Do you enjoy Iowa football still?

This won't be popular, but the D needs to take some heat after last week too. They bent real bad to start that 2nd half.
Did they bend because they weren't up to the level we expect out of them or did they bend because they were already gassed by half time. I'm not saying defense was lights out by any means or that they even played up to the level we all know they are capable of, but any defensive unit is going to struggle when the opponent runs 3x as many offensive plays as their opponent and cannot get off the field.
Did they bend because they weren't up to the level we expect out of them or did they bend because they were already gassed by half time. I'm not saying defense was lights out by any means or that they even played up to the level we all know they are capable of, but any defensive unit is going to struggle when the opponent runs 3x as many offensive plays as their opponent and cannot get off the field.
I am sure that had a lot to do with it, but I mean, we gave up 3 straight TD's in the 3rd quarter. Tired or not, that's not ever going to cut it for Iowa to be successful. Iowa's offense did them no favors, but that's not really new right? Iowa's D, at least at this point, has taken a big step back.... but like, it had too right? We lost 2 first round draft picks, Riley Moss, Merriweather, Benson... it's not up to last year at the very least.
To answer the original topic in this thread. I still enjoy Iowa football and like an idiot keep thinking every week that this is the week things start clicking. I do still watch every game and am ready to go on game days like any fan ready to support their favorite team, but will admit that my expectations have curved dramatically over the years and have slowly accepted the reality that we are not, nor will be ever be (based on this coaching regime), the team I want them to be.
I still enjoy Hawkeye football however, sometimes it does get hard to watch. I gave up on men's basketball a few years ago and for the love of God don't want that to happen with football.