Cub Offseason Moves/Rumors

Interesting read/find ssckelley. Particularly the line about Big Z having thrown his last pitch in Chicago. I was actually prepared to have him around for another season or have him join Ozzie in Miami. (I'd love to see him, and Ozzie for that matter, in those lovely new uniform.)

Can't really see Z waiving his no trade to go to KC, though. But maybe this means there is some interest out there?

By the much fun is Epstein having right now? Nearly free reign on reshaping the Cubs. Sounds like a dream job to me...
I am not too excited on anyone they have interviewed yet and that includes Maddux. Not sure what kind of angle Theo is going here but i'm not liking it so far.
Epstein and Hoyer are both stats guys. They need a manager who will listen to their input and put their philosophy in motion. Maddux might be the perfect fit for this. He can be molded into the type of manager this system will need and at the same time, understand how to successfully manage a pitching staff (not overwork certain arms, etc.)

It's been said that Maddux may also be able to sway Wilson to sign, just like Sveum might be able to sway Fielder.

Alomar, Jr. has an interview later this week, possibly just a technicality to appease Selig with equal opportunity candidates. Some want Dave Martinez thrown in the mix, but I still haven't heard if he is getting an interview.
Some news from today's interview with Maddux:

Maddux interviews with Cubs; Alomar on deck -

Some highlights:

On Z: "Heard he is a big teddy bear, maybe I'll just grab him and burp him."
On his impression of Theo and Hoyer: "I can't do an impression of them."
Media says a few times he gave them a "what the eff" sort of look.

I like this guy. And it is starting to sound like he's the guy.

Here's another article with opinion:
Mike Maddux? methods attractive to Cubs - Chicago Sun-Times
Maddux is the man I want, especially if Greg comes on board. I love his philosophy on pitching, the fact that he was a successful pitching coach is huge. I thought he did a great job handling the media yesterday.

But I also like former catchers as managers, we will see how Alomars interview goes. Alomar is already my 2nd choice if they are not able to get Maddux.

11/10/11 2:41 PM
There is strong sentiment in the Cubs offices that their best team in dugout will be Mike Maddux as MGR and Greg Maddux as P-CCH..FABULOUS

How utterly cool would that staff be?

And I read another article on ESPN that mentioned growing sentiment thinking Pujols may be wearing Cubbie blue. Surprising given what Epstein has said about players and their prime, but I suppose if they can convince AP to come over for a 3-5 yr deal I *might* be ok with it. (not that they'll ask my opinion)
There are a lot of rumors swirling around that Pujols is going to the Cubs. Unless they get him a 5 year deal with a crapload of option years this would seem to go against everything Epstein has been preaching.
Pujols is one of the few guys that have an instant impact on a franchise, however if you sign him for too long, you are pushing all in for the next few seasons and can expect to be bad during the back end of his deal (see Soriano deal.) The issue is I don't think the Cubs have a strong enough supporting cast to push all in with
I would be absolutely shocked if Epstein has not at least inquired to the Rays about speaking to Maddon. Have to go for the home run here and he is my #1 choice.
Maddon seems pretty happy in TB actually. some of his quotes have said things like being happy with everyone in the organization top to bottom, some things are larger than money, etc. Although enough money should be able to sway anyone. I'd like Maddon too, but I don't see him moving until after next season if at all.

I am surprised, however, that Martinez hasn't been getting calls. Maddon says he is ready to manage. I wonder if they are not allowing teams to talk to him because they might be concerned Maddon might leave after next season?
Ummm, wrong answer Sandy:

@BruceMiles2112: Alomar on stats: "I don't want to become a fantasy manager." #Cubs

and another tweet...apparently trying to out-funny Maddux??:

CarrieMuskat Carrie Muskat
Sandy Alomar Jr said he would "bring a stun gun" if he couldn't get Carlos Zambrano to listen. #Cubs have tried just about everything else
12 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

A few more rumblings out there too about Francona "really wanting" the Cubs job.
I can tell you right now after reading the Alomar press conference there is no way he gets the job. Epstein and Co are number crunchers and Alomar made it obvious he is not sold on the idea. Alomar will be one heck of a manager but this is not the right fit for him. I think they are down to either Francona or Maddux, hopefully they will have a decision by Monday. I would be thrilled with either one but I am crossing my fingers a little for Maddux.
Well, here we go ... again. At least he has to earn his way back, right?

Theo Epstein to give Carlos Zambrano chance to earn his way back to Chicago Cubs - ESPN Chicago

It's a long shot at best to see another team trying to take Big Z and his salary with the baggage he brings with it. My guess is that Theo has been shopping Z around, he found absolutely no takers, so he has no choice but to at least give him a chance. Dave Kaplan did say that the Ricketts gave Theo full authority to eat salary if it means putting together a more solid team. So I am assuming Theo is going to let Z at least try to earn his pay before dumping him and his millions he is owed.
I read a thread yesterday over at that someone had spotted Theo and Z having lunch and a meeting at Goose Island. It mentioned Z seemed a little nervous. I think at this point we can expect to see Z on the mound for the Cubs until his next blowup or retirement or whatever.

I also want to know what all the fans who wanted Sandberg for manager are thinking now that he was passed over in StL in favor of Matheny? I'm happy on a couple fronts there, that he isn't the Cub manager and that my favorite player growing up isn't the Cardinal manager.
Here's the thing, Zambrano has the skills to be one of the best pitchers in baseball IF he can ever get control of his emotions. I don't know what all he has to do to get another chance but it does not sound like Epstein just handed him his spot back. Zambrano has to be enjoying his paychecks and the only way he will ever get another fat paycheck is if he comes back and has a huge season. He has a clause that pays him $19.5 million in 2013 if he finishes in the top 4 Cy Young voting, he either needs to hit that or have a big enough year for teams to sign him to another contract. If Zambrano does either of these things next year without the blow up it can only help the Cubs. You have to pay him the money anyway so might as well see if the Cy Young talent can come out and play like it. If not then send his azzz back home and eat the rest of the year.

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