Does this Iowa roster have any NBA talent?

The process of elimination leaves 3 guys that have the necessary size and or athleticism. Woody, Uthoff, Olaseni. And they have a slim chance at best.

If Jok turns out to be a lights out shooter than maybe because he is 6'5.

White and Marble, good college players but no way.

I don't know if Woody, Uthoff, Olaseni, or Jok will make the NBA, but it appears Fran is upgrading the talent every year. I wouldn't want to bet against any of them not making it.
I think Gabe Olaseni has a chance to play in the NBA one day, yes I do. That's based on my belief that Gabe is going to continue to have exponential growth his last two years at Iowa. He is very, very young in a basketball sense. His shot blocking ability will certainly start turning heads and he runs the floor like he's 6-6. Perhaps he doesn't make it right out of college, may take a few years elsewhere, but I think he has a shot.

I'm really surprised Olaseni didn't get more mention. He has NBA athleticism for a 6-11 guy. He's long armed, can block shots and run the floor. Lots of NBA teams draft on potential and Gabe has plenty. Just look at the strides he has made since he first came to campus. He would be my first choice from this roster, to stick in the NBA. Marble can't defend well enough and his 3 pt range isn't good enough. White has the 2nd best chance, IMO. He needs to work on his shot but he does a lot of things well, so I could see him landing on a roster. How long he stays completely depends on his ability to improve his shooting. Jok would be my 3rd choice but until I see more of him, I can't say one way or the other.
I think White could have a Ryan Bowen type of career in the NBA. He might have to bounce around to a few teams until he finds the right fit. I think it's to early to tell with Woody and Gabe. I think Marble will play pro overseas and I don't know enough about Utoff yet to tell.
I think White could have a Ryan Bowen type of career in the NBA. He might have to bounce around to a few teams until he finds the right fit. I think it's to early to tell with Woody and Gabe. I think Marble will play pro overseas and I don't know enough about Utoff yet to tell.

Ryan Bowen couldn't have a Ryan Bowen type career these days. Did you see those kids playing last night? Add up those guys and the best of the best of the other teams, with all the international players and there just isn't a spot.

Gabe has good athleticism and size, but there are lots of guys that have his measurements and are way more polished in the league, college, internationally, and coming up.

Woody has great height, but short arms.

Uthoff and White are unique. But both need to develop physically to play the position that their athleticism would require in the league.

Think of it this way. We saw probably about a third of the first round last night and that was only four teams.
I don't know. It has been so long since I have seen NBA talent wearing a Hawkeye uniform that I forgot what it looks like.
I don't know. It has been so long since I have seen NBA talent wearing a Hawkeye uniform that I forgot what it looks like.

I'm pretty sick of your negativity ;) . It was only 3 years ago that John Lickliter was here, you must not have been a Tavernhawk very long if you didn't see him in a Hawkeye uniform. It seems like just yesterday we were hearing announcers all over the country screaming, "Lickliter with the blow by!"
I'll admit that I'm not a basketball aficionado, but here's my take.

I don't think anybody on the roster is a lock. But at this juncture, Marble and White have the best shot. Woody is close, if only for his size. Olesani for the same reason but also for his athleticism, but I think he ends up in Europe. (Along with Basabe.) As someone else mentioned, there isn't enough of a sample size (2 games), but Uthoff has a chance.

As for the rest of the rotation, Clemmons, Gesell, and Jok need to develop more. (BUT FRAN CAN'T DEVELOP TALENT!! ;)) McCabe has probably reached his ceiling but could end up in Europe or Japan. (See Eric May.) And if Oglesby can start knocking down threes in the next year and a half, he could also end up overseas.

Just my 2¢ .. ..

Do we have any impact type NBA Do we possibly have a guy who can hang around and have a Bowen like career? Perhaps White, Uthoff or Woody/Gabe. No locks by any means but I'd like to guess one of those guys plays a few years in the league. Marble just isn't fast/athletic enough to make it at his position.
Uthoff and Woodbury have the best shot at playing in the NBA. Marble and White can make good careers for themselves in Europe.
I think White will be a lottery pick when it's all said and done.

Woodbury will be in the NBA and Marble, Uthoff, and Gabe all have a good chance.

With the D League it's easier than it was in the past to make the NBA in terms of being able to survive got getting drafted. All these guys might not get drafted, but they have a chance to play on a NBA roster.

Gabe is still a longs way off, everyone got excited about game one, but seemed to forget in the second game how often Gabe looked like a little kid just jumping and trying to block everything- took himself out of position a lot.
I think White will be a lottery pick when it's all said and done.

Woodbury will be in the NBA and Marble, Uthoff, and Gabe all have a good chance.

With the D League it's easier than it was in the past to make the NBA in terms of being able to survive got getting drafted. All these guys might not get drafted, but they have a chance to play on a NBA roster.

White would have to really progress to end up in the NBA, let alone your lottery prediction. Really, not trying to be a jerk, but that comment was absurd. White gets his buckets by cheating out in front and getting to the line, I don't think he's strong enough to do that at the next level, plus White hasn't shown the ability to improve his jumper. Outside of something miraculous, White will play overseas.

Marble has a shot, but his jumper needs to be consistent.

Too early to say anything about Uhtoff, although I've really liked what we've seen so far.
White would have to really progress to end up in the NBA, let alone your lottery prediction. Really, not trying to be a jerk, but that comment was absurd. White gets his buckets by cheating out in front and getting to the line, I don't think he's strong enough to do that at the next level, plus White hasn't shown the ability to improve his jumper. Outside of something miraculous, White will play overseas.

Marble has a shot, but his jumper needs to be consistent.

Too early to say anything about Uhtoff, although I've really liked what we've seen so far.

White and Marble would need to be much better shooters to play in the nba at the least.

The nba only has places for eliet athletes and specialists.
White: the Bowen comparisons are way off. Bowen lasted in the NBA because of his defensive footwork and his ability to rebound. It is highly unlikely that White will develop a reliable 3pt shot in 18 months. He does not play NBA-prospect defense (if you are not a scorer, you need to be a defensive specialist). He doesn't have the body of an NBA 4, and isn't quick enough to play the 3. Europe.

Marble: the lack of a jump shot and explosiveness put him out of the NBA. He is simply not an NBA 2 guard, nor could he play the point. He is a fine college player, but if Andre couldn't stick in the league, do you really think Dev will? Europe.

Olesani: NBA? No. There are a lot of athletic bigs who don't make the NBA because they are not elite basketball players. Gabe is one of those guys. Europe.

Woodbury: if he develops a Luke Schenscher or Will Perdue-like game, he'll get a look. If he can put up the same numbers as a senior as Jepsen, then 2nd round or possible free agent signing.

Utoff: he has a good jump shot -- arguably better than Bullard at the same age. If he can refine it to become a reliable 3pt shooter, he could step into the same role on an NBA team that Bullard occupied with the Rockets. He's too thin for the 4 in the NBA, and might be a defensive liability against NBA 3s. If he works that jump shot enough, he could be a free agent pickup.

Jok: way too early to tell. If he gets his hops back, then it looks a lot better. 6'6" jump shooters with average quickness and strength tend not to make the NBA, however.

Not trying to pee in anyone's cornflakes here -- this is a very good college basketball team, with some good, but not great, players. There's no one on this roster who is a likely NBA player.

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