Does Stanzi have a chance to make it to New York?

Never say never.

That said, Stanzi has a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of being a Heisman finalist this year.

He isn't even being talked about at all on a national level. At least Brad Banks had some buzz at this time in 2002.
Does he have a chance? Sure.
It's just not a very good one. There are many, many players ahead of him on the list of invitees... he'd would even tell you that.
I have to be honest...not a chance in the world. First of all, he is not yet capable of putting up such numbers. I think he's good and improving, but that is a tall order to put up those types of numbers. Throw in a lack of respect on a national level for the least the view of the Hawkeyes as an elite program (i.e. nation's leading rusher last year and no invite).
Nope, too many INT's already unless he starts throwing for 350 with 4tds a game which isn't going to happen.
I think there is a very, very, very remote possibility that he goes to New York. Only if he lights it up. Only if his biggest game is against Ohio State. Only if we go undefeated. But he can't win. Since 2001, every Heisman winner except Troy Smith played at least one game after Thanksgiving (Smith won by the second largest margin ever, behind OJ Simpson, and would have won even if his season ended in October). Jason White, Matt Leinart, Reggie Bush, and Sam Bradford played two. For the most part, the voters love players who light it up late.
I think he has a great shot if:

A) The hawks end the season undefeated.
B) Stanzi puts up great numbers the second half of the season
C) Has an amazing game at the shoe

The problem with Greene last year was he was on a team with 4 losses. That wont be a problem with Stanzi in this hypothetical senario. He will be getting a lot of attention the second half of the season, if the hawks continue to win and he plays well in all of the final games he'll be in nyc, imo.

This isn't a year where there is a ton of outstanding players at the top so that would benefit him as well. Has there ever been a qb from an undefeated team probably in the top 2-4 teams at the end of the season who hasn't gone to nyc?

Obviously this is all hypothetical and the bottom line is the hawks have to keep on winning. It will be interesting to see! GO HAWKS KEEP ON WINNING!
I was thinking today about who is the front-runner for Big Ten offensive POY and Defensive POY and the Silver Football.

If Tony has a big finish to his year....I think he is the leading contender for Iowa for the offensive award and Silver Football.
Defensive..I think Sash is our best candidate. If we went unbeaten, I think Tony and Tyler would get heavy consideration. Ricky would be next probably.
I had thought about this a little bit today and compared his stats to Colt McCoy's. McCoy is third on, and has only played 6 games. But he already has several INT's this year as well, doesnt have the rushing yards he has in the past, and has about equal yards and TD's to Ricky. Now he only has 6 games, but unless he absolutely blows up against Mizzou, the numbers are still going to be fairly close. If Iowa wins this Saturday, there isnt any reason except for name recognition, that Ricky shouldnt be considered if McCoy is as both would be on undefeated teams with comparable stats.
Never say never.

That said, Stanzi has a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of being a Heisman finalist this year.

He isn't even being talked about at all on a national level. At least Brad Banks had some buzz at this time in 2002.

So you're saying there is a chance?!?!?!?! lol

So you're saying there is a chance?!?!?!?! lol
Aren't there more pressing questions? Should he really garner consideration? Take the glasses off and set the kool aid down!
No chance. Not even close. Any non-Iowa fan will laugh at you for suggesting it.

Aren't there more pressing questions? Should he really garner consideration? Take the glasses off and set the kool aid down!

I don't think anyone in their right mind thinks he's a candidate now...but if Iowa plays well enough to remain undefeated, he'll have successfully met the two main criteria for the sham of a trophy that the Heisman has become:

A) Be on a top 5 team
B) Best player on said team

We'll be undefeated, satisfying requirement A. Since we don't really have anyone else standing out (defense doesn't count because in this day in age, no way a D player is going to win; Woodson played both sides of the ball and returned punts in 97), Stanzi will get the benefit of the doubt for B.

Of course, in our next few wins, he's going to have to put up at least some decent stats to be considered the best player, but if he average his Wisconsin line the rest of the year, he might have a shot at getting an invite at the least.

Do I believe he's got a shot? Nope.
Does he have a chance? Sure he's just microscopic.
Maybe if he had thrown 1-2 interceptions on the SEASON to this point... AND if he averaged an extra throwing touchdown per game.

The answer to your question is no. Period.
Sorry, not gonna happen. For all the reasons listed above and plus the fact that, as much as I love the Manzi, he's just not THAT good.