DJK Tweet

I don't know why we would embrace him...he got kicked off the team for drugs...I don't care who you are, that is not a guy that I think we should celebrate.

I'm sure there's a long list of guys over the years who weren't kicked off the team for drugs, for no other reason than they didn't get caught. The guys like that are no less selfish/irresponsible than DJK was.

He was a great player for us, who helped make a lot of positive things happen for the program. That said, he's likely blown any chance of ever being embraced by the program, or fans.
Let's not revise history in here, fellas. DJK was/is a complete narcissist, a symbol of lazy entitled American youth, and he battled Kurt for control of the team from the time he stepped on campus.
DJK was a permanent resident of KF's penalty box, and with good reason(-s). He was given a verrrrry long leash...with which he eventually hung himself.
Way past time for you to exit stage right, DJK. You don't have to go home, but you got to get the hellll out of here.

Until right now I was giving him a second chance and still liked the guy.

Apparently he is a complete peace of human garbage who not only got cut from an arena team, but just ****** in the face of the only group of people in the world who still found him somewhat relevant. Many Iowa fans like me still had respect for the fact that he played here and was a Hawkeye. That's done.

If his son is a worthless coke head who says and does things to shame his university like his dad did, then I can only hope that he does go to Ohio State. That would be wonderful.
Christian Ballard tweeted him a response saying:

"Still salty?" - Ballard
"WOW lol looks like I shouldnt go back anytime soon either haha" - Ballard

I guess it isn't just DJK.
Christian Ballard tweeted him a response saying:

"Still salty?" - Ballard
"WOW lol looks like I shouldnt go back anytime soon either haha" - Ballard

I guess it isn't just DJK.

This brings up a valid point. Why do Iowa fans shun DJK, yet seem to have no problem with Ballard? Both of them used drugs. The only difference is Derrell got caught by the police and Christian didn't. To this day I hate to see one of the best WR's Iowa has had in a long time tarnished by something that in all actuality should have warranted a game or two suspension, not complete dismissal (I realize he was at the end of his playing career when the whole "drug house" thing happened) from the team.
Christian Ballard tweeted him a response saying:

"Still salty?" - Ballard
"WOW lol looks like I shouldnt go back anytime soon either haha" - Ballard

I guess it isn't just DJK.

Yeah I saw that too. That reply/convo with Ballard really surprised and angered me. It makes you think about what's going on with the program and the relationships between these guys, players, coachers, alums etc. The stuff that fans can't see.

Everyone always complains about the fact that we recruit with relative mediocrity, even though we send so many guys to the NFL. Maybe (stuff like this) is that reason in a nutshell. I don't have a clue, just thinking out loud.
This brings up a valid point. Why do Iowa fans shun DJK, yet seem to have no problem with Ballard? Both of them used drugs. The only difference is Derrell got caught by the police and Christian didn't. To this day I hate to see one of the best WR's Iowa has had in a long time tarnished by something that in all actuality should have warranted a game or two suspension, not complete dismissal (I realize he was at the end of his playing career when the whole "drug house" thing happened) from the team.

I don't know about a 2 game suspension–that seems pretty lenient... Unless we were Oregon or in the SEC, of course.

However, did they ever actually confirm DJK was using? From what it sounded like... He wasn't using coke, but lived in a drug house and his roommate was a dealer. I could be wrong though–I stopped paying attention pretty early on into the whole ordeal.

Regardless, I don't think that DJK deserves to be completely shunned from the program for making a mistake. It was a big one, but I don't think it is any bigger of a mistake than driving while drunk, but people often tend to dismiss that as no big deal... until they end up causing a car accident and kill someone.

And despite the attitude many fans and the coaching staff have had towards DJK after the incident... He has made a point to let everyone know he is a hawkeye for life (until now).

It is like making a mistake in a relationship with a girlfriend–she ends up dumping you– you keep asking for her back and for forgiveness–she keeps turning you away. If you keep getting turned down and shut out... eventually you give up.

