Don't Look Now, but Sparty Could Go 12-0

North or south side of the 50? I ask only because I have a 50/50 chance of being able to pelt you with small objects from not too far above you. :)

Section 128, and I want to say that's on the north side. I'm not hard to miss, I'll be the guy in the black jacket with the black Iowa hat on. :D
Ryno is probably the most skeptical, negative, chicken-little type person on this board. Take it with a grain of salt.

YOU typed this about another poster?!? That is sooo awesome.
Do you realize that this description fits you to a T?
Damn, SR. You are incredibly droll. I think.
You are talking about MSU !!!! They shot themselves in the foot every year!

I think it will be tough for them to win at Kinnick, but for the last two weeks, I've been predicting MSU victories and everyone has laughed at me.

They're a pretty complete team. They don't play tOSU. PSU is down. They have a solid lines, a good QB, good running backs, and a fairly decent defense. I think they're a more complete team than most in the B10. Right now, I think tOSU, Iowa, and MSU are the best teams.
YOU typed this about another poster?!? That is sooo awesome.
Do you realize that this description fits you to a T?
Damn, SR. You are incredibly droll. I think.

I'm hardly negative about the football program, and I defended Lickliter to the bitter end. I might be a bit snarky, but I'm hardly negative.
I think I'm 2-3. Went to two games in 1999, so maybe those don't really count?
Saw Purdue and Wisconsin in 2006, Iowa split them, and the last game I was at was Syracuse in 2007.

Needless to say, but I'm very excited to get back.

Be excited.
Be positive.
Shout and scream for our Hawkeyes.

I would peg my "in attendance record" at about 36-7. Hawks have always done well with me in Kinnick. :cool:
I'm hardly negative about the football program, and I defended Lickliter to the bitter end. I might be a bit snarky, but I'm hardly negative.

Fair enough.

But you're a salty dude, there's no doubt. :D
Ryno is probably the most skeptical, negative, chicken-little type person on this board. Take it with a grain of salt.

No, just a realist. Everyone is talking like we are just going to roll into Ann Arbor and win and MSU will be close but we win. A lot of you thought Arizona would be easy too and that isn't how it turned out. We are a good team but we have such a small margin for error that nothing is guaranteed. Florida, Alabama, Texas, etc. are continually dominate programs and can make up for their mistakes a lot more than we can but even this year those teams are struggling.

Can we win the rest of the games, absolutely, but through 6 weeks now we are seeing pretenders and contenders. The teams we have beaten are turning out not to be very good and the one team we shot ourselves in the foot against is getting pounded at home. Where are our quality wins now? MSU and OSU look to be by far the toughest tests for us because they can beat us in different ways even without us making mistakes. And we NEED those wins more than ever.

I had Iowa going 10-2 this season back in June with loses to Arizona and MSU. I feel better about the Michigan game. The MSU game scares me a lot more now after seeing how they've dealt with adversity so far when normally Sparty would begin to crumble. They are definitely improved. I think OSU we can get after last year's performance and what I thought would be on the line. I just didn't expect MSU to be where they are now. They remind me of Iowa last year.
No, just a realist. Everyone is talking like we are just going to roll into Ann Arbor and win and MSU will be close but we win. A lot of you thought Arizona would be easy too and that isn't how it turned out. We are a good team but we have such a small margin for error that nothing is guaranteed. Florida, Alabama, Texas, etc. are continually dominate programs and can make up for their mistakes a lot more than we can but even this year those teams are struggling.

Can we win the rest of the games, absolutely, but through 6 weeks now we are seeing pretenders and contenders. The teams we have beaten are turning out not to be very good and the one team we shot ourselves in the foot against is getting pounded at home. Where are our quality wins now? MSU and OSU look to be by far the toughest tests for us because they can beat us in different ways even without us making mistakes. And we NEED those wins more than ever.

