Date for starting QB?

I recommend a 3 QB system. One to run all running plays. One for all passing plays. And in the event we suspect a passing play breaks down and may have to improvise we go to the 3rd QB. Trust me, no opposing teams will figure it out.
I agree, Freed. I do, but to assume that Sokol will for sure make Iowa a better team doesn't make sense. Comparing past players and their styles like hwk23 is doing doesn't guarantee a play off.

When hwk23 sees Sokol he sees Drew Tate/Brad Banks. When I see Sokol I think sure maybe he could but unless he plays we won't know. I am not a gambler, so for me Sokol seems more like Steele Jantz than Drew Tate or Brad Banks.

The whole point is to stop picking a QB and saying they WILL be better for THIS YEARS TEAM based off past players/past seasons and let this season play out.

If Rudock wins the job, let him play, if Sokol plays, let him play. Stop looking back, look forward without having to decide who MIGHT be better, obviously we don't know. KF knows better than both of us, whether or not you want to admit it.

Sweet response, seriously. Lot's of good stuff in there. You even took a shot at Isu. Nice!!!!!!! But I'd question if kf knows better than me. He might know better on O-Line stuff. Come on, I'm just joking. Well, maybe half joking.
I recommend a 3 QB system. One to run all running plays. One for all passing plays. And in the event we suspect a passing play breaks down and may have to improvise we go to the 3rd QB. Trust me, no opposing teams will figure it out.
Sometimes I wonder if that may not be a bad thing for just a few teams. Certainly not most. On a different note, was Weinke really that bad?
Morehouse has been saying all year that Rudock will be the starter, even when KF was saying all three were equal. KF said on media day just last week that no one had an advantage yet Rudock has taken almost all the 1st team snaps (according to the photos anyway) since media day. I bet Rudock is the same QB he's always been and the whole "seperation" thing is BS. He was always going to be QB because careful Kirk favors him.

Based on the photos? The only release a few photos of the practices. So I would be basing it off of that.
Morehouse keeps saying that it's going to be him because he has had more time in the offense. But that's just not true. Sokol has had the same amount of time in the offense and took snaps with the second team last year along with Rudock.
I don't know, Denis. Ferentz has a history of playing ONE QB no matter how poorly he is playing. Don't want to hurt the poor guy's psyche by pulling him when things aren't going well. He took way too long to decide on Stanzi and gave Christensen enough rope to hang himself before making the change.

I made the drive to the Pitt game that year. That game was lost precisely and solely due to what you reference, above. It was the beginning of the end of any adoration for KF, the coach. That's why I always go back to 2006 when citing the beginning of the program's slide -- when under achievement and inexplicable blunders that would cost at least 1 game became an annual expectation.

But, but, what about 2008 & 2009. It's amazing how 1/2 of your starters being NFL caliber talent can compensate for your coaching gaffes -- most of them, anyway (see 2010).

The last great coaching job from a KF led offensive staff came in 2004 -- precisely due to adapting scheme and strategy to the talents at your disposal. KF got out of the way and (uncomfortably) hitched his wagon to a gunslinging QB that, despite having a loose-canon personality and didn't like being put in losing situations (i.e. late playclocks), could extend the play and get results.
LOL....It's funny how everyone has an established perception of Rudock's abilities, tendencies, etc. based off a vanilla scrimmage game in the Spring. I guess it's also been established that any qb that's not a "running qb" is a Vandenberg clone and will no doubt be a failure. Every player is different.

Based off what I saw last year, whoever wins the job needs to have the best understanding of whatever it is GD is trying to do. Don't matter much how athletic the qb is if they're still trying to grasp the offense. Can't do a QB sneak or expect him to scramble on every play. If Rudock is the guy who's moving the chains and limiting the him. The Hawks have a running game to lean on as well as what I expect to be a pretty decent defense.
Some pretty good stuff in this thread, some sound reasoning, but mostly a lot of stupid!

Certain individuals choose to go against the grain no matter what the circumstance. Apparently even if common sense and reality get in the way.
I just hope Ferentz doesn't have a rotation. I don't think it's good for qbs to go in and out. Weather it's for their own confidence or the rest of the team. I'd rather him pick a guy pretty soon and coach him up as the #1 guy going into the first game and give him a realistic leash to perform. I hope Ferentz learned his lesson from the Jake C era as to not give him too long of one. But one bad half or one game or one bad interception isn't and shouldn't be the bench marks to be changing qbs. But we'll know soon enough what his game plan is.
Certain individuals choose to go against the grain no matter what the circumstance. Apparently even if common sense and reality get in the way.

This is a typical weasel comment by you. A lot of great/good people go against the grain.
Based on the photos? The only release a few photos of the practices. So I would be basing it off of that.
Morehouse keeps saying that it's going to be him because he has had more time in the offense. But that's just not true. Sokol has had the same amount of time in the offense and took snaps with the second team last year along with Rudock.

Morehouse recently said Rudock's the pick because Greg Davis said "He gets us in the right play and makes good decisions". He's been updating his reasons as we go. I'm not just basing it on photos. Yesterday Morehouse said he gets the sense Rudock is clearly #1 (he's "seperated") and the other two are fighting for #2. I do think Rudock will start but I doubt there's been any "seperation". I doubt Rudock's a better QB now all of a sudden.
Morehouse recently said Rudock's the pick because Greg Davis said "He gets us in the right play and makes good decisions". He's been updating his reasons as we go. I'm not just basing it on photos. Yesterday Morehouse said he gets the sense Rudock is clearly #1 (he's "seperated") and the other two are fighting for #2. I do think Rudock will start but I doubt there's been any "seperation". I doubt Rudock's a better QB now all of a sudden.

I think based on their comments about Rudock, it's based on protecting the ball. It has been said that Rudock is more careful with the ball, Sokol is not. That Sokol tries to fit the ball into spaces he shouldn't which the staff might feel will lead to turnovers.

We all know KF's philosophy regarding QB's, he is less likely to lean towards risk/reward and instead be conservative. But in the end, Whether or not Sokol or Rudock is the better QB, still remains to be seen.
I think based on their comments about Rudock, it's based on protecting the ball. It has been said that Rudock is more careful with the ball, Sokol is not. That Sokol tries to fit the ball into spaces he shouldn't which the staff might feel will lead to turnovers.

We all know KF's philosophy regarding QB's, he is less likely to lean towards risk/reward and instead be conservative. But in the end, Whether or not Sokol or Rudock is the better QB, still remains to be seen.

I think 1 or 2 throws in the Spring game were a little aggressive but I also saw Sokol attacking single covergage downfield a lot with some good reads. That's something we must do this year.
The QB will be whoever is the least risk adverse. Kirk doesn't swim 30 minutes after eating. He doesn't take tags off of mattresses and pillows. He buckles his seat belt when he moves cars around in the driveway. He uses the cross walk buttons. He puts down toilet paper on public toilet seats. And most of all he always plays the guy with most tenure regardless of ability.
As you can see from practice pics on only Rudock is taking snaps behind the #1 OL Unit.

It has already been decided.

Rudock is your opening game starter.
Here's my opinion:

Anybody who claims to have any idea how good these guys are is a blowhard and an idiot.

None of them have played a single snap in a D1 college game. None of them.

So, you're left with the spring game. Rudock was the best in the spring game. Now remind do we know that Rudock is the second coming of James Vandenberg?

I'm excited to see what we have under the hood, because I have no idea what we have. Neither do you.

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