Could Colvin pull a Haluska?

Re: Colvin To Iowa City

NO! Dont do it Fran!

Yeah Fran don't do it! Don't get a top 100 talent of a PG to come in! Don't get a guy that would start for you in 2 years! Don't get a guy who is athletic, quick, and a really good passer!

heavy sarcasm

Could this be Adam Haluska part 2? Who knows. I would assume Fran has interest in Chris. Most should. The kid is a big talent
Re: Colvin To Iowa City

It makes sense to me. He is close to home and would play in IL each year. He will be a damn good guard for someone.
Re: Colvin To Iowa City

Advocating taking on a player that received an indefinite suspension for walking out of a team meeting (allegedly)? Really - we want that kind of player on our team? Really?
Re: Colvin To Iowa City

Advocating taking on a player that received an indefinite suspension for walking out of a team meeting (allegedly)? Really - we want that kind of player on our team? Really?
I reserve the right to refuse judgment based solely on how McDermott treated Wesley Johnson.
Re: Colvin To Iowa City

I reserve the right to refuse judgment based solely on how McDermott treated Wesley Johnson.

This. A better and more personable coach could do Colvin wonders. Any coach that would run off a player like Johnson has to be out of their mind.
Re: Colvin To Iowa City

If this happened I guess it would match the types of whispers I have been hearing, but in a totally unexpected way.
Re: Colvin To Iowa City

Couldn't Pollard specifically exclude Iowa from the release?

Yes, Iowa State could give Colvin a list of teams he can't go to, in exchange for his release. They did that to Johnson as well.

Edit: Not sure if excluding teams is just from inside your conference or not though...I don't remember who all was on the Wesley Johnson list.
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Iowa State typically does not allow a player to transfer to a fellow Big 12 school or rival school (Iowa).

That's with the all out release. Colvin could still come here, but he would have to sit a year. If the school lets you go unconditionally and lets you off the hook, I believe you can play immediately. But very few schools do that.
That's with the all out release. Colvin could still come here, but he would have to sit a year. If the school lets you go unconditionally and lets you off the hook, I believe you can play immediately. But very few schools do that.

Not true....1 year no matter what. If ISU excludes Iowa then he has to sit 2 years (one redshirt and burn one year of eligibility)....he's not going to do that.
A player can transfer anywhere they want,altho in the Big Ten we have rules that require a player transferring within the league means they cannot qualify for a scholly and must pay their own way. A transfer has to sit out a year unless a hardship case like Tyler Smith or Jake Kelly can be made,which is often made easier if the school they are leaving supports the transfer,like Iowa did with those two guys.
Also, not (exactly) true. The NCAA could rule you a hardship case, ala Tyler Smith and Jake Kelly. However, I see nothing in Colvin's case that would indicate he would be a candidate for hardship waiver.

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