Unfortunately, while I am not an expert and might like to learn things about what Iowa does on the field, I am so put off by your attitude that I finally had to post. At first I thought you might be okay to read but then people who just want to have a chat about football for fun got attacked by you as though you just couldn't wait to make them feel stupid. They are not interested in your analysis of everything, sir. And while this offends you, it's not your right to belittle everyone who speaks on this site. You may know more than I do and that is good for you but there are decent posters who you intentionally antagonize and attack. If they don't want to listen, they have that right. It's best to let it go. Really it is the best thing. I don't understand why you won't is all. You criticize Game film but he would never criticize posters on a mesage board the way you do. Please just let it go.