does dev marble

Whoever said you can't train to be more explosive is an idiot.

I added 6 inches to my vertical in a year from weightlifting and plyometric training.

I noticed my first step improved also.

Exactly...and your body really starts responding in your early 20's. I had a similar experience with working the legs in my early 20's. My vertical improved 4-5 inches. Both Marble and White don't look strong in the lower body or appear that they need to grow their leg strength to match their height. They constantly look top heavy when driving to the hole.

I think both have the potential to play in the NBA...obviously not start, but be a role player.
Yes. Long, Athletic, can get to the rim. Underrated shooter. He's got the game, the intangibles to make it to the NBA. Our offense looks completely different without Marble on the floor.
He has the decent chance to be a rotational wing player off the bench. Is he going to be a superstar or even a starter? Probably not. Is he going to leave college early to go pro? I sure hope not (for his sake and Iowa's).

Ask the Gophers about his supposed lack of athleticism. He doesn't need to be the quickest guy on the floor either as he won't be playing point guard. There are all kinds of guys who can't shoot the 3, so that isn't a showstopper (though it would certainly help to improve). Ask Wade or Jordan how important it is/was to their game. If he can continue to improve his mid range game and his defense, there is absolutely a chance.
Whoever said you can't train to be more explosive is an idiot.

I added 6 inches to my vertical in a year from weightlifting and plyometric training.

I noticed my first step improved also.
Gaining explosiveness is probably like improving your golf handicap. You make huge improvement early on, but then each incremental improvement gets harder and harder. Wouldn't you imagine that Marble has already had the appropriate training?
It's not unheard of for someone to put on 20 lbs or so just from growing. The dude's 19 so it's not like his body has stopped developing and who knows how much work he's done in the weight room.

He also has the benefit of having more teams in the league and I believe more roster spots (though this doesn't matter that much).

If he does make it (and I don't think he'd be a long term NBA player, I think he could earn a cup of coffee with strong JR and SR year showings) you are right though that it would have to be at the 3. I think a team could be intrigued by his length and the fact that he'd be able to handle the ball fairly well for a 3.

I looked it up, the average size for an NBA 3 is 6'8", 228lbs. Marble is Big 10 long, not NBA long.

Look, people seem to take this as a sleight on RDM, but he is just NEVER going to be there, and that's just the way it is. He is deficient in too many areas to get there. Honestly, the only way I can fathom that anyone thinks RDM can play in the NBA is that they don't watch the NBA.
I looked it up, the average size for an NBA 3 is 6'8", 228lbs. Marble is Big 10 long, not NBA long.

Look, people seem to take this as a sleight on RDM, but he is just NEVER going to be there, and that's just the way it is. He is deficient in too many areas to get there. Honestly, the only way I can fathom that anyone thinks RDM can play in the NBA is that they don't watch the NBA.

I agree he would never be a 3 in the NBA but if he keeps developing his skills at the point the NBA does like tall point guards that can drive to the basket. But he needs to work on his ball handling skills and shooting touch. It would be a long shot at best.
If Marble puts on some bulk here are some everyday NBA players I think he's comparable with in terms of college stats,height and hypothetical weight:

Andre Igodala
Alonzo Gee
Damien Wilkins
Reggie Williams
John Salmons
Sam Young

Keeping in mind that I personally am not predicting regular rotation minutes for him in the pros some of those players and their styles are reasons why I think with good development Marble could attach with someone.
none of the hawks on this team have any chances to go pro, i never see any body slamming plays except one play zach slams into two guys for marble dunk
. its college and they have free education! they can be judge or lawyer or your car salesman in future, thats about it.......... now go back to your bongs....

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