top assistant head coach at, let's say, Georgia. Would you still be clammering for him? I don't get it. Based on his coaching alone, what convinces you he can come into Iowa City and lead a Big 10 school to prominence in the conference?

Being an "associate" or an "assistant" is much, much, much different than running the show yourself. You can be an assistant and have a lot of responsibility, but when you are officially the person in the captain's seat, that takes on a whole new level of expectations, etc.

What has Forbes done, from a coaching standpoint, to deserve this job? Is it because he has ties with Bruce Pearl? Is it strictly because he is from the state of Iowa? What if he comes in here as a major college head coach for the first time and completely flops? Any coach can flop, but I for one would at least feel better with someone running the show who has already done it on a big-time (or somewhat big-time) stage.

I'd suggest you read this thread: - Message Boards
I think it's the fact that he's known as a very hard worker, and called Iowa, "a dream job". That's who I want, a guy who'll work tirelessly to get Iowa back to where it needs to be. I'm sure the Iowa ties have something to do with this, but that justs makes me feel he's even more committed to turning this around.
Have you ever listened to the man...ever met him? He has paid his dues at ALL levels and will be a head coach somewhere soon. Do you like to buy stocks after everyone knows about them or do you like to get in early and reap the most benefit.

I know it not a perfect analogy, but its one way to look at it.

Everyone he has worked for hated to see him go. The kids and parents love him. Iowa is his dream job. No he has never been a head coach...but the only place Kirk was a HC was Maine, now that was a powerhouse back then right. Forbes at least has seen what it takes build and be a top program. Titles are overrated
Let me ask you this: Let's imagine Forbes had no ties to the state of Iowa. You found out he was not even the top assistant head coach at, let's say, Georgia. Would you still be clammering for him? I don't get it. Based on his coaching alone, what convinces you he can come into Iowa City and lead a Big 10 school to prominence in the conference?

Being an "associate" or an "assistant" is much, much, much different than running the show yourself. You can be an assistant and have a lot of responsibility, but when you are officially the person in the captain's seat, that takes on a whole new level of expectations, etc.

What has Forbes done, from a coaching standpoint, to deserve this job? Is it because he has ties with Bruce Pearl? Is it strictly because he is from the state of Iowa? What if he comes in here as a major college head coach for the first time and completely flops? Any coach can flop, but I for one would at least feel better with someone running the show who has already done it on a big-time (or somewhat big-time) stage.

Garth! Calm down.... youre in a forest. with Heather Locklear. it's very very warm.
He may be only an average coach...BUT...if he can recruit like everyone says he can (everyone, including scouts from then he needs to at least get an interview.

I'm still drooling over the possibility of Josh Shelby in an Iowa uni...(and I realize I'm dreaming, BIG TIME)
He's widely known as one of the best recruiters in the biz, he builds relationships with players once on campus, he has been successful at every stop along the way and from all accounts he WANTS to be here. He may not be a household name to many on the outside looking in, he is however a household name to AAU and highschool coaches around the country, I like that.
Forbes seems like a guy who is willing to come in, work and recruit his butt off, has a boatload of established recruiting relationships, and views Iowa as a destination job.

Given the state of the program right now, Iowa could use a guy like that.
I'd suggest you read this thread: - Message Boards

Interesting read indeed ... If he is selected I hope he can come in here and right the ship. I still keep the stance it is a major, major adjustment to go from being a sidekick to being the one who runs the entire program ... Yes, getting recruits is the name of the game, but you have to be able to coach the talent as well ... George Raveling could recruit like no other, but his coaching skills left a little to be desired. In comes Mr. Davis and he takes that same talent and notches 30 wins ... So coaching is important as well ... not just bringing in the talent ...
Imagine the kind of immediate impact a Selby and Negedu could make on the Hawks....I know..dreaming,but the the fantasy has me leaning heavily to Forbes now.

After watching Dayton last nite...I want me some athletes in black and gold,ASAP!

I thought that Forbes would not be a splash guy with the fanbase,but if he brought some talent with him....SPLASH! iowa fans are thirsty for some entertaining bb on the floor for a change...add in a couple of those guys to what we have returning,and the whole team looks much better.
Interesting read indeed ... If he is selected I hope he can come in here and right the ship. I still keep the stance it is a major, major adjustment to go from being a sidekick to being the one who runs the entire program ... Yes, getting recruits is the name of the game, but you have to be able to coach the talent as well ... George Raveling could recruit like no other, but his coaching skills left a little to be desired. In comes Mr. Davis and he takes that same talent and notches 30 wins ... So coaching is important as well ... not just bringing in the talent ...

recruiting is 90% of the game, Forbes could bring in someone to teach the other 10% if need be
recruiting is 90% of the game, Forbes could bring in someone to teach the other 10% if need be
No, Forbes would also need somebody to come in and do the 90% that is recruiting as well considering how little head coaches are involved in the process.
No, Forbes would also need somebody to come in and do the 90% that is recruiting as well considering how little head coaches are involved in the process.

Forbes would still have a huge hand in recruiting. Just not doing as much of the leg work.
Interesting read indeed ... If he is selected I hope he can come in here and right the ship. I still keep the stance it is a major, major adjustment to go from being a sidekick to being the one who runs the entire program ... Yes, getting recruits is the name of the game, but you have to be able to coach the talent as well ... George Raveling could recruit like no other, but his coaching skills left a little to be desired. In comes Mr. Davis and he takes that same talent and notches 30 wins ... So coaching is important as well ... not just bringing in the talent ...

I'm not going to disagree that coaching is also a big part of the equation and it isn't just being able to recruit as you pointed out with Raveling. However at this point I would take a George Raveling and just get those types of recruits into the program right now and worry about the rest later. He can hire good enough assistants to help with the X's and O's part of it.
His ties to the state and his stating that this is his dream job go a long way with me. Plus, he is considered one of the top recruiters in the country. In my mind he is a fall back, but there are only a few coaches I have in front of him.

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