Cub Offseason Moves/Rumors

Is Mike Maddux a candidate for Cubs job? - Dallas Texas Rangers Blog - ESPN Dallas

Maddux sure intrigues me. No guarantees a pitching coach would make a good manager, but he's on a great staff in Texas. Plus, a manager who knows pitching would be good for a change. Possibility of adding his brother Greg as pitching coach is another rumor.

If that were true that would be awesome. Greg has forgot more about pitching (winning cy youngs) than anyone on the cubs staff will ever know.
For Manager

One of the Phillies coaches, Pete Mackanin, is being rumored as someone the Cubs will interview. The Cubs have also got permission to talk to Mike Maddux.

Dave Martinez is another name that keeps coming up but I have not heard if the Cubs are talking to him.

As far as pitching is concerned outside of CJ Wilson there is not much out there for big names. Evidently Epstein had a conversation with Zambrano yesterday which he was quoted as saying was "revealing". With Zambrano pitching in winter ball and being in the final year of his contract I would not be shocked to see him back in a Cubs uniform next season. You bring him in, have him make amends, and if he acts up again send him home as his career is basically over. Being a contract year though, one would think Zambrano would be motivated to get the job done next season. If the Cubs let him walk after next season then they would get another compensation pick out of the deal.

Another bit about Fielder that leads me to think the Cubs are not going after him. He is HORRIBLE defensively, if the Cubs are going to keep Castro at shortstop and you do not know what you are going to have at 3rd base then getting Fielder might not be a good idea.
For Manager

One of the Phillies coaches, Pete Mackanin, is being rumored as someone the Cubs will interview. The Cubs have also got permission to talk to Mike Maddux.

Dave Martinez is another name that keeps coming up but I have not heard if the Cubs are talking to him.

As far as pitching is concerned outside of CJ Wilson there is not much out there for big names. Evidently Epstein had a conversation with Zambrano yesterday which he was quoted as saying was "revealing". With Zambrano pitching in winter ball and being in the final year of his contract I would not be shocked to see him back in a Cubs uniform next season. You bring him in, have him make amends, and if he acts up again send him home as his career is basically over. Being a contract year though, one would think Zambrano would be motivated to get the job done next season. If the Cubs let him walk after next season then they would get another compensation pick out of the deal.

Another bit about Fielder that leads me to think the Cubs are not going after him. He is HORRIBLE defensively, if the Cubs are going to keep Castro at shortstop and you do not know what you are going to have at 3rd base then getting Fielder might not be a good idea.

Defense and his body type are the two biggest reasons that I've preferred Pujols to Fielder, even though Pujols is older. He just a better all-round player.
Maybe the Cubs should move Castro to 3rd, get Reyes and Fielder and call it good. There may be some minor issues like adding 2 $100 million + contracts and Reyes having a bit of an attitude problem, but that's okay, we need a dugout fight once every couple of years.
Maybe the Cubs should move Castro to 3rd, get Reyes and Fielder and call it good. There may be some minor issues like adding 2 $100 million + contracts and Reyes having a bit of an attitude problem, but that's okay, we need a dugout fight once every couple of years.

I definitely want nothing to do with Reyes. Injury-prone, and not the kind of mentality that I want on a team that's looking for cornerstones to build around. He's not that kind of player. Terrific talent, but not a leader, and not someone that you can count on to be out there consistently.
Reading some of the stuff in this thread makes my head hurt as a Cubs fan.

Bob Brenly?! Really?!? There is a reason he has been repeatedly passed over for managerial openings since he was fired in AZ. Keep him in the booth where he belongs. And don't go w/ the "but he won a WS in AZ!!!!" - he had Schilling and the Big Unit, with the Unit coming out of the pen in Game 7. I could have managed in that WS and won w/ those two.
Brandon Webb is done. He was with the Rangers last year, but his shoulder was still in AZ. If you're going to pay someone to be on the DL, you may as well bring Harden back. At least he will give you a start or two before getting hurt again.

The rotation will be a priority, as well it should be. Outside of Garza (who got bupkus for run support last year), the rotation is in shambles. Dempster is your innings eater, every rotation has one. It would be a great gift if Cashner secured a spot and remained healthy. Zambrano would be better off in another uniform, but few, if any, will want to take him off the Cubs hands. Wells belongs in Des Moines. I've never liked him. When his sinker isn't sinking, it is being hit for souvenirs.

Not knowing the financial parameters Jed and Theo will be afforded by Ricketts makes it difficult to know how they will attack the offseason. However, I'm guessing some of the following could (and very well may) happen:

1. One of the following is hired to be manager - Dale Sveum, Dave Martinez, Sandy Alomar, Mike Maddux. Personally, I'd like either Alomar or Maddux.

