Culver to lend a fat hand

Looking at this short-sightedly as you are, it can be argued Chester would see MORE votes as a result of this move.

Face it, U of I is his demographic anyway (extremely liberal). As an institution based on agriculture, the Iowa State culture is much more conservative.

In reality, though, he would be a moron not to do everything in his power to look out for the best interests of ALL state schools. They are huge money makers for the state.

Whether you believe it or not, nocking Iowa State down a peg hurts the whole state, not just Ames.

short sited, maybe. but if KF ran I have a feeling he would win. :p so throwing your lot with KF and Iowa may be more benifitial then backing ISU. not saying anything would have been his best option though.
I've got to agree with Cyclonehomer on this one. There is no reason for so many people to get angry over the governor making reasonable (key word) attempts to help out a state university. Culver isn't advocating for the fringe Cyclone fan plan of a nuclear option in which Iowa secedes from the Big Ten if ISU doesn't get in. He even mentioned that he would only advocate this option upon the wishes of the ISU president and AD. For all of the hate for Chet Culver, what he said seems like an honest and realistic position for the governor to take in this situation.

imported_ankle23, there are plenty of cyclone fans that deserve your vitriol, but Cyclonehomer has been a reasonable and intelligent fan who has posted respectfully on this message board a number of times. I don't think they deserved the comment you gave them.
I've got to agree with Cyclonehomer on this one. There is no reason for so many people to get angry over the governor making reasonable (key word) attempts to help out a state university. Culver isn't advocating for the fringe Cyclone fan plan of a nuclear option in which Iowa secedes from the Big Ten if ISU doesn't get in. He even mentioned that he would only advocate this option upon the wishes of the ISU president and AD. For all of the hate for Chet Culver, what he said seems like an honest and realistic position for the governor to take in this situation.

imported_ankle23, there are plenty of cyclone fans that deserve your vitriol, but Cyclonehomer has been a reasonable and intelligent fan who has posted respectfully on this message board a number of times. I don't think they deserved the comment you gave them.

I agree that there is nothing wrong with the effort. It is just misguided and doesn't have a chance in heck of doing anything.
Theboat, I agree that it won't do anything, but at the same time how would the governor look if he just said "ISU is screwed and I'm too busy trying to get re-elected to make a few phone calls and advocate for a state university." Sometimes the effort shows you care even if nothing will come of it.
I'm a die-hard Democrat and I despise Culver. That tells you everything you need to know about him. I have a hard time believing even Terry Braindead himself couldn't do a better job (I still won't vote for him, though ;)).

Mr. Incredible needs to keep his nose out of this. This doesn't concern him - especially considering he's not going to be gov for much longer.
Iowa State brings NOTHING to the table. NOTHING! Go play the scrubs in some mediocre conference eight times a year instead of three like you do now.
Besides wrestling (which ISU would too) what does Iowa bring. They are like the fat girls that have hot friends, please dont kid yourself. If Texas governors can get involved so can the Iowa governor.
Besides wrestling (which ISU would too) what does Iowa bring. They are like the fat girls that have hot friends, please dont kid yourself. If Texas governors can get involved so can the Iowa governor.

he can but he wont because he has zero are doomed to the Mountain West...accept it
Besides wrestling (which ISU would too) what does Iowa bring. They are like the fat girls that have hot friends, please dont kid yourself. If Texas governors can get involved so can the Iowa governor.

How does it feel UNI guy. Huh How does it feel? Do you have a lump in your stomach? Couldn't imagine to be so desperate. Do you have the razor blades ready? ISU is going down the tubes. I feel sorry for some of the fans. You are not one of them. Hope your cry when its all done.
Besides wrestling (which ISU would too) what does Iowa bring. They are like the fat girls that have hot friends, please dont kid yourself. If Texas governors can get involved so can the Iowa governor.

not to mention ISU fans wanting this will be them finally admitting you are our little brother
Besides wrestling (which ISU would too) what does Iowa bring. They are like the fat girls that have hot friends, please dont kid yourself. If Texas governors can get involved so can the Iowa governor.

