DJK (via Facebook) :: "I've never sold a drug in my life, sorry buddy!"

I think it's hilarious that some people believe the ICPD would not charge DJK with dealing if they had even a shred of evidence for it.

Isn't this the same ICPD that "has nothing better to do than write public intox tickets", "is straight from Mayberry", "singles out athletes" etc.?

I would say that this investigation is still going on. Just because certain charges are filed does not mean that additional charges can't be added on. That is what I would expect from the ICPD.
As a lawyer, I literally cringed when I saw this. DJK needs to shut down his facebook page and go dark. Given that he recently hired Alfredo Parrish, I suspect that is exactly what will happen.
its too bad the cowards name was removed before everyone could see it.

how dumb can you be to make a remark like that to someone?

that little twerp must have grown up somewhere different than me.
how dumb can you be to make a remark like that to someone?

I used to be a big believer in Penny Arcade's Greater Internet D**kwad Theory, which counts on anonymity.

But if Facebook has proven anything, it's that you can strip away all of the anonymity and people will still be d**kwads.
He's never sold them, just taken a lot of them.

Holy Cow!! We have a genius right here on Hawkeye Nation. Your astute comments rank right up there with "the grass is green". I am sure getting one past you is next to impossible.
I don't know how many ppl have ever been very deep in the drug culture. But as I have at one time in my life. I call BS on DJK for this. Even though I would never classify myself as a "drug dealer", there were times when you would have a little something to get a buddy high (ie a couple lines, a pill) and that was never free in IC no matter how good of boys you were.

It's a pretty easy line to cross between drug dealer and drug user...sometimes your in good form, get a good deal, and deal a little dope to get your dope for free or make a tiny little profit, other times you're struggling and can't find anything anywhere and you're calling every one you know and everyone that might know someone that can find.

Also, there are alot of times that when you get caught up in it, you just don't remember who you were with, where you were at, what you were doing at all...
What has DJK ever done to make you doubt his honesty? Screw you man, if he said he never dealt drugs, then he never dealt drugs. Case closed.

Seriously? No one on this message board has to believe him at all. He hasn't earned our trust so why would we believe him?
He may not have been "dealing" but he was knowingly living in a house where drugs where being sold and done. least in my eyes. To have his future and do those things is totally unacceptable.

The only drug the roommate was dealing, according to the police report, was Marijuana. Not really a bad drug. Hy-Vee sells alcohol, which is worse.

An unjust law is no law at all.
I think it's hilarious that some people believe the ICPD would not charge DJK with dealing if they had even a shred of evidence for it.

Isn't this the same ICPD that "has nothing better to do than write public intox tickets", "is straight from Mayberry", "singles out athletes" etc.?

In the military it's called a "target-rich environment"

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