Davis is the OC

Who said he was hired to pull 5-stars out of Texas? You definitely are Dwight Schrute's backward cousin.

If all he does is help us land another Babineaux or Solomon I'd say he was a smart hire.

Agreed. If Iowa had Troy Aikman recruiting, we still wouldn't get the top talent in TX. But, having good luck with the 2nd and 3rd tier players would be huge. HUGE.
Who said he was hired to pull 5-stars out of Texas? You definitely are Dwight Schrute's backward cousin.

If all he does is help us land another Babineaux or Solomon I'd say he was a smart hire.
If you look above, genius, I was responding to Hawksd saying we could get a couple 5 stars and other "blue chips" out of there now. Ain't gonna happen. Try to follow the conversation next time.
Well let's see how this works. Davis has a habit for running a lot of east-west plays. Ferentz is a north-south guy and allergic to running horizontal plays. Ferentz tears all of the horizontal plays out of Davis’s playbook. The remaining six plays will be Iowa’s offense for the next four years. Addition by subtraction…

…..Just kidding actually. I’m intrigued about how things will shape up.
I must have missed something... but why did Texas fans hate Davis so much? Judging by the numbers, he was good. They were successful while he was there in my opinion with the exception of one year or so.

I just don't get why the fans there wanted him out so badly. Is there a specific reason?
I must have missed something... but why did Texas fans hate Davis so much? Judging by the numbers, he was good. They were successful while he was there in my opinion with the exception of one year or so.I just don't get why the fans there wanted him out so badly. Is there a specific reason?

They didn't like him because every play wasn't a td
Unimaginative, predictable offense with far to many bubble screens. Sound familar? Except with O'Keefe it was that he did not call enough bubble screens.
People think an offense is predictable because a team runs when they say "they're going to run here." Two things, teams like Iowa and Texas run or pass 50% of the time so it's not hard to predict that and you are not guessing what blocking assignments and what direction they are running most of the time.
Also, people only praise and "imaginative" play call if it works. Which, most of the time they don't. Then they *****. For instance it seemed like O'Keefe called WR passes and reverses and they rarely worked. Imaginative, yes. But people complained when they didn't
don't understand why a coach with his style offense would be hired, unless change will be allowed by KF, or Rudock is the next Colt McCoy
Man, some of you people just have something to ***** about. How do we know KF pulled the playbook from KOK? I agree that he prolly did mellow it out a little, but come on. Every 2nd string is always the obvious 1 stringer if youd read here. Even if he doesnt do as much with the talent we have here, all he has to do is 25% better.....You people would ***** about a friggen reach around I swear!
Why couldn't Ruddock be the next Colt McCoy? It is not as though McCoy was some super human talent that poor little Iowa could never recruit. Colt McCoy is a Drew Tate with better talent around him. Iowa has plenty of QBs who have the tools including Vandenberg and Ruddock.
Why couldn't Ruddock be the next Colt McCoy? It is not as though McCoy was some super human talent that poor little Iowa could never recruit. Colt McCoy is a Drew Tate with better talent around him. Iowa has plenty of QBs who have the tools including Vandenberg and Ruddock.

Vandenberg & Ruddock are NFL style, drop-back quarterbacks. They are not spread quarterbacks. Robinson at Michigan is a spread quarterback.
A&M is going to be a bottom dweller in the SEC. TCU, SMU, and Baylor are small religious who attract kids who don't want to go to big state schools. We have a chance to steal the blue chip UT and OU kids because the big 12 sucks and is only getting worse.

I don't see A&M being a bottom dweller from a recruiting standpoint. The top Texas kids always stayed at Texas. The next tier were always split betwen Oklahoma and A&M. That isn't changing. Thankfully Texas puts out 150+ D1 football players every year. Having an OC with such strong ties to Texas is certainly going to open some doors with some of them.

That said recruiting in Texas hasn't gotten any easier in the last 5 years, it's gotten harder, for the exact reasons I mentioned in the OP.

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