2. Address the rotation, pitching depth. It wouldn't surprise me to see CJ Wilson, Oswalt, Buehrle, Edwin Jackson in play. If they take a flyer, it may be on a guy like Harden, Scott Kazmir, Joel Piniero

3. Address 1b. They will more than likely kick the tires on Fielder. Introduce themselves to Pujols and tell him good luck getting paid, and advise him to leave the NL Central so they don't have to face him. Pena would like to come back, and Theo has a history with him, so don't be surprised to see him back in Wrigley next year. If Pena is gone, a lesser cost like DLee would be available.

4. Attempt to unload Soriano. (I, for one, would not touch Vernon Wells). Eat money, get whatever prospects you can in return, and move on. If not, support him and hope he continues to produce at the plate while acknowledging his defense will always be a liability. Hope to unload at trade deadline.

5. Figure out 3b. The Cubs don't have the minor league depth regarding prospects that it would take to deal for an already established 3b like Wright. Free agent class for 3b stinks, so you may be better off going w/ a platoon with the players currently in the system. LeMahieu isn't going to wow anyone, but he can make the plays there. Same with Flaherty. Only difference being Flaherty has more pop in his bat. Vitters is not ready, and will probably never be a 3b in the bigs.

6. Don't be shocked to see a bunch of minor league signings w/ invites to ST.

7. Move Marlon to RF (if he isn't dealt). Brett Jackson in CF next year. If Byrd is dealt and a signing is needed - please try to sign Josh Willingham. Sizemore may be young and still have a lot of upside, but he has the knees of a 60 year old.

8. I do agree with stormin that the rotation stinks. However, I think he is selling Garza short. Garza has the potential to be an ace. He was not bad for the most part last year. He got crap for run support in a lot of outings (and I fully acknowledge he imploded in others to the point where a 3rd grader could get a hit off him). But it was his first year in the NL. I think he will be much much better this season.

That's all I have time for right now. Feel free to tee off. I don't take it personally.
Good luck with that

CJ Wilson is the best FA pitcher available....yikes

Agreed. I did a little research on Webb over lunch, and he is in fact done. I didn't realize he was that hopeless. I don't know how this team can possibly be good with this pitching staff, but the Central is going to be weak next year. Just not sure it is THAT weak. I hope the farm can produce a miracle soon :eek:
Bob Brenly?! Really?!?

No, not really. At the time I posted I was just reaching for names. The managerial position is the #1 priority to get taken care of. There has been nothing linking the Cubs to interviewing Brenly. Dave Martinez & that Phillies bench coach are ones that have surfaced.

Wells belongs in Des Moines. I've never liked him. When his sinker isn't sinking, it is being hit for souvenirs.

I agreed with everything but this statement. Wells looked good when healthy, down the stretch he was the 2nd best pitcher on the staff after Garza. But I still think he is better suited on another team which is why I speculated him being traded to the Padres. The occasional sinker mistakes he throws do not end up as home runs in Petco as they do in Wrigley.

1. One of the following is hired to be manager - Dale Sveum, Dave Martinez, Sandy Alomar, Mike Maddux. Personally, I'd like either Alomar or Maddux.

I like some of those names. Sveum is being interviewed for the Red Sox and Alomar was rumored to be on the White Sox list of candidates I have not heard much else on him. I know Maddux is a pretty good pitching coach but does that translate into being a good manager? Also, would brother Greg tag along?

2. Address the rotation, pitching depth. It wouldn't surprise me to see CJ Wilson, Oswalt, Buehrle, Edwin Jackson in play. If they take a flyer, it may be on a guy like Harden, Scott Kazmir, Joel Piniero

CJ Wilson is going to take a TON of money to sign as he is the #1 pitcher on the market. I like the idea of inviting Kazmir & Sheets. Forget about the rest, there is no way the Sox would let Buehrle walk to the Cubs.

3. Address 1b. They will more than likely kick the tires on Fielder. Introduce themselves to Pujols and tell him good luck getting paid, and advise him to leave the NL Central so they don't have to face him. Pena would like to come back, and Theo has a history with him, so don't be surprised to see him back in Wrigley next year. If Pena is gone, a lesser cost like DLee would be available.

A month ago I was with you on Fielder but listening to Epstein talk I do not think they will commit long term money at a player like that. Plus it would give the Cubs the worst infield defensively. I like Fielder and Pujols going to another team outside our division. I like Pena also as he is good defensively, bats left handed, and gets on base. DLee would be a desperation move and if they went that route I think he would platoon with LaHair. DLee is not an everyday player anymore.

(I, for one, would not touch Vernon Wells)..

Why would you not touch Wells? He is a couple years younger and better defensively. Without a deal like this the Cubs will be stuck with Soriano.

