Date for starting QB?


Forgive me if I missed this, but since we are only 17 days away from our first game.... When can we expect our starting QB to be named?
Forgive me if I missed this, but since we are only 17 days away from our first game.... When can we expect our starting QB to be named?

Don't be surprised if the true starter isn't named until gameday on 8/31/13. I am guessing the two deep that week will read Rudock/Sokol/Beathard, all #1's unless one of them takes the outright lead in the next two weeks.
Morehouse mentioned something last night either on KXnO that he would not be shocked if Kirk named Jake the starter this weekend when he meets the media for the Kid's Day scrimmage. He said the people he knows on the inside have been saying that Jake is separating himself from the other two.
Ferentz said he wanted to name a starter a couple weeks before the first game. You need to start seperating the 1's from the 2's and get them working together every day in practice. I agree with the Clone fan that posted above me, look for it in the next couple days.
I would guess the first game starting QB will be named this weekend. But I would also speculate that he may not be the starter for the year. If there is not a clear favorite, expect the runner up to get snaps in the first few games. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if all three saw action this fall.
Game time performance will probably be the deciding factor.
Forgive me if I missed this, but since we are only 17 days away from our first game.... When can we expect our starting QB to be named?

Ferentz said in Chicago that he'd like to name a starter no later than two weeks into fall camp. I'm thinking we will find out Saturday.
Man, it is bad enough coming into this season, but now our QB's need to go online to get dates? Time to reconfigure my prediction.
I heard the coaches say that they would sit down Saturday after the scrimmage and see where they were.
I really hope they don't do a rotation where different guys come in for different series. Kirk has never done that before so its likely an unfounded fear but its always a disaster when teams do it.
I'd be tinkled pink if I was wrong on this. I want the kid that can run to be qb.

Pretty sure all three of them can run...

I really don't think there is that big of a difference athletically between any of the three. If there is it's only a slight difference. Jake can tuck the ball and run much better than Vandy could so even if he's slightly slower than Sokol it's still an improvement.

Morehouse is my favorite Hawkeye beat writer. I trust him and his sources. If Jake is separating himself in practice then he deserves to be the starter regardless of these stupid "we need a running QB" comments.
so you don't have first hand experience with either qb, just go with what people say. well GD has said all 3 qbs can make plays with their feet. and the coaches have had several more opportunities to assess the qb situation than any of us have. if they come to the conclusion that rudock is the guy, how can you argue that? or are you one of those that always think the backup qb is THE guy?
so you don't have first hand experience with either qb, just go with what people say. well GD has said all 3 qbs can make plays with their feet. and the coaches have had several more opportunities to assess the qb situation than any of us have. if they come to the conclusion that rudock is the guy, how can you argue that? or are you one of those that always think the backup qb is THE guy?
Sighs......................good grief. Where to start with this? 1) Ok, it should be evident to you and everyone here that I got no inside info. Having said that, yes, I do go by what sports writers, other fans and folks here say about the situation. 2) How can I argue with that? That's easy. Could give you many examples of why I'd argue with what the coaches decide. How about last year's offense? I would think that would be sufficient enough reason to argue with them.

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