DJK Tweet

I need to catch up, didn't DJK hold several receiving records and was part of hawkeye folklore?

...all of which was superseded as soon as he was found to be a drug-using drug dealer living in a known drug house with another drug dealer.
Comparing a double homicide with doing drugs in college might be a stretch to some...thank god for HawkeyeNation lmao
I need to catch up, didn't DJK hold several receiving records and was part of hawkeye folklore?
Tiberius also wonders why OJ Simpson is no longer a celebrated guest at USC events.

You can't compare using drugs to what OJ did. I wish DJK was still alowed to be part of the hawkeye family but if he would have commited armed robbery to get his own stuff back like OJ did, I wouldn't want him anywhere near the hawks.
DJK jr can play with Wegher jr, satterfield jr, Everson Jr, along with their Captain Douglas jr at Iowa Western Community College after they all **** up at their D1 schools.
Tiberius also wonders why OJ Simpson is no longer a celebrated guest at USC events.
I'd like to see DJK to have been embraced again, at some point. But we're barely over a year removed from all that. No good reason to expect to be welcomed back that soon. He was going to have to wait for quite a while to be embraced by the program again, at least until Kirk decided to hang it up. And there's not anything wrong with that.
I don't know why we would embrace him...he got kicked off the team for drugs...I don't care who you are, that is not a guy that I think we should celebrate.
I'd like to see DJK to have been embraced again, at some point. But we're barely over a year removed from all that. No good reason to expect to be welcomed back that soon. He was going to have to wait for quite a while to be embraced by the program again, at least until Kirk decided to hang it up. And there's not anything wrong with that.

He may have had a shot...had he been contrite, shut up, and been patient. But he blew that chance. (and continues to) Instead he's acted in a way that reinforces every criticism leveled at him...before and after the drug arrest. He's almost a caricature of what people hate about professional athletes...except he'll never make it to the pros.

He'll be 40 before he gets another shot to visit Kinnick...if it does at all.

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