Cubs Trade for Garza

I don't like giving up prospects for a guy who probably isn't going to put us into the playoffs.
the addition will mean next to nothing the loss of top prospects will hurt the organization

this is a b+ pitcher at best and we gave up our top pitcher prospects but others man im dissappointed this is a short term fix and not a good decision for the life of the cubs
the addition will mean next to nothing the loss of top prospects will hurt the organization

this is a b+ pitcher at best and we gave up our top pitcher prospects but others man im dissappointed this is a short term fix and not a good decision for the life of the cubs

I disagree, if we are signing him we are doing so with the intentions of signing him long term. This looks to be a move to keep the Cubs competitive next year, while building for a serious playoff run and spending spree when we unload a few of the bad contracts we have now.
I think its a great deal. With the way Z pitched after his suspension last year and throw in Dempster, Garza, Wells and maybe Cashner they look to have a formidable rotation. Can never have enough pitching.

Chicago Cubs are close to a trade for Tampa Bay Rays pitcher Matt Garza - ESPN Chicago

I was about to post this. I disagree with this trade honestly. They gave up a LOT. I think giving up Fuld was easy, I think that Archer could be good, but again not to worried about that. They gave up Guyer, who is the best minor leaguer they have (as the minor leagure of the year award). Hak Ju Lee was supposed to be a stud and was supposed to team up with Castro in a few years and make Castro move over to 2B. Chirinos, another trade I'm fine with, though he could be good.
The Archer, Guyer, and Lee deals baffle me and are just plain stupid.

Also, the rotation is now Big Z, Dempster, Garza, Silva, Wells, and you have Gorzellany, Cashner is going to be stuck in the pen now, but who do you move to the pen with him? I think you still need a Lefty presence in the rotation, Silva in the pen. Maybe another deal, but who the only possible contract to deal is Wells and Gorzellany's.

And does anyone know how long Garza's contract is.

I don't like this move by Hendry.
look at it like this we went from a non-contender with a top 10 farm club to a non-contender with a top 20 club

this is to put ppl in the seats
Castro is a lock at SS for years to come, Darwin Barney will play 2nd. Guyer is 24 years old, a little too old to be considered a hot prospect. The Archer guy may be the big loss... Depending on Garza's contract, I like the deal.
I'm not huge on the trade but I don't see how it's a farm destroying move at all. Lee and Archer are the big ones given up and while Lee is a defensive stud I don't see his bat being all that great and while Archer is pretty good he does seem to have enough control issues to make me ok with trading him. I just wish we got someone better than Garza in return.
I actually see both side of this. Yes the Cubs gave up a lot, but how many times have we watched them refuse to trade "top prospects" like Felix Pie, Corey Patterson, or Gary Scott (quite a few years earlier,) and they turn out to be marginal at best major leaguers. So to get someone that we know can pitch at the ML level and is young is good. On the other hand, I feel the Cubs gave up too many prospects for one guy.
I actually see both side of this. Yes the Cubs gave up a lot, but how many times have we watched them refuse to trade "top prospects" like Felix Pie, Corey Patterson, or Gary Scott (quite a few years earlier,) and they turn out to be marginal at best major leaguers. So to get someone that we know can pitch at the ML level and is young is good. On the other hand, I feel the Cubs gave up too many prospects for one guy.

couldn't have said it any better than this...
Just when I thought Hendry couldn't possibly F the cubs anymore, he does. Garza is a good number 2, but not an ace (which we are still missing). We gave up some of our best minor leaguers. Archer is going to be a stud. He had like a 2.41 era and 15 wins between A and AA last year, and also the minor league pitcher of the year. That Korean SS was said to be better than Castro. Good enough to move a great SS prospect in Castro to 2B. The Cubs are in baseball hell. Not good enough to win the series, not bad enough to get impact players like Strasburg or Harper. Although based on last years draft, even if he had the number 1 pick we would waste it on a division 2 pitcher that should have been drafted in the 3rd or 4th round at best. Ricketts grow a pair and clean house.
I love it when the Cubs give up so many future prospects! Clean out that farm system Cubbies! Hahaha....Go Cardinals!
We gave up way too much for Garza. He is an above-average pitcher at best. The only good thing is he should be entering his prime, which will hopefully translate into better numbers and consistency. But to give up that much young talent is ridiculous. If history tells us anything, Garza will probably give us 2-3 very good(not great) years which will then allow him to land some over-priced, super long contract that we will be stuck with as he declines after his prime.
junior lake>lee

archer is a good prospect...but just that, a prospect. not proven commodity.

still have have brett jackson too