Do you want ISU to win when not playing Iowa?

Do YOU want ISU to win when not playing the Hawkeyes?


    Votes: 44 37.9%
  • Yes, the more wins in Iowa the better

    Votes: 72 62.1%

  • Total voters
I like the coaches (have meet a few), and a good buddy of mine's family member is an ISU coach. They are good Iowa peps! I have a bunch of friends that are ISU fans, and I must have good friends, because they root for Iowa, so it makes it easy for me to root for ISU (obviously when they aren't playing one another). I guess because of that I find it easy to ignore the idiot ISU fans, that might otherwise make me an ISU hater.
I guess, sometimes. If they're playing Nebraska I kinda want them to win. If they ever played Notre Dame, I'd root for them. Same again for OSU and Michigan if they're good. I suppose if they were playing a Big 10 school that had beneficial bowl implications for the Hawks, I would. Occasionally I've rooted for them over Missouri. Only to taunt Mizzou fans. But since we beat Mizzou last year I've got enough of my own material to work with.

I hate state. I didn't go there. I love the state of Iowa, but Iowa State has nothing to do with that. I like UNI because, well, Kurt Warner made me tingly as a Rams bandwagon fan. My wife went there. Go Panthers.

There's no doubt it can have some impact on in-state recruiting when they suck.
We compete for booster contributions, licensed apparel and novelty sales, estate donations, season ticket sales/prices/capacities, recruiting, media exposure and in the case of ISu - tax monies. You think Nebraska would be better off with another D1 school in a major conference? We compete with ISu and I want that competition to be lessened in every conceivable way. By the way, what does the state institutional BOR relationship have to do with the analogy of competition? Do you think they should mandate no score games like some kiddee soccer? As a Hawkeye fan, I would much rather accumulate ALL the athletic attention and subsequent resources - like Nebraska - than have little brother around to siphon fans, $ and BOR considerations.

Apparel and Novelty sales are minor in comparison to what they are getting from other revenue streams, but I will give you that one and I am with you on recruiting. With local media I can kinda see where you are coming from but Iowa far outweighs ISU in media exposure on BTN. Even if ISU was a mid major they would still get local media exposure. Unless they expand Kinnick Stadium there is very little additional revenue Iowa could get in ticket sales since they sell out almost every game. There would be very little if any additional booster or tax money unless Iowa State ceased to exist as a university. With the State of Iowa being an agricultural state I would hope you would not want Iowa State to just go away.

Athletically I am with you on ISU being an equal to Iowa as there is no room for 2 BCS schools in this state. I think ISU would be better served as a mid major and it would strengthen both schools athletically. Academically I am proud of the fact the state of Iowa has 3 outstanding public universities like Iowa, UNI, and Iowa State. Each one has their own identity and offers a different range of courses to help educate our young people.
I'm a homer and love the State of Iowa.. I think without a professional sports team to root for in our state I root for Iowa State when they're not playing Iowa.. There are good people there and I have a lot of friends in the area..

Having said that, when it comes to the Hawkeyes?? Every ounce in my body want the Cyclones to get embarrassed when they play each other..
I always pull for ISU when not playing Iowa. I go to ISU games on Thurs. nights because Iowa is not playing. I sometimes post on CF. Because I have HAWK in my name, some Clone fans instictively criticize every post. I would not spend the money to go watch ISU play in a bowl game like I do Iowa, but I did go watch ISU in the 2000 NCAA basketball tourney. 1986 ISU and Iowa both played at the Dome for NCAA Bball tourney. 90% of Iowa fans pulled for ISU. 65-75% of ISU fans pulled for Iowa. With the internet I am sure both numbers would now be down. I still think more Iowa fans pull for ISU than ISU fans pull for Iowa. I get upset with the stupid things Iowa fans post sometimes, but Friday night I watched ISU and UConn and read CF on net. I could not believe some of the stupid things being posted. There is definately a serious inferiority complex among many ISU fans. The internet has definately made being a fan of the Clones difficult, but it has also had me wondering about some Hawk fans.
if they beat iowa i want them to keep winning so our strength of schedule/opp looks better.... if we beat them then I really don't care if they win or not.
I used to root for them when not playing Iowa, but as the years have gone on and listening to the stupidity coming from their mouths and visiting CF every now and then I hope they never win another game for as long as I live.

I think the internet has changed things somewhat and I try not to judge a fanbase based on their internet posse. Most of my Iowa fan friends and I get along great, have some good natured ribbing, but mostly love just talking about the performance of our teams. Most fans do that. You get on the internet and the stupid comes out.
As long as strength of schedule has a bearing on the success of Iowa (or any college football team) doing anything other than rooting for teams that you beat is a mistake really as any loss by a team that shows up on your schedule hurts your team.

That being said $&#@ State.
Nope. I'm a hater through and through. I woud receive great pleasure in them never winning another game. I even feel weirded out when I'm on I-35 driving past Ames. And most ISU fans I've met annoy the hell out of me.
Nope. I'm a hater through and through. I woud receive great pleasure in them never winning another game. I even feel weirded out when I'm on I-35 driving past Ames. And most ISU fans I've met annoy the hell out of me.

They have small hands and smell like cabbage too.
I think the internet has changed things somewhat and I try not to judge a fanbase based on their internet posse. Most of my Iowa fan friends and I get along great, have some good natured ribbing, but mostly love just talking about the performance of our teams. Most fans do that. You get on the internet and the stupid comes out.

Well put BryceC.
Mrs sioux34 thinks that we should cheer for ISU when they are not playing the Hawks. She is wrong.
I used to support ISU until I listened to a clone radio show one Sunday morning after the Hawks lost and the clones won. I believe Chris Hassle was one of the hosts. The very first thing they talked about was how great it was that Iowa lost and the clones won. This went on for about five minutes. I was furious not because of the outcome of the games, but how the two hosts, who were in a way representing isu, were just bashing the Hawks. I have not ever heard every second of Jim Zabel's pregame or postgames or call in shows, but I'm pretty sure he would never go on air and go on how great it was that the Hawks won and the clowns lost! Maybe I'm just off base?
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