Deuce Hogan Tweet

8-10 dozen per game is what the MLB reports, so 233,000 to 292,000-ish a year for the league during the regular season, probably 325K+ if you count playoffs and WS.

I umpire with a guy who does NAIA and did three years of A ball, and he said in the minors teams generally had 6 dozen at each game and they went through at least 5 no matter what.

Last night I did a JV/V double header, started the JV game with 4 and tossed one because of a cut from the fence, varsity game I got 5 plus 1 at the mound and gave the coach 6 balls back at the end. Actually, getting 6 gamers is unusual for varsity around here, most times it’s 4 or 5.

Interesting discussion about BALLS!
Let's be brutally honest.

ALL THE HAWKEYES SAYING, "there's a fine line between moxie and cocky, and I don't want an egomaniac talker" are misrepresenting who this kid is. He's a leader. This idea that the best leaders are graduates of Miss Manners University haven't been paying attention to a certain orangeman. Hayden could lose it and grab a facemask and I like that passion. If Deuces last name was Ferentz he would be praised by those poo pooing him.

I've seen Brian Ferentz troll Nebraska and Minnesota on social media. I've seen Brian put his fist thru a wall. I've seen Brian scream at a ref. I've heard Brian express high expectations. I can be critical of Brian but I like his fire. I want a guy who loses his temper when he or his team does not perform up to its potential (like Drew Tate). I want a QB who can go rogue and put the team on his back.

This kid is a winner. And all good Hawkeyes will offer up their first born to him like I intend to do.
Let's be brutally honest.

ALL THE HAWKEYES SAYING, "there's a fine line between moxie and cocky, and I don't want an egomaniac talker" are misrepresenting who this kid is. He's a leader. This idea that the best leaders are graduates of Miss Manners University haven't been paying attention to a certain orangeman. Hayden could lose it and grab a facemask and I like that passion. If Deuces last name was Ferentz he would be praised by those poo pooing him.

I've seen Brian Ferentz troll Nebraska and Minnesota on social media. I've seen Brian put his fist thru a wall. I've seen Brian scream at a ref. I've heard Brian express high expectations. I can be critical of Brian but I like his fire. I want a guy who loses his temper when he or his team does not perform up to its potential (like Drew Tate). I want a QB who can go rogue and put the team on his back.

This kid is a winner. And all good Hawkeyes will offer up their first born to him like I intend to do.
There's some major erotic fetishism going on in this post. Which is totally fine, btw.
It's not fine Fry!!! No no no!!

As long as the bondage guys @karras hires to dress up like Hayden Fry and Brian Ferentz know his safe word it's cool. He likes that passion and he likes that fire.

And who can blame karras for being sweet on Brian with that Peaky Blinders haircut he has going?

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