I had Iowa going 10-2 this season back in June with loses to Arizona and MSU. I feel better about the Michigan game. The MSU game scares me a lot more now after seeing how they've dealt with adversity so far when normally Sparty would begin to crumble. They are definitely improved. I think OSU we can get after last year's performance and what I thought would be on the line. I just didn't expect MSU to be where they are now. They remind me of Iowa last year.

A lot of us saw Arizona as a win, you're right about that. What none of us saw was Iowa giving away 21 points. The reason none of us saw that is because special teams gaffes like Iowa had that night don't happen very often.
I'm a big kirk cousin guy.....but I can't wrap my brain around sparty going undefeated.

I love me some Kirk Cousins as well, and I love me some Sparty. I think a lot of that has to do with how they play, and their head coach. Iowa fans gave Dantonio a lot of grief about some of the things he said after the Iowa game last year, but I think he's a hell of a coach.

What I mean by it not being the same ol' Sparty is that they're not losing games they shouldn't, or losing games that they have control of.
A lot of us saw Arizona as a win, you're right about that. What none of us saw was Iowa giving away 21 points. The reason none of us saw that is because special teams gaffes like Iowa had that night don't happen very often.

Exactly. Iowa has no margin for error. No one saw that coming and that's why I don't ever expect Iowa to just roll into town and come away with a victory. Every year we lose a game where "we didn't get beat, we just beat ourselves". If we make those kind of mistakes against Sparty, we will get beat big time.
We just need to win out and we have nothing to worry about. It's just looking like a tough road. Especially compared to MSU's.
Exactly. Iowa has no margin for error. No one saw that coming and that's why I don't ever expect Iowa to just roll into town and come away with a victory. Every year we lose a game where "we didn't get beat, we just beat ourselves". If we make those kind of mistakes against Sparty, we will get beat big time.

You're missing the point. Those mistakes don't happen to Iowa very often; that's why nobody saw them coming. Iowa hadn't had a punt blocked in two years before Zona got one, and I can't remember the last kickoff return that went for a touchdown, either.

The point is that those mistakes aren't typical of Iowa football, so you shouldn't expect them to happen.
You're missing the point. Those mistakes don't happen to Iowa very often; that's why nobody saw them coming. Iowa hadn't had a punt blocked in two years before Zona got one, and I can't remember the last kickoff return that went for a touchdown, either.

The point is that those mistakes aren't typical of Iowa football, so you shouldn't expect them to happen.

Point taken. We don't make that many stupid mistakes but we seem to have that game where we make enough dumb ones to cost us. Hopefully Arizona was the only one. But until Iowa can go through the season without that type of game, I will expect one every season.
Point taken. We don't make that many stupid mistakes but we seem to have that game where we make enough dumb ones to cost us. Hopefully Arizona was the only one. But until Iowa can go through the season without that type of game, I will expect one every season.

Iowa gave up 3 free TDs and still almost won the game in a very hostile environment. I would say that is a fairly large margin for error. AZ game was a fluke. Don't see a team yet that will challenge the hawks till tOSU later this year.

Get on some prozac dude. MSU won't beat Iowa in Kinnick.
I love me some Kirk Cousins as well, and I love me some Sparty. I think a lot of that has to do with how they play, and their head coach. Iowa fans gave Dantonio a lot of grief about some of the things he said after the Iowa game last year, but I think he's a hell of a coach.

What I mean by it not being the same ol' Sparty is that they're not losing games they shouldn't, or losing games that they have control of.

This. Just because Sparty has underachieved in the past doesn't mean they have to for all eternity. Dantonio is a VERY good coach, and I think he can get this group over the hump (the guy playing QB has a lot to do with that, as well. They've got leadership at that position now). I'm thinking they go no worse than 10-2. Wouldn't that be something to have three 11-1 teams when it's all said and done?
MSU is good but they havent seen a D like ours. I think it will be a fun game to watch and I am glad we have them at home! No way they go undefeated.