CyHawk 3.0: New, New Trophy to Involve Fans


The Iowa Corn Growers Association, along with Iowa and Iowa State, announced on Tuesday that they would be scrapping the Cy-Hawk football trophy unveiled last week and instead will listen to fans and ultimately let the fans choose what the new trophy will be.

An interim trophy will be used this year as this process will not be completed in time to design a new trophy.

One of the things Rick Klatt from the University of Iowa said at the press conferences was that Iowa Corn was bearing too much of the blame in this, as Iowa and Iowa State were both involved in this process.

All that being said...this is a a great move by all involved. The only thing worse than a bad idea or bad decision is being stubborn and unwilling to correct the mistake.

Whether or not you feel this was a mistake or a bad decision, that's your call. I didn't like the notion of this new trophy being the icon that was up for grabs for the football game. So I am very pleased to see these organizations listen to the fans, respond according to what the fans had to say and involve the fans in the decision making progress going forward.

In my opinion, Iowa Corn will reap more publicity from these last four days than they would have in total during the entire sponsorship relationship. They didn't plan to unveil something that would be met with negatively and then plan to roll this idea out. However in hindsight, it's going to work out real, real well for Iowa Corn...and also work out well for Iowa and Iowa State fans.
I know this idea has already been suggested, but I do like the idea of playing for "The Pitchfork" from Amreican Gothic. Much like the Axe, or Floyd, or the little brown jug, is a symbol for a story behind the rivalry. And what better symbol than the pitchfork from an artistic masterpiece painted by the native Iowan: Grant Wood. The pitchfork is also a symbol of farming....albeit a rather basic farming tool, but so is an axe, a little brown jug, old oaken bucket, etc... Simplicity at its best.
Iowa Corn is now looking good, and will get a lot of press.

That's a good deal, I was thinking about buying stuff from Nebraska or Illinois Corn, but not anymore.
I guess a simple football player on a trophy is too outdated.

Better get working revamping the Heisman next!
I like the idea of people running around the football field with a 10 foot tall pitchfork.
Then we could shout, "stick a fork in em cause they're done" as the hawks go up 7-0 on the clowns when they return the opening kickoff.
Iowa Corn is now looking good, and will get a lot of press.

That's a good deal, I was thinking about buying stuff from Nebraska or Illinois Corn, but not anymore.

Good one!

I buy my sweet corn out of the back of a truck on a corner in Cedar Rapids. It could be Mars corn for all I know. I'm pretty sure it was an Iowan selling it.

A pitchfork is too dangerous but would be sweet.
Good one!

I buy my sweet corn out of the back of a truck on a corner in Cedar Rapids. It could be Mars corn for all I know. I'm pretty sure it was an Iowan selling it.

A pitchfork is too dangerous but would be sweet.

It can't be anymore dangerous then Minnesota and Wisconsin playing for a giant ax.
I'm not sure a pitchfork is a very good idea. I like Trice & Kinnick in uniform squaring off....or the idea of a football coming out of a corn husk.
A pitchfork is too dangerous but would be sweet.

So make a smallish pitchfork a symbol on the trophy. But I agree with whoever said Minny and Wiscy have touted the axe for many years without someone losing a limb. Who is it that uses a fry pan? No one's fallen unconscious from getting hit upside the head while a DL swung it around, have they? Jeweled Shillelagh for ND/USC, I'm sure they had plenty of legends they could have had on a trophy but instead use a symbol. I like incorporating Kinnick and Trice somehow, but the unique symbol of a pitchfork would be interesting to those outside the state as well as those associated with the game.
So make a smallish pitchfork a symbol on the trophy. But I agree with whoever said Minny and Wiscy have touted the axe for many years without someone losing a limb. Who is it that uses a fry pan? No one's fallen unconscious from getting hit upside the head while a DL swung it around, have they? Jeweled Shillelagh for ND/USC, I'm sure they had plenty of legends they could have had on a trophy but instead use a symbol. I like incorporating Kinnick and Trice somehow, but the unique symbol of a pitchfork would be interesting to those outside the state as well as those associated with the game.

Then its just a fork.

The axe is made of wood - to sharp cutting edge.
Iowa Corn will forever be remembered for The Turd(TM)

How 'bout this for the new one?

I was very vocal about the flop of a trophy and want the new one to be awesome. I have been looking at trophies on the web and only the Lombardi looks like something very special. I would like to see some variation of that (tall and chrome with a football) if they cant decide on something truly Iowan. As much as I would love to partake on the design I am no artist. Im still kinda liking the idea of a corn stalks and a football as the ear... not sure who came up with that.
I was very vocal about the flop of a trophy and want the new one to be awesome. I have been looking at trophies on the web and only the Lombardi looks like something very special. I would like to see some variation of that (tall and chrome with a football).

makes sense, since the game is ISU's Super Bowl.
Ok, let's forget the ain't gonna happen...and stop comparing it to the one's going to accidentally lop off a head with a wooden axe, but pointy metal could accidentally impale someone fairly easily...

If we want something long and staff like, like a pitchfork, why not go with a tall stalk of corn, but instead of ears of corn it has footballs...put a gold or silver coating on that sucker, put it on a stand straight up or put it sideways against a backing so it takes a couple of guys to hoist it above their heads...

All of this being said though, I still like my "Trice-Kinnick Trophy" idea the it Iowa it!

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