Do you think that Hubbards departure had anything to do


Well-Known Member
with the fact that he was the only Hawkeye on his PTL roster?

I'm not saying that it was his primary reason but Kevin Lehman should be strung up by the balls for drafting Hubbard and then getting a bunch of UNI players to fill out his roster. Winning is one thing but putting a kid on an island as an incoming player is just plain stupid imo.

You have 13 Iowa players (current and incoming) playing in the PTL with only 6 teams. Quick math says 2 Iowa players per roster would sound about right with one team getting a third.

Larson took 4 current players (May, Brommer, Oglesby and Stoermer). I think he got around the NCAA two max rule since Stoermer is not a scholarship player and Oglesby is an incoming Freshman.

I'm sure the PTL coaches want to win but there has to be some common sense in the distribution. Rule should state that you can't take more than 2 current or incoming Iowa players until all teams have drafted 2 Iowa players.

Imagine if your a kid coming to Iowa to play hoops. You know nothing about your teammates and have never played with any of them in the past. You are already under a microscope with nobody on your team going to kind of take you under your wing. Its not improbable to think that this weighed on the kids decision to leave.
I did think this was extremely odd when I first heard it. However, how think-skinned is this guy if that is his reason for leaving??
Think about the chants he would be hearing at every road game next season. A 26 year ex-con felon??? My gawd, they would eat him alive and leave him crying in the fetal position.
That can't be it.
I heard that he had a bad parking spot downtown one day. That couldn't have helped the situation, either.
I was the only person expressing frustration at Hubbard's PTL situation and got hammered for it.

My point wasn't that I thought his development would be hindered, but that I was concerned about him building immediate chemistry with his teammates, because his history would make it VERY hard for him to fit in in IC.

The deck was stacked against him. The staff should have realized that and make every effort to ease his transition. Missing the mark on the very first opportunity was not a good beginning.
LOL After surfing the other boards and getting p'd, off and d'd and simply can't understand it...

I'm smiling and happy that it happened now rather than later. Evidently Ant Hub still has some issues and can't get over them quite yet.

Imagine AH announcing on Jan 29 2012 after leading the Hawkeyes in scoring at 18 ppg, 4 assists and 7 rebounds to a 16 and 5 record and he was leaving? or worse yet on the same date he was arrested for.... ????

We all wish we would know what the real reason is: whether or not it's academic fraud or benefits from an agent (things that UNC football fans don't like to hear about), failed drug tests, (still hoping at some point mary jane is legalized and it's OK to get high since it's legal to get drunk), he really does have a family issue ie. sick Grandma who raised him, his girlfriend is pregnant with their second child...

But good god... why AH you didn't go to (transfer to) Maryland or Georgetown or ???? directly without using Iowa and Fran and Gary to due the due diligence, the vetting??

Will never know and good luck Anthony Hubbard, may you have the success and the break that Iowa offered you.
with the fact that he was the only Hawkeye on his PTL roster?

I'm not saying that it was his primary reason but Kevin Lehman should be strung up by the balls for drafting Hubbard and then getting a bunch of UNI players to fill out his roster. Winning is one thing but putting a kid on an island as an incoming player is just plain stupid imo.

You have 13 Iowa players (current and incoming) playing in the PTL with only 6 teams. Quick math says 2 Iowa players per roster would sound about right with one team getting a third.

Larson took 4 current players (May, Brommer, Oglesby and Stoermer). I think he got around the NCAA two max rule since Stoermer is not a scholarship player and Oglesby is an incoming Freshman.

I'm sure the PTL coaches want to win but there has to be some common sense in the distribution. Rule should state that you can't take more than 2 current or incoming Iowa players until all teams have drafted 2 Iowa players.

Imagine if your a kid coming to Iowa to play hoops. You know nothing about your teammates and have never played with any of them in the past. You are already under a microscope with nobody on your team going to kind of take you under your wing. Its not improbable to think that this weighed on the kids decision to leave.

No! And I think it's kind of stupid to think that's the reason. Good grief, the guy has already played for two different teams the last two years. How's another 4 weeks going to change that?

Why don't we blame his roommate? Note the sarcasm...

How come the teachers were so hard on him? Note the sarcasm...

How come they didn't put him in a knitting class so he had time to settle in?!! Note the sarcasm...

Sorry guys, but the guy was 26... You make it sound like he was a 12 year old. There maybe more to this than we know, maybe not... either way, better it happen now then in December.
No way did the PTL have anything to do with this. No way. Although now that this theory is out the university or AH might try using it as an excuse. :)

This is beyond weird.
There is a difference between saying the PTL was a reason and saying the situation was nit set up for maximum benefit for acclimating a player who was most likely going to have an extremely hard time fitting in based on age, history, and geography.

There needed to be less focus on whether fans could acclimate to Hub and whether he would stay on the straight and narrow and more on whether he could make it in IC, which is something I was concerned about from day one.

Sometimes I think Iowans don't quite understand just how different of a place it is.
I was the only person expressing frustration at Hubbard's PTL situation and got hammered for it.

And rightly so. I can see no way that this had anything to do with his leaving. I saw it posted yesterday and I think it may be the real reason Hubbard is gone. Summer school grades came out the day before yesterday. I have to think that Hubbard didn't make grades and Fran showed him the door. Nothing else makes any sense.
Imagine if your a kid coming to Iowa to play hoops. You know nothing about your teammates and have never played with any of them in the past. You are already under a microscope with nobody on your team going to kind of take you under your wing. Its not improbable to think that this weighed on the kids decision to leave.
The time he spent with the PTL was what, maybe 4 hours a week? There was plenty of time and opportunity for him to "bond" with other teammates (pick up games, weight training, hanging out in a dorm room,....).
There needed to be less focus on whether fans could acclimate to Hub and whether he would stay on the straight and narrow and more on whether he could make it in IC, which is something I was concerned about from day one.

Sometimes I think Iowans don't quite understand just how different of a place it is.
It may be different, but I would think it would seem like paradise compared to Odessa, Texas and the Graybar Hotel.