No idea, man.They'd have been better off just saying they still can't... How in the world can they be that tone deaf? How??? It's not enough to keep them from earning money off their name but you have to be able to suppress their 1st amendment rights and then edit it? Are we in China all of a sudden or what?
I'll be the first to admit that I was always in favor of the twitter ban before because I saw it as a way to prevent players (regardless of race) from making dumb statements they'd regret. But I've changed my view on that now with everything coming out.
Doing what they're doing now is worse than having the ban in place because now rather than saying no one can say anything, they're saying you can talk, but you can only say what we want you to say.
Can you imagine tonight or tomorrow night when the national media get a hold of this LOL. Talk about trying to solve a problem with a much bigger one.