Don Doxsie (QC Times) trolls McCaffery hard

I wonder if Fran's wife will start posting here.

Journalism is not a profession anymore. There is very little news in stories, mostly editorial comments. Television and print media are losing so many customers that they have to do something about it and sensationalizing everything is their answer.

Give the new coach a chance. As I said before, it can't be any worse than the previous administration

It’s good that athletics director Gary Barta learned from his mistake. This time he went out and hired a spectacled coach with a bland personality who has had some success at a mid-major, but this guy is only 50, almost 51.

It sure looks like a sequel, doesn’t it? It’s Lickliter II: Return of the Yawns.

Sequels almost never are as good as the original and in this case the original was a box office dud.

Fran McCaffery, who is going to be unveiled as Iowa’s new head coach today, not only looks a little like Todd Lickliter but he apparently has the same personality (or lack thereof). You can find plenty of stories online in which McCaffery is described as “studiousâ€￾ and “bookish.â€￾ Those are gentle euphemisms for boring.

I have pretty much never called out a media member, but this was beyond the pale. This entire article sounded like a post on this board. It was uninformed, insulting, and the writer makes almost no effort to get to the truth.

He clearly has never seen Fran coach or speak, but he has decided that he is "bland". Why? Because he read a few "stories online" that describe him as such. Nice "journalism" Doxsie. How about this; If you're going to go and write a hit piece on the coach, do more than google his name and react to the first few stories you read, you joke.

Even better, Doxsie goes on further in the article to say we "Shouldn't pass judgement". Of course, he makes this call for civility after he calls him a bland reincarnation of Lickliter, using such convincing facts such as they both wear glasses, they are of similar age, and their names have the same number of letter. WHAT A JOKE.

Doxsie, I know you read these boards, because you take a large amount of your "opinions" straight from Iowa message boards. I just wanted you to know that this article was garbage, and demonstrated a large amount of ignorance on your part, which makes me skeptical of what little journalistic integrity you have left.

Well spoken. ditto for me.
That's how Doxsie reports most things, with negatives and trying to bring up the bad in every story to make a name for himself. If you read the QC Times, the only person you should read is Steve Batterson. Now there's a great writer that goes after the positives, get's the facts right and doesn't have an agenda. Doxsie is a HACK!!!
Steve puts out quality work and has always been a nice to me whenever we have interacted.

I really don't think I could give you an accurate definition of what a journalist is, much less think I might be one. I am probably a hybrid in a way. Most of what I write is opinion based but I don't tend to go to the napalm card often. That's more about my nature than intent, as is trying to be fair to people.

If that adheres to traditional norms, I can assure you it's just accidental and coincidence :) Or rather, it's just the Iowan in me.

I'm Dave Miller's son. That's probly where it starts and stops
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If it makes you guys feel any better the way the print industry is sinking he'll probably be in a soup line within the year.
Don, they're saying not everything you read second hand on the internet is true.

Who knew?

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