DJK is nowhere near perfect and a lot of his crap annoys me (I'm not a big fan of him), but he was and has tried to be a hawkeye even after he messed up... which is more than I can say for A LOT of guys that transfer out after experiencing a run-in with the staff or they make a mistake.
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Oh my, what a bunch of enablers in this thread. Pussification in its purest form. Let DJK ride off in the sunset and reflect on his career under a buckeye tree in Ohio. He is playing you punks like a fiddle and its hilarious.
Oh my, what a bunch of enablers in this thread. Pussification in its purest form. Let DJK ride off in the sunset and reflect on his career under a buckeye tree in Ohio. He is playing you punks like a fiddle and its hilarious.

Kind of ironical about DJK ain't it Jugador? Did you know any of those people busted in that Coralville prostitution ring? You gotta check out the Off Topic thread about the subject.
1. Not sure if serious or just not an Iowa fan

2. Was once relevant to the success of the football team but not anymore.

Huge Iowa fan. Just never was a big fan of his. Had a lot of upside but IMO, his down side was a bit overbearing.
Yeah I saw that too. That reply/convo with Ballard really surprised and angered me. It makes you think about what's going on with the program and the relationships between these guys, players, coachers, alums etc. The stuff that fans can't see.

Everyone always complains about the fact that we recruit with relative mediocrity, even though we send so many guys to the NFL. Maybe (stuff like this) is that reason in a nutshell. I don't have a clue, just thinking out loud.

Something was amiss in that 2010 season.
I'm friends with DJK on facebook... he's kind of a dipstick. But all in all he was a great Iowa football player. The Kickoff return against OSU... I'll never forget that moment. Even though Iowa lost the game in the end. The celebration at that moment was on par with McNutt's TD against MSU.

He's still young... he will mature. Sometimes it just takes people longer. I don't think he'll end up in prison. I hope not anyway.
DJK's fame is fading away. He is trying to hold on to the last ounce of it before he is out of the spotlight once and for all. I admired the things he did on the field for the Hawks during his career and even semi-bought into the whole Kirk Ferentz doghouse thing. My respect for DJK has long since passed and could care less what he did for the program. When he tweets things like this and Ballard responds the way he did, it kinda starts to make sense why the 2010 season turned out like it did.
I don't know about a 2 game suspension–that seems pretty lenient... Unless we were Oregon or in the SEC, of course.

However, did they ever actually confirm DJK was using? From what it sounded like... He wasn't using coke, but lived in a drug house and his roommate was a dealer. I could be wrong though–I stopped paying attention pretty early on into the whole ordeal.

Regardless, I don't think that DJK deserves to be completely shunned from the program for making a mistake. It was a big one, but I don't think it is any bigger of a mistake than driving while drunk, but people often tend to dismiss that as no big deal... until they end up causing a car accident and kill someone.

And despite the attitude many fans and the coaching staff have had towards DJK after the incident... He has made a point to let everyone know he is a hawkeye for life (until now).

It is like making a mistake in a relationship with a girlfriend–she ends up dumping you– you keep asking for her back and for forgiveness–she keeps turning you away. If you keep getting turned down and shut out... eventually you give up.

DJK is nowhere near perfect and a lot of his crap annoys me (I'm not a big fan of him), but he was and has tried to be a hawkeye even after he messed up... which is more than I can say for A LOT of guys that transfer out after experiencing a run-in with the staff or they make a mistake.

While I partly agree with pieces of this, you're off base one one key point.

Yes, you can liken this to being dumped by a girl; you try to earn her forgiveness, but she keeps turning you away, and you give up. But considering what DJK did, and all he brought on the program last December (not to mention all the other little things over the years), it's more like you were cheating on that girl. And expecting to be welcomed back after a year is like expecting that girl to forgive you within a week. Not happening, nor should it.

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