5. Figure out 3b. The Cubs don't have the minor league depth regarding prospects that it would take to deal for an already established 3b like Wright. Free agent class for 3b stinks, so you may be better off going w/ a platoon with the players currently in the system. LeMahieu isn't going to wow anyone, but he can make the plays there. Same with Flaherty. Only difference being Flaherty has more pop in his bat. Vitters is not ready, and will probably never be a 3b in the bigs.

I don't think it would take much to trade for Wright. I would like LeMahieu's bat if it started at second base, not third base. His best role might be like a DeWitt/Baker coming off the bench playing different positions.

7. Move Marlon to RF (if he isn't dealt). Brett Jackson in CF next year. If Byrd is dealt and a signing is needed - please try to sign Josh Willingham. Sizemore may be young and still have a lot of upside, but he has the knees of a 60 year old.

I do not want them to rush Jackson, I think he needs 1 full year in Des Moines.

8. I do agree with stormin that the rotation stinks. However, I think he is selling Garza short. Garza has the potential to be an ace. He was not bad for the most part last year. He got crap for run support in a lot of outings (and I fully acknowledge he imploded in others to the point where a 3rd grader could get a hit off him). But it was his first year in the NL. I think he will be much much better this season.

I think Garza is capable of being our #1. But still a few holes in the rotation.
you are being too tough on wells. he is still somewhat young and he finished strong last year. hes a fine #5 when healthy.
I agree that Kershaw and Kemp are good targets. Both are young (Kershaw = 23 and Kemp = 27) and it will be interesting to see what the Dodgers will be able to do. They are now for sale, so let's see who buys them.

Let's hope to God it's not Cuban. Those two won't be going anywhere if he finally breaks through the doors of the gentlemen's club.
To ssckelley - all fair points. My thoughts on your thoughts -

1. Wells was better down the stretch. I just don't like the guy. Another point regarding these trades w/ SD. I wouldn't count on it, unless the Cubs overpaid for Headley. There seems to be a gentleman's agreement between Ricketts and Moorad that the Cubs will not raid SD, which is why you won't see Bud Black in the managerial search - who would have been an excellent candidate given Hoyer's comments regarding pitching. Now, that is not saying a trade wouldn't or couldn't happen, but if one does it would probably be the Cubs overpaying for a guy like Headley.

2. CJ Wilson is not going to get $100MM. He will probably be in the neighborhood of $75 - $80M. His ERA in the post season will more than likely prevent him from getting $100M+. In the ALDS, he sported a 10.80 ERA, whittled it down to 6.75 in the ALCS, and was good in the WS at 2.92. However, the first two series ERA's are alarming for a staff ace. I didn't say the Cubs would sign him, but he will be one of a handful of guys in play.

3. Again, I didn't say they were going to go all out to sign Fielder. But they will indeed kick the tires and have discussions with him. He is more likely than Pujols. Fielder doesn't turn 28 until next May, so even at 7 years you will have him until he is 34, 35. His body is the wild card. How will a body like that age, given the athleticism the guy has? If the FO doesn't feel that they have a guy in the minors who can take over 1b after next year, then this is the year to sign an established guy long term, as the FA crop next year stinks for 1b. I'm not at all sold on LaHair. I'm in the minority, but I see Micah Hoffpauir version 2.0 in him. Hopefully I'm wrong. I need to see him thrive against MLB pitching for an extended period to be sold. See how he does when advance scouts start breaking him down.

4. Wells may be younger and better defensively, but I don't believe that it is a trade worth making given what you lose on offense. Also, Soriano isn't terrible defensively. He's had more assists in 6 years in the OF (72) than Wells has had in his 13 year OF career (65). Soriano is much better with the stick, so while Wells will probably be more consistent in the field, IMO his bat is a larger liability than Soriano's defense (hopefully that makes sense, it did in my head as I was typing it). That and he is more expensive than Soriano over the final 3 years of his deal - ($18M for Soriano to $21M for Vernon).

5. With Reyes gone, Wright will be the face of the franchise (w/ Santana). If Sandy Alderson is going to trade David Wright, he is going to want a bounty. Something that will help the Mets in the very near future. The Cubs don't have the prospect depth to do that I don't believe.

6. I don't want Jackson rushed either, but I think he wins the job outright in spring training. If he's earned it, play the kid. The same was said about Castro, and he made the jump from AA to Chicago pretty easily.
CJ had a bad post season but look at his numbers from the regular season. Those are ace numbers. As a rare Hawkeye/Angels fan, I am hoping my Halos go after CJ to pair with Weaver, Haren, and Santana.

This Soriano for V. Wells deals is intriguing. Wells is a great club house guy (Cubs could use some of that) and although he does not produce 21m value, he did finish the season strong and had numbers similar to Soriano (who also did not produce to his pay). I think most Halo fans would balk at this deal because they do not like Soriano from his Texas and Yankee days, but I would pull the trigger on that.

