Did Fran's T's cost us the game?

I have no problem with it at all. This won’t happen again THIS year. Fran is a smart guy and I think he's letting it be known he won’t sit back and take across the board pi$$ poor officiating. It is not just Iowa games it is all of college basketball they need to clean it up. Refs too often change the fate of MANY big games. Then again maybe he just lost his S**t.

With this said the ref who ejected him on what EVERYONE is calling a “bump!â€￾ overreacted to the environment and situation. The way I saw it the ref walked into him. Fran should never had been eject. Totally agree with the first T but the 2nd and the ejection is ridiculous no matter how crazy Fran went. Re watch it and you will see it was not a intentional bump more of bad timing in walking that direction. Polini swung towards a ref and didn’t get ejected.

I stand by Fran I stand by this team and agree with other that they do not have that killer instinct that it takes to win on the road in the big 10.

* gets off soapbox *

Did the ref overreacted or did Fran?

Once Fran got the first T, (if he was trying to get it like he says), he needed to back off at that point, he chose not too, and deservedly got the 2nd.

Not sure how fans can expect the kids on the court to maintain composure at the end of games, and pull wins out, if the head coach struggles to keep his.

What I find amazing is how calm he can be after the game, then again maybe some people got in his ear and told him to measure his words carefully. Still to hear him off the court he seems pretty even keel.

Personally I think refs, will give him an even shorter leash now. Next test will be against OSU, and I am sure the tirade from last night will be part of the pre-game.
Did the ref overreacted or did Fran?

Once Fran got the first T, (if he was trying to get it like he says), he needed to back off at that point, he chose not too, and deservedly got the 2nd.

Not sure how fans can expect the kids on the court to maintain composure at the end of games, and pull wins out, if the head coach struggles to keep his.

What I find amazing is how calm he can be after the game, then again maybe some people got in his ear and told him to measure his words carefully. Still to hear him off the court he seems pretty even keel.

Personally I think refs, will give him an even shorter leash now. Next test will be against OSU, and I am sure the tirade from last night will be part of the pre-game.
I agree with this. If your intention is to get the refs attention with a little tirade and get a T, I can see how that could help (I also think it could hurt) but after the T is assigned, he needed to back off and regain his composure. He didn't do that and that leads me to believe he wasn't in control of himself. That's on him, not the refs. IMO.
Straight numbers tell us that the 2 technical fouls cost us the game. Wisconsin player was fouled by Gabe and shooting FTs after which we gain possession or have a good chance to gain possession if he misses. Fran's 2 technical fouls gave them 4 points AND the ball after the fouls were shot. We lost by 4 points and the one possession was the game or could have been either way.
No question, I am a huge Fran supporter but that was dumb.

I'm also a huge supporter and I also think this was dumb...the 2nd one for sure. I won't go so far as to say it cost us the game. However, I think on a scale of 1 to 10 our chances of winning went from a 6 to a 2.

Side Note: It's almost an unwritten rule that a coach gets to blow up for a few seconds after a T. The 2nd T was called because of the contact...which the official initiated IMO. I think this 2nd T is why Fran was storming all over the court.
Yes, Fran cost Iowa the game.

It doesn't matter if it started getting called even after his little 3 year old temper tantrum. Iowa was winning and Wisconsin was lost. Fran getting booted didn't get Iowa rolling, it got Wisconsin and the crowd rolling.

LOL - Wisconsin was not lost. What are you talking about?
Gessell was 3-12 shooting.

The number 12 right here upset me as much as anything that happened in the game last night. There were a lot of bad shots, hurried shots, blocked shots, etc. in that 12. I like MG and he'll learn but his decision making wasn't good at all last night.
I'm also a huge supporter and I also think this was dumb...the 2nd one for sure. I won't go so far as to say it cost us the game. However, I think on a scale of 1 to 10 our chances of winning went from a 6 to a 2.

Side Note: It's almost an unwritten rule that a coach gets to blow up for a few seconds after a T. The 2nd T was called because of the contact...which the official initiated IMO. I think this 2nd T is why Fran was storming all over the court.

You need to watch it again. The ref was doing what he was supposed to do and was where he was supposed to be, Fran was not.
My mistake.... the 5 points was correct as they went 5-6 from the line.
But the 1 point awarded from Hayes' FT would have came with or without the Ts by Fran, so that point is moot. 4 pts from Ts and a 4 point loss. I too thought Wisconsin was awarded the ball after Hayes' FTs.
I'm also a huge supporter and I also think this was dumb...the 2nd one for sure. I won't go so far as to say it cost us the game. However, I think on a scale of 1 to 10 our chances of winning went from a 6 to a 2.

Side Note: It's almost an unwritten rule that a coach gets to blow up for a few seconds after a T. The 2nd T was called because of the contact...which the official initiated IMO. I think this 2nd T is why Fran was storming all over the court.

I agree with the unwritten rule you speak of, but as you said that goes out the window when Fran is chasing the ref down like a lunatic. Whether the official initiated it or not the fact was Fran never should have put himself in that position in the first place.

As a coach (different sport) one of the best pieces of advice I recieved is that regardless of the situation you will never win a battle with an official. Fran made his point when he got the first T, he was never going to win the war.
I agree with the unwritten rule you speak of, but as you said that goes out the window when Fran is chasing the ref down like a lunatic. Whether the official initiated it or not the fact was Fran never should have put himself in that position in the first place.

As a coach (different sport) one of the best pieces of advice I recieved is that regardless of the situation you will never win a battle with an official. Fran made his point when he got the first T, he was never going to win the war.

I always told my players "The umpire is always right even when he's wrong." If they heard it once they heard it a thousand times.
The T's didn't cost the game but lack of Fran on the bench may have. Love the guy and what he has accomplished but the man needs to maintain his composure, stay on the bench and help this team win games....
I remember Fran being quoted once as saying he only got 1 T in his coaching career that wasn't planned. I have very little doubt the 1st T last night was planned. My guess is the next time he makes this statement he will say I've only gotten 2 Ts in my coaching career which weren't planned.
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Side Note: It's almost an unwritten rule that a coach gets to blow up for a few seconds after a T. The 2nd T was called because of the contact...which the official initiated IMO. I think this 2nd T is why Fran was storming all over the court.
Since the ref was in possession of the ball, he is allowed to initiate contact. Fran had to give ground or draw the foul.

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