Dear Disney-Espn-Abc Pinheads;

The Big LeHAWKski

Well-Known Member
I've simply got to get this off my chest.
On behalf of everyone I have ever met in my entire life, please-please, for the love of God get rid of the European soccer scroll that you constantly show during every single one of my cherished NCAA football games.
The Soccer scroll is everywhere you look on game days, as if we asked for it, as if we crave it, or as if we might even have money riding on these European games!
Trust me, 99%+ of the good people who watch and enjoy College football couldn't give a rat's @ss what the score was of every single pro soccer game in Europe, yet you feel compelled to tell us all about great detail.
Does anyone know or care how these teams did or who scored the winning goal? NOPE
Does anyone care or give a rip what minute of the game they scored? NOPE!
Yes, soccer is a fine game for millions of young boys and girls and I'm glad that many of them truly love it.
I agree young kids playing soccer is far better that than sitting on the couch playing Xbox, but so is bowling and curling.
I have a good friend that played it in college and I've enjoyed watching my nephew play it many times, so those of you who think I hate soccer, you're wrong. I am not criticizing the game in any way. I just don't want the professional scores shoved down my throat while watching NCAA Football. Put it on another channel if you must!
My true angst is aimed at the DisneyAbcEspn programming geniuses who I'm sure feel that they are being "inclusive" by reporting this drivel on the scroll. I think the Network head honchos think that if they just showed (God forbid) American football scores, injury updates, and other NCAA Football-related info on an American football broadcast, that would somehow be viewed by Globalists, liberals and the Stanford band as "Waving the US Flag too much" in the face of the world.
Good grief...
This has bothered me for a long, long frickin' time. I feel better now, thank you.
Some of us have big money riding on the outcome of random soccer games in Estonia and need to know the moment that the match goes final. Crazy enough, the dudes at the bar in Estonia complain about all the American College Football scores and stats in THEIR sports news crawl. Except for the ones with money riding on the late night PAC-12 games, some things are universal.
I've simply got to get this off my chest.
On behalf of everyone I have ever met in my entire life, please-please, for the love of God get rid of the European soccer scroll that you constantly show during every single one of my cherished NCAA football games.
The Soccer scroll is everywhere you look on game days, as if we asked for it, as if we crave it, or as if we might even have money riding on these European games!
Trust me, 99%+ of the good people who watch and enjoy College football couldn't give a rat's @ss what the score was of every single pro soccer game in Europe, yet you feel compelled to tell us all about great detail.
Does anyone know or care how these teams did or who scored the winning goal? NOPE
Does anyone care or give a rip what minute of the game they scored? NOPE!
Yes, soccer is a fine game for millions of young boys and girls and I'm glad that many of them truly love it.
I agree young kids playing soccer is far better that than sitting on the couch playing Xbox, but so is bowling and curling.
I have a good friend that played it in college and I've enjoyed watching my nephew play it many times, so those of you who think I hate soccer, you're wrong. I am not criticizing the game in any way. I just don't want the professional scores shoved down my throat while watching NCAA Football. Put it on another channel if you must!
My true angst is aimed at the DisneyAbcEspn programming geniuses who I'm sure feel that they are being "inclusive" by reporting this drivel on the scroll. I think the Network head honchos think that if they just showed (God forbid) American football scores, injury updates, and other NCAA Football-related info on an American football broadcast, that would somehow be viewed by Globalists, liberals and the Stanford band as "Waving the US Flag too much" in the face of the world.
Good grief...
This has bothered me for a long, long frickin' time. I feel better now, thank you.

That was entertaining. Please send this to the execs stated above. It'd be a great message to them. Would luv to see their reaction.
As a soccer fan who agrees with you I'll take it one step closer. Do we need to run it around the clock? Nothing finer than watching a rebroadcasted game late Saturday night/Early Sunday that you couldn't watch or didn't have a chance to earlier and then have it ruined because they failed to remove the score of the game you're currently trying to watch while not wanting to know the outcome.

Honestly I'd have no problem with them getting rid of the ticker all together. Let's be real in this day and age we all have access to this information whether they are running the scores 24/7 or not. I don't mind the Program alerts on the bottom line, if a game is getting interesting, but maybe make it so that it's not forced upon the viewer.
As a non soccer fan I approve this message... ESPN has been heavy on it as far as throwing highlights down your throat on Sportscenter and what not. I get frustrated by it that I tune in to get my baseball highlights and now football highlights and have to sit through so much soccer... Talking about teams over seas that I have no clue about and don't care to. They must think there's a clamoring for it. Weather that's right or wrong I don't know can only speak for myself but when that comes on I'm channel surfing
What the hell is soccer?

Is that the thing where you have a bunch of people on a gravel parking lot and they roll bigger metal balls at smaller metal ball?

Its always a bunch of elderly mobster-looking Italians playing it in straw hats.
Yep. Found it.

This is soccer, right?

The bottom line should be reserved for scores/news related to the sport you're currently watching. Sure makes a ton of sense.

PS - soccer is awful. The fact that the USA national team can lose a sport to a Caribbean country tells you all you need to know about its worth
The bottom line should be reserved for scores/news related to the sport you're currently watching. Sure makes a ton of sense.

PS - soccer is awful. The fact that the USA national team can lose a sport to a Caribbean country tells you all you need to know about its worth
Then how the hell am I supposed to get WNBA scores?

PS, I love Futbol
Millennials that play/played high school athletics oft have more going out now for soccer than football in many schools where both are offered, even during the same sports season. Go to a high school and watch the kids on the soccer team v those from football and tell me where the better athletes are at. Boomers are now in the age group where they just don't spend money.

My kids who range from HS to a lawyer do pay attention to Euro soccer and football. ESPN isn't completely devoid of intelligence. They know who will butter their bread in 20 to 30 years, or even now.

Football is a diminishing sport. No gonna change.

As per the comment about Caribbean athletes, MLB has quite a few players of that origin. American football is played...ummmm in America, the US ones and not other places much except for the Canadian version. Japanese baseball would win a World Series periodically if given he chance.
As per the comment about Caribbean athletes, MLB has quite a few players of that origin. American football is played...ummmm in America, the US ones and not other places much except for the Canadian version. Japanese baseball would win a World Series periodically if given he chance.

My point was that if Americans really cared about soccer we would be a powerhouse in it. We have a lot of money and a lot of people to choose from. Most people just choose basketball, baseball and football right now. Look at basketball, the USA just dominates the world at it. We would dominate the world in football, but nobody else plays it.

I don't care for soccer, but I think America will eventually be really good at it. It will take generations though. Kids already care a lot more about soccer than my generation ever will. I think football is a white dwarf, it still burns hot right now but the end is in sight. The next logical sport in America besides basketball is probably soccer....unfortunately