De'Andre Johnson Charged with Disorderly House Last Night

"Will Iowa play four running backs this year? When I ask that question, I am not inviting a discussion of AIRBHG. I think it’s possible. They will have to settle on some kind of two back rotation before the Big Ten season hits, but I believe Damon Bullock, De’Andre Johnson, Greg Garmon and Barkley Hill will all see reps in September as the coaching staff decides on who will carry the mail come Big Ten season. The Hawks could have some pretty fresh legs in the stable come November, something they did not have last year."
Jon decided it was ok to taunt he should not be named yesterday... Let this be a lesson
DID I NOT CALL THIS ON ANOTHER THREAD??? I said De'Andre always is having a party and I hope he doesn't get in trouble.
My house is kinda disorderly. There should be a gub'ment program to help me and De'Andre. I blame society for ignoring us and our problem.
I had H'27 pegged as obvious alt, obviously. I am man enough to admit that I think I might be wrong about him/her.
My house is kinda disorderly. There should be a gub'ment program to help me and De'Andre. I blame society for ignoring us and our problem.

It's not your guys' fault. You're both just products of your environment just like Boyz n the Hood;)
My house is kinda disorderly. There should be a gub'ment program to help me and De'Andre. I blame society for ignoring us and our problem.

Sorry pal, no Big Gub funds for you. Call up Merry Maids and cough up the dough to have them clean your cave coupla times a week. ;)
Conspiracy theory...or IC police lurking HN boards maybe?

If they are lurking, that is just too low. They must be bored, we need more drunk freshman kids running around campus Pronto! We need school to start so the police have something better to deal with than a "dirty" house lol.

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