Don Doxsie (QC Times) trolls McCaffery hard



It’s good that athletics director Gary Barta learned from his mistake. This time he went out and hired a spectacled coach with a bland personality who has had some success at a mid-major, but this guy is only 50, almost 51.

It sure looks like a sequel, doesn’t it? It’s Lickliter II: Return of the Yawns.

Sequels almost never are as good as the original and in this case the original was a box office dud.

Fran McCaffery, who is going to be unveiled as Iowa’s new head coach today, not only looks a little like Todd Lickliter but he apparently has the same personality (or lack thereof). You can find plenty of stories online in which McCaffery is described as “studious” and “bookish.” Those are gentle euphemisms for boring.

I have pretty much never called out a media member, but this was beyond the pale. This entire article sounded like a post on this board. It was uninformed, insulting, and the writer makes almost no effort to get to the truth.

He clearly has never seen Fran coach or speak, but he has decided that he is "bland". Why? Because he read a few "stories online" that describe him as such. Nice "journalism" Doxsie. How about this; If you're going to go and write a hit piece on the coach, do more than google his name and react to the first few stories you read, you joke.

Even better, Doxsie goes on further in the article to say we "Shouldn't pass judgement". Of course, he makes this call for civility after he calls him a bland reincarnation of Lickliter, using such convincing facts such as they both wear glasses, they are of similar age, and their names have the same number of letter. WHAT A JOKE.

Doxsie, I know you read these boards, because you take a large amount of your "opinions" straight from Iowa message boards. I just wanted you to know that this article was garbage, and demonstrated a large amount of ignorance on your part, which makes me skeptical of what little journalistic integrity you have left.
Doxsie, I know you read these boards, because you take a large amount of your "opinions" straight from Iowa message boards. I just wanted you to know that this article was garbage, and demonstrated a large amount of ignorance on your part, which makes me skeptical of what little journalistic integrity you have left.

HORRIBLE excuse for journalism.
Fran is nothing like Lickliter in regards to intensity in game (or post game). That's bad research by the writer.

I guess because a coach is smart, he's boring? Bad assumption.

I read that this morning as well and had the exact same reaction. This guy is a 180 from Lickliter. Oh, so the guy has glasses and has the same number of letters in his name?

Let me tell you about the media. The larger the market, the more you get paid, the more prestigious your job is. For 95% of journalists, print, radio or television, their goal is to get to a major market. So my point is, there is a reason why this knob is writing for the QC Times and not even the Des Moines Register.
That article was bad and, quite frankly, irresponsible. Fortunately, the article will have a greater impact on Doxsie's reputation than it will have on Fran's.
Just because a guy doesn't necessarily have Bruce Pearl's type A personality doesn't mean that he can't still communicate and get his message across from the players. After watching the video of McCaffery just posted in another thread, it looks like FM does show his share of intensity on the sidelines. That will be very much unlike Lickliter, without a doubt.
This guy proves that he doesn't know what the F he is talking about. He obviously doesn't do any homework but just molds his opinions on what MaCaffery looks like.

The little I saw of MaCaffery is completely different from the stoic individual you see in interviews. His style of play is fast & loose & what I saw on the sidelines was him getting red in the face in his players face. Completely different from Todd L. He is animated on the sideline & shows plenty of passion.

He actually is the polar opposite of what Todd L. is.

What a joke of a columnist!! Very subjective.
Fran is nothing like Lickliter in regards to intensity in game (or post game). That's bad research by the writer.

I guess because a coach is smart, he's boring? Bad assumption.

When is the term bookish a bad thing?
Coach K is the picture of bookish in Websters.

It’s good that athletics director Gary Barta learned from his mistake. This time he went out and hired a spectacled coach with a bland personality who has had some success at a mid-major, but this guy is only 50, almost 51.

It sure looks like a sequel, doesn’t it? It’s Lickliter II: Return of the Yawns.

Sequels almost never are as good as the original and in this case the original was a box office dud.

Fran McCaffery, who is going to be unveiled as Iowa’s new head coach today, not only looks a little like Todd Lickliter but he apparently has the same personality (or lack thereof). You can find plenty of stories online in which McCaffery is described as “studiousâ€￾ and “bookish.â€￾ Those are gentle euphemisms for boring.

