Does this Iowa roster have any NBA talent?

A lottery pick is unlikely but not impossible. There are a few teams out there who throw darts deciding who to pick. If Adam Morrison or Darco Milicic were able to do it.

Just stop. White is not a lottery pick no matter who is making the selections.
A lottery pick is unlikely but not impossible. There are a few teams out there who throw darts deciding who to pick. If Adam Morrison or Darco Milicic were able to do it.

If White leads the nation in scoring and shoots 42% from 3 his senior year, you're probably going to be right. Might want to bookmark this page so you can come back and rub this in IPA's face!
In a word, no. If your overall skill set isn't good enough for the league, then you need to find a niche: shooter, on-the-ball defender, rebounder, hustle/energy guy, something. Even the hustle/energy guy has to be a pretty good athlete. I see a lot of people are making the White/Bowen comparisons I think people are forgetting that Bowen was a good athlete, not NBA elite, but good.

I do not see anybody on this roster that could develop a certain part of their game to the point where they can earn a roster spot. Maybe Woodbury gets to the point where he is a big body guy that you can use at the end of peroid(s) for fouls.
White: the Bowen comparisons are way off. Bowen lasted in the NBA because of his defensive footwork and his ability to rebound. It is highly unlikely that White will develop a reliable 3pt shot in 18 months. He does not play NBA-prospect defense (if you are not a scorer, you need to be a defensive specialist). He doesn't have the body of an NBA 4, and isn't quick enough to play the 3. Europe.

Marble: the lack of a jump shot and explosiveness put him out of the NBA. He is simply not an NBA 2 guard, nor could he play the point. He is a fine college player, but if Andre couldn't stick in the league, do you really think Dev will? Europe.

Olesani: NBA? No. There are a lot of athletic bigs who don't make the NBA because they are not elite basketball players. Gabe is one of those guys. Europe.

Woodbury: if he develops a Luke Schenscher or Will Perdue-like game, he'll get a look. If he can put up the same numbers as a senior as Jepsen, then 2nd round or possible free agent signing.

Utoff: he has a good jump shot -- arguably better than Bullard at the same age. If he can refine it to become a reliable 3pt shooter, he could step into the same role on an NBA team that Bullard occupied with the Rockets. He's too thin for the 4 in the NBA, and might be a defensive liability against NBA 3s. If he works that jump shot enough, he could be a free agent pickup.

Jok: way too early to tell. If he gets his hops back, then it looks a lot better. 6'6" jump shooters with average quickness and strength tend not to make the NBA, however.

Not trying to pee in anyone's cornflakes here -- this is a very good college basketball team, with some good, but not great, players. There's no one on this roster who is a likely NBA player.

This is a spot on on.
FWIW I worked a camp this summer with a Bulls scout and he said Gabe was the only player with a shot at the NBA.

Here was a pretty "sick" Iowa roster....
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White: the Bowen comparisons are way off. Bowen lasted in the NBA because of his defensive footwork and his ability to rebound. It is highly unlikely that White will develop a reliable 3pt shot in 18 months. He does not play NBA-prospect defense (if you are not a scorer, you need to be a defensive specialist). He doesn't have the body of an NBA 4, and isn't quick enough to play the 3. Europe.

Marble: the lack of a jump shot and explosiveness put him out of the NBA. He is simply not an NBA 2 guard, nor could he play the point. He is a fine college player, but if Andre couldn't stick in the league, do you really think Dev will? Europe.

Olesani: NBA? No. There are a lot of athletic bigs who don't make the NBA because they are not elite basketball players. Gabe is one of those guys. Europe.

Woodbury: if he develops a Luke Schenscher or Will Perdue-like game, he'll get a look. If he can put up the same numbers as a senior as Jepsen, then 2nd round or possible free agent signing.

Utoff: he has a good jump shot -- arguably better than Bullard at the same age. If he can refine it to become a reliable 3pt shooter, he could step into the same role on an NBA team that Bullard occupied with the Rockets. He's too thin for the 4 in the NBA, and might be a defensive liability against NBA 3s. If he works that jump shot enough, he could be a free agent pickup.

Jok: way too early to tell. If he gets his hops back, then it looks a lot better. 6'6" jump shooters with average quickness and strength tend not to make the NBA, however.

