Did Fran's T's cost us the game?

Fran can't keep composed when the other team is on a run. No wonder we're a bunch of chokers.
Yes. Fran cost us the game. Keep your composure and stay on the side lines where you are needed. Gave up 4 points, the lead, the momentum and you fired up the home crowd. It's no wonder this team can't close out games.
Yes, Fran cost Iowa the game.

It doesn't matter if it started getting called even after his little 3 year old temper tantrum. Iowa was winning and Wisconsin was lost. Fran getting booted didn't get Iowa rolling, it got Wisconsin and the crowd rolling.
4 point loss...

We were up by 2 and that awarded them 4 free throws and the ball and wound up a 5 point possession.

Yes it did cost us.

At this point it's time for Barta to have a talk with Fran. Love the fire but gotta have control.

I would really like to hear what upset Fran so much because the Olaseni was not fouled on his put back attempt.

I find myself defending the officials more than most but I didn't think it was that bad prior to the Ts.

In fact I thought the officiating was worse after. They called every little thing and allowed no flow and it wound up being decided at the line and we know how that ends if you're a Hawkeye fan.
This in on the kids. They could have responded and didn't. They missed layups, free throws, and didn't guard the three. The technicals were not good, but there was plenty of time left and the kids just ****** down their leg.

That's pathetic man. Fran makes millions to put the team in the best position to win. He didn't do that tonight.
You can't blame the kids when their leader can't control himself to stay on the sidelines. Great leaders don't get tossed acting like a toddler not getting his way.
Fran was losing it once they went on a run. He was blowing up on the players when they were still up 4. He's smart but a spazz. Runs happen in basketball, especially when you are playing at the number 4 team in the country. Losing your mind is not what should be happening there at all.

The refs weren't even that bad, I mean, in the stretch he got ****** about we had some calls go against us but you're paid millions to lead. That's not what happened tonight. I don't see how this team is going to get the "closing games out" crap under control if their coach can handle adversity without peeing his pants. He acts like I do in the living room. That's kind of pathetic.
Whatever. They missed layups, free throws, and didn't guard the 3.

That's why they lost the game. They ****** away leads prior to the Fran T's.

So compounding the problem by giving up 4 freebies and getting ejected is the correct way to respond to that. No one makes every shot and every free throw, that's normal basketball flow that happens in every game. The coach getting T'ed, bumping a ref, then getting a 2nd T and ejected is not normal basketball flow.
So compounding the problem by giving up 4 freebies and getting ejected is the correct way to respond to that. No one makes every shot and every free throw, that's normal basketball flow that happens in every game. The coach getting T'ed, bumping a ref, then getting a 2nd T and ejected is not normal basketball flow.
Never said it was the correct way to handle it, but like I've said over and over there was plenty of time left in the game to win.
Ferentz's positive, happy clapping no matter what's happening would have been really nice tonight.
What Fran did was embarrassing. He acted like a spoiled 5 year old. The foul call wasn't even a bad call. If you don't like the way the calls are going, work the refs, don't just be a d0uche bag and hurt your team when you know it's gonna be a close game.

Then tell the refs to call a T when BO, MAtta, and Izzo go nuts on the officials during a timeout. They do the same, and they don't get called. That what made Fran go ballistic...
Seemed like the game was called even after the techs. An example of this is the little curl drives to the basket by Gesell and clemmons. The first four or five times we did this they chest bumped us and we missed the shot with no foul. After the techs that was called a foul about four times in a row. I actually told my wife in the first half when there was about a 9-0free throw disparity that Fran should get a t on purpose to make a point.