Does this irritate anyone else...

I have a problem with laying that at Mr. Davis's feet...the athletic department should've thought about a practice facility when they were coming up with the money to build Carver-Hawkeye...or every year after when other teams were building them.

I'm not necessarily "laying it at his feet" per se, but you know how administration is.....they don't spend money on stuff like that until you damn near hold a gun to their head. Hayden had been asking for his for a few years and the administration kept screwing around until Hayden finally laid down the gauntlet and forced them to get it done. Sometimes as a coach you have to be willing to pull that kind of $hit to get things moving with administrators that have their thumb up their @ss.
Alford is an absolute toolbag. Did anyone notice how he was taking up all the camera time on selection Sunday? Football is top priority at the U of I and that's how it should is getting the attention it needs with the long awaited upgrades. Now let's get a top notch coach and shove it down ol' Stevie's throat!!! Go Hawks!!
I'm not necessarily "laying it at his feet" per se, but you know how administration is.....they don't spend money on stuff like that until you damn near hold a gun to their head. Hayden had been asking for his for a few years and the administration kept screwing around until Hayden finally laid down the gauntlet and forced them to get it done. Sometimes as a coach you have to be willing to pull that kind of $hit to get things moving with administrators that have their thumb up their @ss.

Haha...I gotcha now and I do agree with what you're saying about getting money out of the bean counters.
I will take the Orange Bowl BCS game win. It's Just a little more important then flaming out in the 2nd round of the basketball tourney, as the LOBOS will do
Alford is deflecting here. While he states factual infromation the he just didn't get it done at the same level his predecessor and KF did.

Some people just can't handle being in someone else's shadow. If your entire self worth revolved around affirmation from other people and you were stuck in a school where a guy without a pedigree and nothing special on his resume simply out performs you every year from a coaching perspective you tend to get an inferiority complex.

Alford never loved Iowa and after the PP debacle fans were never going to put up with his crappy attitude.
Bob Bowlsby invested in the FB program because that is the bread winner, SA saw the writing on the wall, he also saw that NM was throwing tons of money at their BB program because they are a BB school and he ran south with his tail between his legs. SA is very consistent in one manner and that is he blames everyone but himself for what happened. My only hope is that Noodles somehow finds a way off his staff and we all can see if SA can handle coaching the x's and o's and recruiting.
I wonder if Dodd got his butt kicked by someone from Iowa while he was growing up. He really seems to enjoy trying to cut down the U of I at any chance he gets. If he wrote an article about wrestling he would probably claim they are not good enough to win the national title. Despite the fact that as I am writing this they have already claimed the title and the semi finals aren't even done yet.

Dennis Dodd would most likely take away one of our greatest sources of pride by saying wrestling is irrellivant on a national scale, so it doesn't count and then go and pee on the Tigerhawk logo.
Nobody was prouder to see the hawks loose to NW on Nov. 7 than Dodd. So he could say "See I told you so"
That's fine, we can throw oranges at him now.
Oh yeah! and Alford sucks donkey nuts! :p
I was hoping a last second shot would beat him again, as he was clearly trying to milk the clock with a double digit lead again. He was lucky that Montana didn't have any 3's going down last night.
I didn't see a problem with what Alford said. Dodds comment after was a little childish but that is Dodd for you.
The key to NM's success lies in a certain magickal t-shirt imbued with the power of the wolf.......

Three Alford Moon!!!

As much as I can't stand the guy, he speaks the truth. We DON'T have a practice facility and one was promised to him. We DIDN'T have a strength coach but we do as of last year. And our market department blows more than a $2 hooker. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE has been complaining for years to move the student section to down around the floor and it still hasn't been done. Carver is a nice facility but it's hard as heck to get it rockin'.

Giving away food isn't marketing, it's a sign of desperation.

With all of that said, alford still can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag. If it wasn't for Noodles and hiring some quality asst's that can recruit aka NOT YOUR FRICKIN DAD then the same success he is having at NM would have been at Iowa. How many years was his dad an assitant at Iowa? The recruiting picked up after Noodles got here but by then the end was already here.

+2. I didn't like Alford all that much, either. But not all of his lack of success is on him.
It is the truth about Iowa and the first way too solve a problem is admit the problem. Iowa basketball is a joke right now, and Coach Alford won as a player won at Manchester College, SW Missouri St, and now at New Mexico so maybe the issue is Iowa. What the Hawkeyes need is a complete rebuild on program from top to bottom with a serious goal of winning not just showing up and hoping too win! Go Hawks
Rebuilding the mens basketball program will take more than getting a good head coach. It will include staff (the coach's and others), facilities, marketing (including sports information), seating, fans. I'm not so sure it won't require an overhaul from top to bottom. Perhaps it's time for a fresh brand for the basketball program.

The leadership will need to come from the top, including Sally Mason and Gary Barta.
Rebuilding the mens basketball program will take more than getting a good head coach. It will include staff (the coach's and others), facilities, marketing (including sports information), seating, fans. I'm not so sure it won't require an overhaul from top to bottom. Perhaps it's time for a fresh brand for the basketball program.

The leadership will need to come from the top, including Sally Mason and Gary Barta.

100% agreement with above statement.
Rebuilding the mens basketball program will take more than getting a good head coach. It will include staff (the coach's and others), facilities, marketing (including sports information), seating, fans. I'm not so sure it won't require an overhaul from top to bottom. Perhaps it's time for a fresh brand for the basketball program.

The leadership will need to come from the top, including Sally Mason and Gary Barta.

While we're at it let's get the seating at CHA re-configured so the younger, more enthusiastic, loud and boisterous fans are courtside and the older, more established fans rattle their jewelry from the comfort of cushioned seats near the mezz.
It is Dodd gloating. That's why it doesn't sound like SA. Dodd got some quotes and wrote what he wanted, which is his prerogative. But that doesn't mean that is how his interview really came off, despite what we think of SA.
Not completely true, Hawkeyeweb.

The facilities issue became worse over time. They weren't that lacking when TD first came to Iowa. They were pretty good. By the time he left, we probably were lower end of middle, I am assuming, but we needed the attention. Alford's BTT titles were leveraged for more money for him and his coaches and facilities to be re-done in CHA. They should really have used that to do what they are doing now. But then SA became a hated figure and they couldn't get people to put money into it for him.

Most of what he said was true. That is unfortunate.