Could Cully Payne be transferring???

It sounds like he was asked to leave. Most people on here know very little about who Fran is recruiting or where we stand with them. Time to chill.
For me, it is actually excitement. Cully was a fine player. But the future is where the Hawks need to be headed. The quicker the roster can turn over, the better.
I'll give props to Ryno on this. He called it a few months ago, I didn't think there was a chance. Then after the Tweet came out, he called it again and I dismissed it. As off the wall as Ryno can be sometimes on his posts and Tweets, this time he was right.

Thanks Stormin for the props. I admit I can be a little off the wall and have in the past but have cleaned up my act except with the delusional Cyclone fans on here. I mentioned it back then because personally I felt like he was kind of forgotten and with all the talk about recruiting and needing another PG that the writing was on the wall. Then while talking to Jeff Horner back in January about it, he said he was pretty sure Payne wasn't coming back next season. Considering he played the same position at the same school he probably thought like him too and could tell it wasn't going to work, I took that as validation. Just didn't want to say anything on here until more concrete. Think had he not had the injury, he'd be around next season.
Cannot resist...Stormin, that had to be awefully hard! Sorry Ryno, but I do agree that I too dismissed your prediction.

No hard feelings, I understand. I am really trying to do better and think I have done so. However, please do not dismiss my non-sense toward Cyclone fans on here as who I am. Just enjoy getting on their nerve.
No hard feelings, I understand. I am really trying to do better and think I have done so. However, please do not dismiss my non-sense toward Cyclone fans on here as who I am. Just enjoy getting on their nerve.

1 out of 43 predictions isnt too shabby.