DJK (via Facebook) :: "I've never sold a drug in my life, sorry buddy!"

DJK's lawyer should have told him to lay off the social media.

Best advice: lay low and play dumb.

The good book says...
Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut,
and you will stay out of trouble. --Proverbs 21:23 (NLT)

KF tried giving this cat advice - where'd that get him? not starting the final game (MN) of his career. guy never learned - why is he going to start now, with some attorney he ultimately has no respect for. stars gonna be stars.

bickering with people you don't even know on facebook in regards to your drug habits - after getting arrested for having a myriad of drugs in your possession? hmmm......
In the P-C article about his arrest, they cite multiple things DJK admitted to in the police report. Selling drugs is not one of them. I get that it's the most serious offense and the last thing you'd actually admit to.

But, it is entirely possible his roommate was doing all the selling.
I can't decide which is the most pathetic:

People who have requested to be DJK's "friend" on Facebook, even though they have never met the guy and probably never will


People who check his Facebook page and see what he is up to, even though they don't know him


People who write stuff on his Facebook page even though they don't know him.

On the bright side, if things are ever going really bad for me and I'm feeling horrible about my life, I can think of the guys that do this and feel much better.
In my experience in 5 years living in Iowa City (albeit was 3.5 years ago), I knew a handfull of people who sold drugs. I also knew a handful of people who lived with the people who sold drugs. It's a pretty distinct difference between selling drugs and living with someone who does. If anyone ever lived in a frat house theres a high probability that they lived with someone who sold drugs. Point is, DJK's been arrested for multiple distinct charges none of which are selling drugs.. what good does it do to paint the kid for something worse than he is without any proof or motivation for doing so.
DJK's lawyer should have told him to lay off the social media.

Best advice: lay low and play dumb.

The good book says...
Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut,
and you will stay out of trouble. --Proverbs 21:23 (NLT)

Lies and deceit are the ways of the Sith...
I can't decide which is the most pathetic:

People who have requested to be DJK's "friend" on Facebook, even though they have never met the guy and probably never will


People who check his Facebook page and see what he is up to, even though they don't know him


People who write stuff on his Facebook page even though they don't know him.

On the bright side, if things are ever going really bad for me and I'm feeling horrible about my life, I can think of the guys that do this and feel much better.

or..........people who read his FB and then go directly to a message board to post what he said.
And I'm sure before his arrest DJK would tell you he doesn't do drugs, either.

I'm surprised his lawyer hasn't already told him not to be using social media right now. Or the lawyer has and DJK listens to his lawyer about as well as he listened to Ferentz.
On DJK's Faebook 'fan page' he responded to an idiotic comment that has since been removed by the commenter. I don't know what the initial comment was but DJK's response is as follows...

Derrell Johnson-Koulianos I've never sold a drug in my life, sorry buddy!

The thread can be viewed here...

I'm not trying to say that having "never sold a drug" makes things all better. I just reeeeally want the comments labeling DJK a drug dealer to cease. These comments tend to come from those incapable of doing any actual research and who have a complete disregard for the facts (as we know them). Enough damage has been done by the ignorant rumor mongering faction of this fan base...please stop further defaming's more appalling than the actual alleged acts.

He may not have been "dealing" but he was knowingly living in a house where drugs where being sold and done. least in my eyes. To have his future and do those things is totally unacceptable.
He may not have been "dealing" but he was knowingly living in a house where drugs where being sold and done. least in my eyes. To have his future and do those things is totally unacceptable.


And as a side note, I am always pleased when stupidity is punished. It gives me hope for the future.
I think it's hilarious that some people believe the ICPD would not charge DJK with dealing if they had even a shred of evidence for it.

Isn't this the same ICPD that "has nothing better to do than write public intox tickets", "is straight from Mayberry", "singles out athletes" etc.?

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