Cully leaving this late is a huge blow...


Well-Known Member
I mean...WTF? Sit out all year and then announce you are leaving right before spring signing period? I don't get it. The revolving door continues at Iowa...and it sucks. Cully isn't great, but he is going to be better than pretty much anyone we can bring in this late besides Carter (and the competition for him is brutal). He would have played significant minutes for us next year....we needed him.
Is it?? How many people on this board were talking about wishing there were three scholarships to hand out this signing period. Now there are. I know it's not the opening people were talking about, but it is one. With a staff that is just entering its second year, I was kind of surprised that there wasn't a transfer prior to now. And, I'm glad he decided now and not two weeks from now. I'd like to see 3 of these 4: Olesani, Katenda, Hubbard, Carter. Go get em, Fran!
I don't see how this is a huge blow. Last year Fran brought Cartwright in with a small window in which to recruit and he is obviously better than Cully.

I like the idea of getting Fran's guys in ASAP.
I really don't think that big of a deal, but I was never high on Cully.

Iowa was clearly going after a PG anyway, but now Iowa has the flexibility to take a wing- say Katenda or Hubbard, in addition to a big and a PG.

This is only a big deal if Iowa strikes out.
Total guess but maybe he asked for his release a while ago and was just notified that it was clear?

I think it is a big loss just because we are so thin at PG. We now have 1 pg if we get 1 pg recruit we are in the same position as last year. We can't have anyone getting injured.

Before I would have been okay with Washpun but I don't think we can rely on him for 15 mpg so it puts more pressure on getting another top pg recruit who can immediately contribute.
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I agree that it puts the pg position in serious trouble IF they don't get a solid pg to replace him this fall. I was just trying to play a little devils advocate with what others have been posting about the recruiting.
Agree. I liked Cully, thought he would thrive in McCaffrey's system, but that being said, his return to the lineup wasn't going to be the type of talent infusion we need to take the next step. Ideally we need a big, a slasher and a combo guard. I would like to see Dillard's son in the mix, possibly as a walk on to give us depth at the guard spot, without using a scholarship on him this year.

I don't think Payne would leave if he didn't feel his PT was going to be drastically reduced, so maybe there is a soft commit out there. Not sure why, but I think Dillard's son is in the mix.
Total guess but maybe he asked for his release a while ago and was just notified that it was clear?

I think it is a big loss just because we are so thin at PG. We now have 1 pg if we get 1 pg recruit we are in the same position as last year. We can't have anyone getting injured.

Before I would have been okay with Washpun but I don't think we can rely on him for 15 mpg so it puts more pressure on getting another top pg recruit who can immediately contribute.

on TOS guys are speculating that he was set on leaving awhile ago. Fran tried to take the bullet for him by giving him the recruiting reason for leaving... Don't know that I agree, but anything is possible. And it's possible that we'll never know
This is/could be a very big blow. Had Archie decided to move on (the opening everybody was talking about), assuming we got both Katenda and Olaseni, that made getting a PG in this class more of a luxury. Now it is an urgent need, our #1 priority. It really shifts gears in recruiting now.
Sucks to lose him, but I would hardly call it a huge blow. Fran and staff have identified and offered multiple guards including Jackson, Carter and Hubbard as well as big men in Olaseni and Katenda. If we could somehow round out the class with Olaseni and Katenda plus Jackson/Carter/Hubbard we would be more than fine for next year.
Sucks to lose him, but I would hardly call it a huge blow. Fran and staff have identified and offered multiple guards including Jackson, Carter and Hubbard as well as big men in Olaseni and Katenda. If we could somehow round out the class with Olaseni and Katenda plus Jackson/Carter/Hubbard we would be more than fine for next year.

Agreed. I was on record after his sports hernia was diagnosed as opining he probably had played his last game as a Hawkeye and seemed like a good candidate for transfer with Cartwright emerging and Marble able to play the point in a pinch. I'm not sure Cully would have seen much playing time this coming year and I also wonder how well his body would have held up to the rigors of Big Ten basketball.

It would be nice to have him as a backup. But if Fran & Staff can land another PG we'll be fine. Honestly, this should advance the process of Fran getting his players and turning around the program.
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Sucks to lose him, but I would hardly call it a huge blow. Fran and staff have identified and offered multiple guards including Jackson, Carter and Hubbard as well as big men in Olaseni and Katenda. If we could somehow round out the class with Olaseni and Katenda plus Jackson/Carter/Hubbard we would be more than fine for next year.

Identifying/offering and signing are two very different things. With Cully now on his way out, we HAVE to sign a PG in this class, where before it was more of a back burner need (would be really nice, but not imperative). This is a big blow, especially since it has appeared that we fell behind for Carter when we devoted so much effort to Cezar.

Can we get another PG like Carter and be better? Sure. But if we can't get anybody, then we're in trouble.
Cully can see the writing on the wall-we have one, perhaps two new point gurads coming in for next year! He is aware!
No. Fran has been recruiting pgs all along as if cully was not going to be here. I was always confused about why we were going after pgs, but now it is clear that Fran saw this coming. It is only a real blow if we cannot get a decent pg to sign.

I have nothing against Cully,but we need to turn over this roster ASAP anyway. This pushes that process along.
Identifying/offering and signing are two very different things. With Cully now on his way out, we HAVE to sign a PG in this class, where before it was more of a back burner need (would be really nice, but not imperative). This is a big blow, especially since it has appeared that we fell behind for Carter when we devoted so much effort to Cezar.

Can we get another PG like Carter and be better? Sure. But if we can't get anybody, then we're in trouble.

But Fran has not been recruiting PG's as a back burner issue. No, it has very much been front burner. So, even though you didn't see it as an urgent priority, he did.

Now, I was in your camp. The whole dire focus on Cezar made me wonder If Cully was no longer in the picture. Also, when Fran clearly stated, at the end of the season that Bryce had earned the right to start this season, I stated that such a comment translated to Cully is NOT my PG. Just seemed the Graffiti was on the wall.

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