Daily Iowan's Article today on the Iowa Band

I’m sick of Clown fans saying this has been happening forever.....nothing at this level of d’baggery has been reported at either school before. All they want to say is “the UI band needs to nut up” or “we’ve been victims too”.......disgusting.
Get help.
Was that an honest cry for help? AA? Narcotics Anonymous? I dont know the numbers. I guess you could google it. Why do you suppose your name pops up with all of the worst ever discussions? Most annoying. I can banter with you, but you have to make some sense at times. You are still arguing but you cant help yourself. I understand.
All of that could have happened pretty quickly. People don't carry cameras marching on the field and how many would just be videoing for the heck of it.

Nobody videoed A Brown's assault. Using your logic, we should be gripping about Washington right?

Not only that but they are carrying their musical instruments on the way to the bus after the game. That makes it much easier for cheapshot punks to harass them.
Was that an honest cry for help? AA? Narcotics Anonymous? I dont know the numbers. I guess you could google it. Why do you suppose your name pops up with all of the worst ever discussions? Most annoying. I can banter with you, but you have to make some sense at times. You are still arguing but you cant help yourself. I understand.

I guess we are peas in the same pod. I'm guessing I've actually been talking Iowa football. You being missing has been kinda good.
Some people are for sure saying that, that's wrong.

Nothing has been officially reported ever to either school. Again, we still don't actually know what happened.

Pollard from DM Register article
"Multiple times, he acknowledged the reports of profane harassment and abuse such as throwing beer directed at visiting band members in Ames and condemned anybody who took part — and multiple times he immediately asserted that Iowa State band members have also been harassed and abused at Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City."

What a tool.....to distract from the embarrassing behavior of ISU fans, he throws out the Kindergarten classic "but they did it too!!" This just adds to his impressive legacy of getting kicked out of high school games and holding a press conference to throw a hissy-fit about the refs.
Was the "verbal altercation" between the ISU facilities employee and the Iowa band director because the band was trying to leave the "wrong way", or did the facilities employee make them go the "wrong way"? Facilities employees can get on some pretty big power trips.
Scott's putting words in someone's mouth here that is completely unfair. He said nothing of the sort.
Well, yeah, he didn't quite come out and say it but it really feels like the old "she was asking for it dressing like that" defense.

Had she gotten a cab ride home....
Had he not been at the bar....
Had she been wearing pants instead of that dress...

Had they walked down the right tunnel, our fans wouldn't have been given the opportunity to harass, assault, and abuse the Iowa Band....
100% you're wrong here. As others have pointed out people react to trauma in different ways. I don't blame anybody for not reacting perfectly in what was likely a chaotic situation. I do think that a police report needs filed now.
Darwinism. If you can survive without basic skills, more power to you. Contacting the authorities even an hour or two after works. You dont need your teacher or your mommy to dial the police the next day for you. You cant hold everybody's hand. If you dont have the courage to stand up for yourself why would you expect anyone else to do it for you? Dont give me bull about reacting to traumatic situations. The moment you calm down, phone the authorities. If that takes you a year, good luck. Contact the authorities not your school.
Darwinism. If you can survive without basic skills, more power to you. Contacting the authorities even an hour or two after works. You dont need your teacher or your mommy to dial the police the next day for you. You cant hold everybody's hand. If you dont have the courage to stand up for yourself why would you expect anyone else to do it for you? Dont give me bull about reacting to traumatic situations. The moment you calm down, phone the authorities. If that takes you a year, good luck. Contact the authorities not your school.
Contact the authorities and your school.
Contact the authorities and your school.
I dont have any problem with doing both. But the expectation should be that the authorities will be the ones acting or rectifying the situation. Bringing justice. I dont feel that there should be an expectation for the university to be compelled to do anything but assist and support the students. They are not responsible for enacting justice or pursuing justice in lieu of the students fighting through legal channels.
For an opinionated smartass you are incredibly naive
Right. So you've noticed enough of my posts to label me an "naive, opinionated smartass", but you've missed all the times I mentioned I don't do social media? Whether you believe it or not, my question had no hidden meanings or implications. I was literally asking for info I don't have access to.
Right. So you've noticed enough of my posts to label me an "naive, opinionated smartass", but you've missed all the times I mentioned I don't do social media? Whether you believe it or not, my question had no hidden meanings or implications. I was literally asking for info I don't have access to.

I posted in one of the other threads but the short version is - the Iowa band was not given any information when it came to exiting the stadium and while waiting for the crowds to clear were yelled at by an ISU official to get out of the stadium so they went to the exit that was the closest to where their buses were parked which turned out to be the wrong exit.

Not sure much can be seen here other than a lot of congestion.
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