I have pretty much never called out a media member, but this was beyond the pale. This entire article sounded like a post on this board. It was uninformed, insulting, and the writer makes almost no effort to get to the truth.

He clearly has never seen Fran coach or speak, but he has decided that he is "bland". Why? Because he read a few "stories online" that describe him as such. Nice "journalism" Doxsie. How about this; If you're going to go and write a hit piece on the coach, do more than google his name and react to the first few stories you read, you joke.

Even better, Doxsie goes on further in the article to say we "Shouldn't pass judgement". Of course, he makes this call for civility after he calls him a bland reincarnation of Lickliter, using such convincing facts such as they both wear glasses, they are of similar age, and their names have the same number of letter. WHAT A JOKE.

Doxsie, I know you read these boards, because you take a large amount of your "opinions" straight from Iowa message boards. I just wanted you to know that this article was garbage, and demonstrated a large amount of ignorance on your part, which makes me skeptical of what little journalistic integrity you have left.

From what I've heard, McCaffery is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE in terms of personality.
Good job Don. Fran needed someone to come out and tick off the Iowa fans to rally around did it ;)
From what I've heard, McCaffery is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE in terms of personality.

That's kind of my point. Don Doxsie is a "journalist", yet he clearly judged Coach Fran after reading his Wiki profile and reading that ESPN interview.

I know that this was an opinion piece, but don't you think a "journalist" is supposed to base his opinion on facts, particularly when you are getting paid to give that opinion?

I would really like to see Doxsie own this. I know you read this Don. Update this piece and admit you pretty much made all of this garbage up.
I think its tough to judge a guy early on...and especially not until we all get a chance to hear and see Fran today. Even after that, its going to be early,but some will make some judgements then...but basing such strong opinions on stuff you have read from others...whew...tough
That's how Doxsie reports most things, with negatives and trying to bring up the bad in every story to make a name for himself. If you read the QC Times, the only person you should read is Steve Batterson. Now there's a great writer that goes after the positives, get's the facts right and doesn't have an agenda. Doxsie is a HACK!!!
I think its tough to judge a guy early on...and especially not until we all get a chance to hear and see Fran today. Even after that, its going to be early,but some will make some judgements then...but basing such strong opinions on stuff you have read from others...whew...tough

Honestly, I think it is strange the way the sports media has developed in that it is expected that the journalists are also the opinion givers. Those two things seem to be the opposite. I mean guys like Bill O'Reilly and Kieth Olbermann are known as opinion givers, but not as journalists, yet in sports you have the opposite.

Of course, that's your bread and butter Jon, so I am not saying it is a bad thing, but just an opportunity for contradiction. I will say that I do enjoy your work as a journalist Miller, and I think it hurts your ability as an opinion giver. I do, however, respect that you always remember you are a journalist, and never comprimise that integrity to say stupid things, unlike Don Doxsie here.

Doxsie here seems to have completely forgotten that he is (in title at least) a journalist, and that there are certain responsibilities in that.
Doxie ripped Ferentz early on as well.

I don't care if he is negative or rips guys. You can rip away all you want, as long as you get the facts straight.

Doxsie just made a bunch of crap up after reading a few things online, and then made judgements based on assumptions. That is not what journalists do. That is what is insulting to me, not the fact he ripped him.
My point to this MC is what did Doxsie see in KF, I am sorry I was happy with Lickliter when he was was selected and I am happy with MC. Now for him to prove to me, to himself, and to HawkeyeNation in general that he is the right pick. Nobody wanted KF, especially after the first year and half. would you give him rid of KF now? Don't think anybody would, we just need to remember that he wants to be here and we need to support this man and team.

...he makes this call for civility after he calls him a bland reincarnation of Lickliter, using such convincing facts such as they both wear glasses, they are of similar age, and their names have the same number of letter.

One thing that is not a reincarnation of Lick is the attention Fran’s wife has already received. Through three years at Iowa I couldn’t even tell you if Lick had a wife (other than the fact there was a Lil Lick) and after one day Fran’s wife is already the toast of the internet :)

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