Dick Witvoet


Well-Known Member
I knew as soon as I saw him we were in for a long day. He is the worst referee in the Big Ten bar none. Awful job by that crew today. Don't get me wrong we deserved to lose with 3 turnovers, but some of those calls were atrocious. I just can't stand that guy. I wish he would retire.
Yes!!! I remember when we played michigan in 2005 and we lost in OT and snapped our 20 some home winning streak. He and his crew did a horrible job that game and gave the game ti michigan. So many bad calls. 6 yrs later and i still havnt forgot his face. When i saw him today i immediatly became nervous about the game. Does he have beef with iowa? Whats his deal.
You guys are correctamungo. There are always issues when this clown works our games. I still don't understand how we wind up with this guy so often when we play Mich or Mich St. Huge ruckus surrounding this issue before, but apparently doesn't matter to those that schedule the zebra.
What about the block in the back on bernstines kickoff... still couldnt find that one when I rewinded it 5 times.
Ferentz obviously doesnt like the guy either. I dont think Ive ever heard say something like that about officials
By the way, the Umpire is the same official who called holding on Eubanks on a long TD run against Northwestern a few years ago. Like you, not happy to see those guys walk on the field. Officiating had nothing to do with the outcome this weekend though.
By the way, the Umpire is the same official who called holding on Eubanks on a long TD run against Northwestern a few years ago. Like you, not happy to see those guys walk on the field. Officiating had nothing to do with the outcome this weekend though.
I wouldn't say they had nothing to do with the outcome. That BS call on not being set for one second was a huge momentum swing.
Did you see the play where the MSU DE had his hand under the face mask of our right tackle? Zukevics was begging for the flag and Witvoet was looking right at him. Good thing another official threw the flag. Look at the replay... Direct evidence that he is not fit to be an official.
I also was concerned when I saw him walk on the field. On the play where Iowa threw deep to staggs he was held the whole play and after the ref ran up to the dbacks and explained real good why he can't do that again
I wouldn't say they had nothing to do with the outcome. That BS call on not being set for one second was a huge momentum swing.

It wasn't a BS call, go back and watch the TE on the right side, his hand touches the ground at the same time the ball is snapped. He wasn't even close to being set for a full second. Just like the staff in a 2 minutes situation JVB went into panic mode and rushed the play when he didn't need to.
It wasn't a BS call, go back and watch the TE on the right side, his hand touches the ground at the same time the ball is snapped. He wasn't even close to being set for a full second. Just like the staff in a 2 minutes situation JVB went into panic mode and rushed the play when he didn't need to.

Don't disagree, but that wasn't the call...the call was illegal formation, not illegal motion. Hawk fans need to be a little more proactive with regard to Witvoet. Figure out a way to keep him from reffing any more IA games, as he is clearly anti-IA...Not sure if he is involved w/ betting like that other former B-10 ref (black guy w/ 6 digit gambling debts) or if he just prefers his home-state schools (he is a Mich native).
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Don't disagree, but that wasn't the call...the call was illegal formation, not illegal motion. Hawk fans need to be a little more proactive with regard to Witvoet. Figure out a way to keep him from reffing any more IA games, as he is clearly anti-IA...Not sure if he is involved w/ betting like that other former B-10 ref (black guy w/ 6 digit gambling debts) or if he just prefers his home-state schools (he is a Mich native).

That's incorrect. The call was illegal procedure, as all of our players were not set for one full second before the snap.
That's incorrect. The call was illegal procedure, as all of our players were not set for one full second before the snap.

Okay. I'm wrong about that call. I know there was an illegal formation somewhere in that game...along with illegal man downfield and a couple other calls that I'm not sure I have seen against this team all yr, let alone in one game...
The BS block in the back on kick off followed by BS holding call on Gettis were huge. Both took away big plays by Iowa and really pinned us back deep in our own territory when we should have been deep in MSU territory.

Next thing you know, we're starting a drive from our own 2 yard line and this leads to 14 MSU points in a less than a minute (granted, with the help of some terrible Iowa plays.)

Total BS. These guys really shouldn't be in the Big Ten.
Blaming officiating for losses is the weakest move that one can make.
We sucked. We got suckered on another fake FG.
MSU deserved to win.
It wasn't a BS call, go back and watch the TE on the right side, his hand touches the ground at the same time the ball is snapped. He wasn't even close to being set for a full second. Just like the staff in a 2 minutes situation JVB went into panic mode and rushed the play when he didn't need to.

I don't like that play.

Take your time, get set, snap it, sneak, or handoff to Coker up the gut.

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