Not trying to pee in anyone's cornflakes here -- this is a very good college basketball team, with some good, but not great, players. There's no one on this roster who is a likely NBA player.

WOW! That was a great post. Spot on imho. Like I stated originally, the only two I think have a shot are Uthoff and Woody in that order. I have seen nothing resembling an NBA game or potential from anyone else. The White NBA talk is ridiculous btw. He is a good college player but is very limited offensively and defensively. The Adam Morrison comparison was a riot. The only thing more ridiculous than White in the NBA is the mention of Marble. Weak for that level. Slow for that level. Poor shooter for that level. Weak defensively for that level. I do not see that at all. As for Jok, he looks slow and unexplosive to me. Last night I saw unbelievable athletes and great shooters, and that was fun to watch. If Fran can beat MSU or Kansas he is a genius because those teams were like watching another level of basketball.

With all that being said, I love this squad and so appreciate the hard work it has taken Fran to assemble it considering what he inherited. I hope we can finish at or above .500 in the Big Ten this year. Based on what I saw last night from MSU and Wisconsin, that may be a more difficult task than people realize. Go Hawks!
FWIW I worked a camp this summer with a Bulls scout and he said Gabe was the only player with a shot at the NBA.

He had not seen Uthoff yet. I know it is a small sample size but boy he looks the part early on. Long, athletic, can shoot it, can drive it, blocks shots. Almost 6'10. 3 years left. He could be awfully good. Olaseni has no shot. He still looks very raw offensively and there are plenty of 6'10 athletic types with no real game running around the D1 circuit.
If Haluska/Horner/Brunner couldn't play in a regular-season NBA game, White/Marble/Olesani won't either.
I think White will be a lottery pick when it's all said and done.

Woodbury will be in the NBA and Marble, Uthoff, and Gabe all have a good chance.

With the D League it's easier than it was in the past to make the NBA in terms of being able to survive got getting drafted. All these guys might not get drafted, but they have a chance to play on a NBA roster.

Ouch. I love a nice glass of Kool-Aid as much as the next guy, but good god. Aaron White isn't a good shooter, isn't very strong and isn't quick on defense. How in the world is he going to play in the NBA, let alone be a lottery pick?

GMs drafting a 3/4 will all ask themselves this question: can this guy guard Kevin Durant for ten years?

Aaron White, god love him, won't play in the NBA unless he gains 30 pounds of muscle and develops a serious affinity for contact below the hoop. Sorry.
He had not seen Uthoff yet. I know it is a small sample size but boy he looks the part early on. Long, athletic, can shoot it, can drive it, blocks shots. Almost 6'10. 3 years left. He could be awfully good. Olaseni has no shot. He still looks very raw offensively and there are plenty of 6'10 athletic types with no real game running around the D1 circuit.

There are allot of guys who can jump, always have been, but there really arent allot of guys around who can move their feet and run like Gabe can at 6'11.

very different.

He has very uncomon quicks and agility. Wont get him anywhere unless he learns the game though.
Best chance is 6'8 or 6'9 he handles well enough to play the wing and the shot is good. He needs to add strength but his length can help that as Kevin Durant is quite weak yet he has turned into a better defender than I thought he would be. Uthoff has a game that translates well and the length to make up for his deficiencies.

Marble can't defend the best points in the big 10 so he can't play point in the pros. He isn't a strong enough scorer to be a true 2. His game is set for Europe. Outside d-league chance.

white doesn't have the skill to play the 3 at the nba level and he isn't going to be strong enough to play the 4...even a stretch 4 for the pros is out of his ability as he doesn't have the shot. He would be really good in Europe.

olaseni will have to play in the d-league or Europe but with how he is growing as a player and his young bball age he has an outside chance.

woody has a chance as he is a skilled big man at things like passing rebounding and has soft hands. Things that are very useful. But it will all be about how he advances in the next few years.

jok is too early to tell.

gesell and clemmons have parts of there game that are going to keep them from it and neither really sticks out as having one skill that sets them apart to make them a pro prospect. But they are both still developing.
Iowa MIGHT have a couple guys who you look in a few years at the bench during an NBA game and go, wow he is in the NBA and wonder why.

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