Dear Fran, Please start recruiting scoreres. Everyone else has them.

I have never been an Ogelsby fan. Clemons will be exactly the type of serviceable back up PG everyone could use. Anybody with eyes should have known Ingram was not going to score in the B1G. But if he is cool sitting at the end of the bench and working hard on D, he could develop into the kind of player who can ice another team's scorer.

But here's the deal Uthoff and Jok will stretch the D next year to completely change the scoring on the inside. Guys just won't have to force like they need to now.
I have never been an Ogelsby fan. Clemons will be exactly the type of serviceable back up PG everyone could use. Anybody with eyes should have known Ingram was not going to score in the B1G. But if he is cool sitting at the end of the bench and working hard on D, he could develop into the kind of player who can ice another team's scorer.

But here's the deal Uthoff and Jok will stretch the D next year to completely change the scoring on the inside. Guys just won't have to force like they need to now.

That's a lot of hope in a 3 star competing in the power leagues of Des Moines and a non proven transfer. Uthoff better than May and Jok better than a 2nd year Clemens and MG?

Next year will rely on Basabe getting better and Marble more consistent.

Who is Utoff going to replace? Better than May this year?

Oleseani and Woody could be surprises, but that's a big surprise.
That's a lot of hope in a 3 star competing in the power leagues of Des Moines and a non proven transfer. Uthoff better than May and Jok better than a 2nd year Clemens and MG?

Next year will rely on Basabe getting better and Marble more consistent.

Who is Utoff going to replace? Better than May this year?

Oleseani and Woody could be surprises, but that's a big surprise.

I am just guessing here, but I think CAAR is thinking of this second unit next year:


CAAR correct me if I am wrong.

That second unit should score more points and provide some much needed outside shooting, but my question would be will they be as good defensively as this year's second unit has been?
It doesn't much matter to me, the starters will be better next year as Gesell/Woodbury improve. I see Iowa being closer to a far more complete team than any time under Fran.
I am just guessing here, but I think CAAR is thinking of this second unit next year:


CAAR correct me if I am wrong.

That second unit should score more points and provide some much needed outside shooting, but my question would be will they be as good defensively as this year's second unit has been?
It doesn't much matter to me, the starters will be better next year as Gesell/Woodbury improve. I see Iowa being closer to a far more complete team than any time under Fran.

Getting there...
Another game lost because we don't have any scorers other than Marble and he can be negated with D. The reason we lose close games down the stretch is because everybody has more than 1 scorer, except us. Woodbury, Clemmons, Oglesby and McCabe have 0 offensive skills and May is extremely limited. So we play 10 guys, big deal. Give me some guys with the ability to get somewhere off the bounce or who can finish at the rim. Recruiting is really, really suspect and if McCaffrey whiffs on Jok, Uthoff and Meyer, like he has with Clemmons, Ingram and Oglesby, we will be regulars in the NIT at best. I think it is safe to say McCaffrey won't be leaving for a "better opportunity" anytime soon if he keeps recruiting project players.

Come on stinknuget, you must have aspergers. Its Fran's 3rd year and theyre 1st year out of highschool type freshmen. You know, the ones that were seniors in highschool last year and had P.E. classes to attend, drank sixers of mike's hard lemonade after Prom, and had sleepovers at their friends houses?? Ingram prolly shouldve redshirted..whoops but he's a freshmen so lets just take a chill pill or a zanny already and just kick back, be patient and relax Tedward. BTW, how can anybody say Woodbury is a bust? That blows my mind...hes plays great D (most of the time but who does?) and he's only a freshman who has three G.D. years left to play and improve his game. Christ almighty, you must have hella mud butt or something.
Come on stinknuget, you must have aspergers. Its Fran's 3rd year and theyre 1st year out of highschool type freshmen. You know, the ones that were seniors in highschool last year and had P.E. classes to attend, drank sixers of mike's hard lemonade after Prom, and had sleepovers at their friends houses?? Ingram prolly shouldve redshirted..whoops but he's a freshmen so lets just take a chill pill or a zanny already and just kick back, be patient and relax Tedward. BTW, how can anybody say Woodbury is a bust? That blows my mind...hes plays great D (most of the time but who does?) and he's only a freshman who has three G.D. years left to play and improve his game. Christ almighty, you must have hella mud butt or something.

We haven't had Purdue twice yet either. You seriously don't think Nebraska beating Iowa is an upset?

A mild upset at best. If u r actually surprised iowa lost, you haven't seen many iowa games this year. I was more surprised they had such a big lead. We just are not as good as some people think. A little better than last year, that is about it. We have improved each year and we are at least watchable now, which is the most encouraging thing
A mild upset at best. If u r actually surprised iowa lost, you haven't seen many iowa games this year. I was more surprised they had such a big lead. We just are not as good as some people think. A little better than last year, that is about it. We have improved each year and we are at least watchable now, which is the most encouraging thing

If you were surprised we opened a big lead you must not have watched many games.
Another game lost because we don't have any scorers other than Marble and he can be negated with D. The reason we lose close games down the stretch is because everybody has more than 1 scorer, except us. Woodbury, Clemmons, Oglesby and McCabe have 0 offensive skills and May is extremely limited. So we play 10 guys, big deal. Give me some guys with the ability to get somewhere off the bounce or who can finish at the rim. Recruiting is really, really suspect and if McCaffrey whiffs on Jok, Uthoff and Meyer, like he has with Clemmons, Ingram and Oglesby, we will be regulars in the NIT at best. I think it is safe to say McCaffrey won't be leaving for a "better opportunity" anytime soon if he keeps recruiting project players.

Step away from the edge! Keep in mind he is starting or playing a lot 3 true freshman in arguably the best conference in the nation. They are going to be a bit schizophrenic at times.
I have never been an Ogelsby fan. Clemons will be exactly the type of serviceable back up PG everyone could use. Anybody with eyes should have known Ingram was not going to score in the B1G. But if he is cool sitting at the end of the bench and working hard on D, he could develop into the kind of player who can ice another team's scorer.

But here's the deal Uthoff and Jok will stretch the D next year to completely change the scoring on the inside. Guys just won't have to force like they need to now.

To be honest, I think Jok is a year off as I don't think he is close to being able to complete in the BIG, physical-wise. He has got to bulk up or he'll just get shoved around.
Fran's recruited pretty good in my opinion. You can't pull top rated players playing the way we were before and the year after Fran took over. We lost our best player last year, lost our only true PG, lost our 2 best centers, and brought in 5 freshman. At the beginning of the season I don't see how anyone could of thought we were going to make the dance. This last class was solid I don't care what anyone says. Gesell has been awesome. I don't know why people say Woody hasn't showed any offensive moves. He has in certain games. He can go with a left or right hook. He's just to weak and playing a little slow to do it consistently. I'm going to call that he improves big time next year. Clemmons is good. Ingram we really have no idea. We lose May next year but bring in Uthoff and Jok. With everyone improving on our team over the offseason B) getting Jok + Uthoff c) The conference getting weaker next year, I'm pretty sure we'll be dancing

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