Date for starting QB?

We are perpetuating the whole stigma that the backup is the best QB. Remember, all three QBs were recruited when O'Keefe was the OC. What does that mean? That means they all basically have the same skill set. Kirk never really recruited dual threat QBs that much, and when he did, he moved them to other positions. So with that said, if Jake is truly showing distinction between his peers on the practice field, then who are we to judge? As much as everybody wants to think Kirk just does **** to spite us, he really doesn't. If Rudock gives us the best chance to win in the coach's eyes, then so be it.
Also, while KF is horrible at many things, finding quarterbacks does not seem to be one of them. With the exception of JC and JV, I've been more than content with his choices.
Also, while KF is horrible at many things, finding quarterbacks does not seem to be one of them. With the exception of JC and JV, I've been more than content with his choices.

I agree, and what happened to JV is still a mystery. He looked great as a back up and his first year as a starter then fell off a cliff. Some of that was the new system but it was mostly him, couldn't make routine throws. That's not on Kirk.
I agree, and what happened to JV is still a mystery. He looked great as a back up and his first year as a starter then fell off a cliff. Some of that was the new system but it was mostly him, couldn't make routine throws. That's not on Kirk.

Gee, if your qb sucks you take him out. That is on the coach. It's not hard to figure out. Oh, yes. I did forget. He gave us the best chance to win. Can't believe how many fell for that line of garbage.

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