Any chance he could slide back to 2B for either of us? His -12 UZR150 isn't terrible for those kind of numbers at 2B.
CJ had a bad post season but look at his numbers from the regular season. Those are ace numbers. As a rare Hawkeye/Angels fan, I am hoping my Halos go after CJ to pair with Weaver, Haren, and Santana.

This Soriano for V. Wells deals is intriguing. Wells is a great club house guy (Cubs could use some of that) and although he does not produce 21m value, he did finish the season strong and had numbers similar to Soriano (who also did not produce to his pay). I think most Halo fans would balk at this deal because they do not like Soriano from his Texas and Yankee days, but I would pull the trigger on that.

Any chance he could slide back to 2B for either of us? His -12 UZR150 isn't terrible for those kind of numbers at 2B.

An ace performs in the postseason. He's given up 10 HR in 10 postseason appearances.

I think he's a damn good #2, but he's not proven to me that he's an ace yet. And he's 30 years old, so his window for proving that is going to start closing soon.
Let's hope to God it's not Cuban. Those two won't be going anywhere if he finally breaks through the doors of the gentlemen's club.

Cuban will never own an MLB team, his best chance was probably last year when he was able to bid on the Rangers in bankruptcy court.
1. Wells was better down the stretch. I just don't like the guy. Another point regarding these trades w/ SD. I wouldn't count on it, unless the Cubs overpaid for Headley. There seems to be a gentleman's agreement between Ricketts and Moorad that the Cubs will not raid SD, which is why you won't see Bud Black in the managerial search - who would have been an excellent candidate given Hoyer's comments regarding pitching. Now, that is not saying a trade wouldn't or couldn't happen, but if one does it would probably be the Cubs overpaying for a guy like Headley.

Interesting, I have not heard of this. But you sure this agreement isn't just to keep the Cubs from poaching staff? You make trades where it benefits both teams I cannot see there being an agreement not to make trades with each other. The Padres have other 3rd basemen and they have a couple of prospects coming up. Even though Headley is only arbitration eligible, he will still start getting expensive.

2. CJ Wilson is not going to get $100MM. He will probably be in the neighborhood of $75 - $80M. His ERA in the post season will more than likely prevent him from getting $100M+. In the ALDS, he sported a 10.80 ERA, whittled it down to 6.75 in the ALCS, and was good in the WS at 2.92. However, the first two series ERA's are alarming for a staff ace. I didn't say the Cubs would sign him, but he will be one of a handful of guys in play.

With CJ being the top free agent pitcher on the market I think a team is going to over spend for him. That is just my opinion. If the Cubs landed Maddux as manager perhaps it would give them an edge with CJ.

I'm not at all sold on LaHair. I'm in the minority, but I see Micah Hoffpauir version 2.0 in him. Hopefully I'm wrong. I need to see him thrive against MLB pitching for an extended period to be sold. See how he does when advance scouts start breaking him down.

I am not completely sold on him either but I think he has earned a chance in Spring Training. The problems LaHair had was hitting the breaking ball and he has came a long ways since his days in the Mariners system. A big lefthanded power hitter comes in handy even if it is in a platoon role or off the bench. If the Cubs are stuck with Soriano next year I could see LaHair platooning with him in left field.

4. Wells may be younger and better defensively, but I don't believe that it is a trade worth making given what you lose on offense. Also, Soriano isn't terrible defensively. He's had more assists in 6 years in the OF (72) than Wells has had in his 13 year OF career (65). Soriano is much better with the stick, so while Wells will probably be more consistent in the field, IMO his bat is a larger liability than Soriano's defense (hopefully that makes sense, it did in my head as I was typing it). That and he is more expensive than Soriano over the final 3 years of his deal - ($18M for Soriano to $21M for Vernon).

This I will disagree with you. Soriano is a horrible fielder and his batting statistics are not better than Wells. Wells is a 3 time Golden Glove winner and is 3 years younger than Soriano. I would say their batting stats mirror each other the past 3 years.

5. With Reyes gone, Wright will be the face of the franchise (w/ Santana). If Sandy Alderson is going to trade David Wright, he is going to want a bounty. Something that will help the Mets in the very near future. The Cubs don't have the prospect depth to do that I don't believe.

Wright is rumored to be on the trading block. The Mets are not even close to being able to compete in the NL East. I do not think they will make Wright the face of the franchise after the season he had last year.

6. I don't want Jackson rushed either, but I think he wins the job outright in spring training. If he's earned it, play the kid. The same was said about Castro, and he made the jump from AA to Chicago pretty easily.

I agree, if he wins the job in spring training then he deserves it.
I'd shop Soto around too. He is the worst with RISP. He is too fat to be a good catcher. I've never seen someone strike out looking as much as he does. He is a waste.

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