You're not banned yet? Why does Iowa have to "bring" anything to a conference that they're all ready in? Iowa isn't going anywhere, so they can probably just leave their stuff where it is.
How does it feel UNI guy. Huh How does it feel? Do you have a lump in your stomach? Couldn't imagine to be so desperate. Do you have the razor blades ready? ISU is going down the tubes. I feel sorry for some of the fans. You are not one of them. Hope your cry when its all done.
Am I worried, a little, but I believe Jamie Pollard is working his *** off, now if Gary Barta was our AD, I would not be online right now, I would be at the bar, yes crying my eyes out over 15 Jager bombs. And that sir is the truth and I am sure you would rather have Pollard leading this charge over Barta.
not to mention ISU fans wanting this will be them finally admitting you are our little brother
LOL, OMG that was the funniest thing I have read all day, thanks for the laugh, you think ISU is bad, if Iowa was in this situation we would be hearing about it!!!LOL
Besides wrestling (which ISU would too) what does Iowa bring. They are like the fat girls that have hot friends, please dont kid yourself. If Texas governors can get involved so can the Iowa governor.

I try not to just hate everything ISU, but then I read stupid stuff like this and it makes it very difficult.
LOL, OMG that was the funniest thing I have read all day, thanks for the laugh, you think ISU is bad, if Iowa was in this situation we would be hearing about it!!!LOL

Right, but Iowa isn't in this situation. ISU - on the other hand - is. If you think that's the funniest thing you've read all day, you should go back and read some of your own offerings; they're downright hysterical.
Am I worried, a little, but I believe Jamie Pollard is working his *** off, now if Gary Barta was our AD, I would not be online right now, I would be at the bar, yes crying my eyes out over 15 Jager bombs. And that sir is the truth and I am sure you would rather have Pollard leading this charge over Barta.

Yeah, I would much rather have the CEO that is running a company that has to make crazy choices every year just to keep their head above water than the one that consistently has his company operating at a high level. Working harder does not mean working better.
LOL, OMG that was the funniest thing I have read all day, thanks for the laugh, you think ISU is bad, if Iowa was in this situation we would be hearing about it!!!LOL

well I'm glad that gives you comfort.....its all you and ISU are going to have
Yeah, I would much rather have the CEO that is running a company that has to make crazy choices every year just to keep their head above water than the one that consistently has his company operating at a high level. Working harder does not mean working better.
Good post, I understand what you mean, I just know Pollard is good at selling his program, I have seen it too many times to think otherwise, he sells ISU better than any AD sells their school in the country, IMO, just off the top of my head I believe he got the Insight Bowl to pass Mizzou and pick ISU.
I've got to agree with Cyclonehomer on this one. There is no reason for so many people to get angry over the governor making reasonable (key word) attempts to help out a state university. Culver isn't advocating for the fringe Cyclone fan plan of a nuclear option in which Iowa secedes from the Big Ten if ISU doesn't get in. He even mentioned that he would only advocate this option upon the wishes of the ISU president and AD. For all of the hate for Chet Culver, what he said seems like an honest and realistic position for the governor to take in this situation.

imported_ankle23, there are plenty of cyclone fans that deserve your vitriol, but Cyclonehomer has been a reasonable and intelligent fan who has posted respectfully on this message board a number of times. I don't think they deserved the comment you gave them.

my comment was a blanket statement to all clowns, either present or unaccounted for.

I live in Polk County, I've had my fill.
Good post, I understand what you mean, I just know Pollard is good at selling his program, I have seen it too many times to think otherwise, he sells ISU better than any AD sells their school in the country, IMO, just off the top of my head I believe he got the Insight Bowl to pass Mizzou and pick ISU.

So he was the one that convinced all of those Iowa folks to retire in AZ. I knew it had to be more than the weather. ;)

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