Did Fran's T's cost us the game?

Lack of good players cost us the game. We choke in crunch time because other than Marble, nobody can create their own shot. How did WI beat us? Let's see, Jackson, Gasser, Brust, and Dekker all hit big 3's while we couldn't do anything. Recruiting is killing us.

You are on a roll!
Quote Originally Posted by Herkyalert View Post
Whatever. They missed layups, free throws, and didn't guard the 3.

That's why they lost the game. They ****** away leads prior to the Fran T's.

So you think Fran did all that because of how the IOWA TEAM was playing. Interesting. So, it looks like you just hang around to troll and annoy people because the admins let you get away with it. I really hope that ends soon. Your a ******* waste of bytes. We all have to read your ******* ******** posts because you are quoted so much, because all you can do is troll and troll and troll until someone feels the need to click the "View Post" button after ignoring you from day 1. You are a pathetic ******* piece of ****.
Coach Two T's is enough for today. ;)
kind of getting a chuckle out of this thread... this team doesn't know how to win period.

They are better than many of the teams they play but they still continue to lose.

Guess what Fran didn't get tossed from the other 10 games we let dribble down our leg the past two years.

Not buying it.

He needs to control himself .... but the fact that we couldn't score the first 15 min of the 2nd half or do anything at all was more why we lost.
Then tell the refs to call a T when BO, MAtta, and Izzo go nuts on the officials during a timeout. They do the same, and they don't get called. That what made Fran go ballistic...

There's a big difference IMO. Those guys get animated for sure but they don't "lose it". It really appears like Fran totally loses his mind, loses composure, whatever you want to call it.

Plus you NEVER touch a ref under any circumstances. Period. Even a 5-year old knows that
there is no doubt in my mind that the officials starting calling more fouls at the basket on wisconsion after those T's

You can actually go to the play by play and see it.

However that does us no good when the players miss all the free throws. So who knows its tough to say.
As an ISU fan, I think he cost you the game. I thought Iowa had Wisconsin on the ropes and the momentum changed on the spot. Sorry for your team, but not for Fran.
As an ISU fan, I think he cost you the game. I thought Iowa had Wisconsin on the ropes and the momentum changed on the spot. Sorry for your team, but not for Fran.

On the ropes? you must have missed how we had dwindled away an 11 pt lead to 1 pt..

IMO you didn't watch most of this game.
Don't think KF's ever been penalized, ejected, or cost his team a victory via those antics however.

It's impossible to compare though... I think the entire year I saw a HC coach in football get penalized once... Head coaches getting technicals ive seen already maybe in the double digits counting some of the NBA games I've seen.

I'm not saying Fran handled it the best but its just two different worlds.
The T was plenty to get attention (though it was a well called game the first half)
On the ropes? you must have missed how we had dwindled away an 11 pt lead to 1 pt..

IMO you didn't watch most of this game.
I watched the whole game. Even at that point, I felt Iowa was going to win. I realize the lead was dwindling, but I still never felt you'd lose.
I understand the refs were blowing the whistle on ticky-tac fouls on one end letting play go on the other end. That's still no excuse for Fran acting like a complete fool on the court. That is the kind of response you'd see from a rookie coach. It's not the first time either. Anger management classes or get rid of the nut job.
There is enough senior leadership on this team to win a close game, even on the road, without Fran. He did not (alone) cost us the game.
The T's did not cost us the game. People tend to forget that Wisky was on a roll before it happened. We got way more calls after the T's. Just need to finish around the basket, hit a few 3's and knock down some FT's and we win. 33-12 from behind the arc is tough to beat
I have no problem with it at all. This won’t happen again THIS year. Fran is a smart guy and I think he's letting it be known he won’t sit back and take across the board pi$$ poor officiating. It is not just Iowa games it is all of college basketball they need to clean it up. Refs too often change the fate of MANY big games. Then again maybe he just lost his S**t.

With this said the ref who ejected him on what EVERYONE is calling a “bump!â€￾ overreacted to the environment and situation. The way I saw it the ref walked into him. Fran should never had been eject. Totally agree with the first T but the 2nd and the ejection is ridiculous no matter how crazy Fran went. Re watch it and you will see it was not a intentional bump more of bad timing in walking that direction. Polini swung towards a ref and didn’t get ejected.

I stand by Fran I stand by this team and agree with other that they do not have that killer instinct that it takes to win on the road in the big 10.

* gets off soapbox *

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